An Extraordinary Parcel
Mr George Lusk of Alderney-road, Globe-road, Mile-end, has received several letters purporting to be from the perpetrator of the Whitechapel murders, but, believing them to have been hoaxes, he has disregarded them. A letter delivered on Tuesday evening was accompanied by a cardboard box containing what appeared to be a portion of kidney. This was taken to Dr Openshaw, who is pathological curator of the London Hospital Museum, and he pronounced it to be a portion of human kidney - one that had belonged to a person who had drunk heavily. He was further of the opinion that it was the organ of a woman of about forty-five years of age, and that it had been taken from the body within the last three weeks. It will be recollected that the left kidney was missing from the woman Eddowes, who was murdered in Mitre-square. Mr Lusk took the parcel yesterday to Scotland-yard, but the police authorities there referred him to the detectives at Leman-street. At the latter place the officer who is directing inquiries took down Mr Lusk's statement, and the box and its contents were left in the care of the police pending further investigation. Mr Lusk states that a day or two before receiving the box he had sent him a post-card, which he now considers of sufficient importance to make public. It is in the following words:-
"Say Boss - You seen rare frightened. Guess I'd give you fits, but can't stop time enough to let you box of toys play copper games with me, but hope to see you when I don't hurry too much. - Good-bye, Boss. - Mr Lusk, Head Vigilance Committee, Alderney-street, Mile-end".
The letter and postcard are in the hands of the police.