Saturday, 20 October 1888
THE memorial, signed by upwards of two hundred traders of Whitechapel, asking for an increase of the police in that locality, has been sent to the Home Secretary through Mr. S. Montagu, M.P. Sir C. Warren has issued a memorandum thanking those of the inhabitants of Whitechapel who have, by their co-operation with the police, enabled a house-to-house search in certain districts to be made, with a view to discover the perpetrator of the recent murders. Prebendary Harry Jones (for many years rector of St. George's-in-the-East) says: "Many of the inhabitants have often been evil spoken of, but I speak of them as I have found them, and on the whole they are industrious and respectable."
MR. LUSK (of the Whitechapel Vigilance committee) has received a parcel containing a portion of a human kidney, with a letter dated from an unmentionable place, and signed, "Catch Me When You Can." It has been handed over to the City police. Dr. Brown will report on it. There is no foundation for the statement that the City police captured an American in Bermondsey. With the exception of the drunken fellow under remand at the Guildhall on his own confession, no one is under arrest.