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Francis Tumblety's Grave

Contributed by Bev Willard

The cemetary is quite impressive, very large covering several acres sitting on both sides of Lake Avenue. The cemetary was so large in fact that we saw deer grazing amongst the graves! The entrance to the cemetary seemed very appropriate for Dr. Tumblety -- large Victorian gateway with lots of wrought iron and a small castle-like structure just beyond some offices with turrets of stonework. I had to wonder if this wasn't something like what he might have seen or lived near during his time in London.

Dr. Tumblety's grave is located in the middle of Section 13 and is in quite good shape for the age of that section -- workers there told us that this section is one of the original areas and the cemetary has kind of expanded around it. You will notice in the one picture that the name on the headstone is "Tumuelty" -- all family members share this misspelling, if in fact it is an error. The inscription above Francis's name reads "Requiescat In Pace." His brother Lawrence is buried in this plot along with a James Tumblety and his wife Margaret. According to the book by Evans and Gainey, Francis's older brother was Patrick, although he did have a sister named Margaret so I am not clear as to who is who -- if this is his sister and brother-in-law or the other way around.

Tumbletyland... there are no rides or arcades but lots to see and imagine!

Update -- October 9th, 1998
From: Roy Thurston
President, Rochester Genealogical Society, Inc.

Regarding your Casebook which was contributed by Bev Willard, I would like to offer some corrections.

In the second paragraph Ms Willard states 'You will notice in the one picture that the name on the headstone is "Tumuelty"-- all family members share this mispelling, if in fact it is an error'

This is not an error. Their name was spelled many different ways as were most people's names at that time. The only mispelling that I can see is Ms Willard's spelling of cemetery.

All the spellings below,are exactly as they appear in the listed references.

The first mention of the family in Rochester NY is in the 1844 Rochester City Directory where his brother is listed as:

	Lawrence TUMUELTY b.(board) cor S.Sophia and Clarissa

1848/49 Rochester City Directory:
	Patrick TUMIALTY, fireman, Gas Works, b.Rapids
	Lawrence TUMIALTY, gardener last h. S.Sophia
	James TUMILTY, last h. S.Sophia    
1850 Federal Census Rochester NY 8th Ward  25 28
LDS film	Margaret TUMATHY   62		Ireland
0017107		Lawrence   "       29  Gardener	   "
		Ann        "       22		   "
		Francis    "       19  Labourer    "
1850 Federal Census Rochester NY  5th ward  512  500
LDS Film	Pat TUMILTY	27   Laborer	Ireland
		Mary  "		27	           "

Evidently the 1850 census was never researched by Evans and Gainey or they would not have stated that "Francis was born as near as can be at present acertained, in 1833, in Canada".

I believe that Francis was born between June 1830 and June 1831, in Ireland.

1851/52 Rochster City Directory:
	Patrick TUMIALTY, fireman gas works, h. 6 Andrews
	Lawrence TUMILTY, gardener, h. S.Sophia near Flint
	Franklin TUMILTY, peddler. b. S. Sophia near Flint
	Margaret TUMILTY, Mrs. widow b. S.Sophia near Flint

This is the last mention, in any records that I have found to date, of Francis living in Rochester NY.

1855/56 Rochester City Directory:
	Patrick W. TUMELTY, gas works, h. Orange
1857/58 Rochester City Directory:
	Patrick TUMILTY, laborer gas works, h. Orange
Rochester Union and Advertiser 3-1:
11 March 1858   "The celebrated Dr.TUMBLETY arrived in this city today"
           (beginning of an article in a local newspaper)       

s is the first indication of the name spelled TUMBLETY and it is the way that Francis spelled it when he was not spelling it BLACKBURN or TWOMBLETY or TUMBETY or TOWNSEND

Rochester Union and Advertiser 2-2 20 September 1858 " Patrick TUMBLETY, accidental death, Plymouth Avenue and Germaine Street, near the Rapids......."

and on and on..... The name was spelled many different ways.

In the Casebook: The Tumblety Grave, Ms Willard states " His brother Lawrence is buried in this plot along with a James TUMBLETY and his wife Margaret. according to the book by Evans and Gainey, Francis' older brother was Patrick, although he did have a sister named Margaret, so I am not clear as to who is who--if this is his sister and brother-in-law or the other way around"

Well Bev, this is neither his sister or brother-in-law. James and Margaret are his mother and father. It should have been obvious from the ages. The inscription on the family memorial in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery states:

		James TUMUELTY, 7 May 1851, 74 yrs
		Margaret TUMUELTY, 27 May 1873. 87 yrs
		Lawrence TUMUELTY, 14 February 1898, 79 yrs
		Dr.Francis TUMUELTY, 28 May 1903, 73 yrs

His sister Margaret, by the way, was married to a KELLY.

Patrick's son James and family are also buried in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. Their inscriptions reads:

		James P. TUMILTY, 1851-1911
		Mary J. TUMILTY, 1851-1928
		Geraldine E. TUMILTY, 1883-1908
		Edmond O. TUMILTY, 1889-1937
		Patrick J. TUMILTY
		Battery G
		6 D.S. Art'l	
		Died 2 Nov 1912
		Age 37 yrs

The cemetery has no record of burial for Patrick or his wife Mary

The stone for Francis and family and the stone for Patrick's son James and family are identical and look the same age. I assume that they were erected by James' family in either the 1928 or 1937.

These corrections are respectfully submitted.

Roy Thurston
President, Rochester Genealogical Society, Inc.


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       Press Reports: Chicago Tribune - 22 November 1888 
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       Press Reports: Vallejo Chronicle - 20 November 1888 
       Press Reports: Vanity Fair - 3 August 1861 
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       Press Reports: Washington Post - 19 November 1890 
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       Press Reports: Washington Post - 22 April 1891 
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       Victorian London: Batty Street 
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