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Evening Star (Washington, D.C.)
Wednesday, 21 November 1888


He Attempts to Butcher Another Woman, But She Fights Him Off.

LONDON, Nov. 21.-Great excitement was occasioned this morning when it was reported that another woman had been murdered and mutilated in Whitechapel. The police immediately formed a cordon around the premises, and an enormous (sic) crowd soon gathered. It was learned that another murder had been attempted upon a low woman by a man who had accompanied her to her lodgings, but that in this instance his work had been frustrated.


According to the woman's story the man had seized her and struck her once in the throat with a knife. She had struggled desperately, and had succeeded in freeing herself from the man's grasp and had screamed for help. Her cries had alarmed the man and he had fled without attempting any further violence.


Some of the neighbors who had heard the woman's screams followed the murderer for about three hundred yards, when he disappeared from their sight. The woman says she is fully able to identify the man, and gave a description of him to the police. The police are hopeful of soon capturing him.


After investigation of the facts the police are of opinion that the attempted murder in Whitechapel this morning was not the work of the man who committed the atrocious murders in that vicinity recently. No arrest has been made. The excitement among the people continues.

Dr. Tumblety and Isaac Golliday

To the Editor of THE EVENING STAR:

My attention was directed to an article in your paper of yesterday (Tuesday, November 20), regarding the arrest of Dr. Tumblety in London on suspicion of being connected with the Whitechapel murders. The notice revived sad memories of the mysterious disappearance of young Isaac Golliday, whom I had known from childhood, and who visited my house up to the time of his singular disappearance. He often spoke of Dr. Tumblety, and some one told me his father, Frederick Golliday, had tried to break up the friendship between his son and Dr. Tumblety, as he had a bad opinion of him. If I have been correctly informed, Isaac Golliday left his father's boarding-house after dark and was never seen or head of since. The last conversation I had with his father he had no clue as to his whereabouts. As Dr. Tumblety was not seen in Washington after Isaac Golliday's disappearance from home, it was hoped by his friends he had gone to Europe with the doctor and might possibly return. At the time of his disappearance he had about $100 in money and a watch valued at $180. Isaac Golliday was a nephew of ex-Congressmen Jacob and Edward Golliday of Kentucky.


The Whitechapel Sensation

It is impossible to describe the sensation created by the rumor this morning of another murder in Spitalfields within a stone's throw of the last tragedy. The accounts as yet are conflicting.

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       Victorian London: Batty Street