New York, USA
8 May 1865
Arrest of the Indian Herb Doctor -- He is Charged with Being an Accomplice to Booth and Herold.
On Thursday last, the EAGLE published from what it knew to be a reliable source, an account of the strange fact, that the notorious Harold, the accomplice of Booth in his infamous crimes, and his partner in his subsequent fatal flight, was a personage well known in this city from his connection with the "Indian Herb Doctor," with whom he came here about a year ago, in the role of valet, and his appearance, as well as his master, created considerable remark among the denizens of Fulton street, particularly the tailors, milliners and dressmakers, by the boldness with which they defied public opinion in the original cut and color of the habiliments in which they arrayed themselves, and the regularity with which two or three times a day they promenaded Fulton street, in company with a huge greyhound. Our "Sleepy Hollow" contemporary, as usual, was badly beaten, and knew nothing of the matter until it came to steal its daily allowance of fresh news from the EAGLE, and to make up for its stupidity, on the following day paid a compliment to the intelligence of its readers by stating that the story had no foundation in fact. The following telegram confirms the truth of the intelligence which was published in the EAGLE four days in advance of all its co[n]temporaries:
St. Louis, Saturday, May 6.
J. H. Blackburn, alias Dr. Tumblety, charged with complicity with Harold in the assassination and conspiracy, was arrested here to- day in accordance with orders from the War Department.