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New York World (U.S.A.)
5 December 1888


The Notorious Man Furnished Him with Money to Buy Out a Partnership in a New York Firm After Their Relations were Severed - He Says the Doctor is the Best Friend He Ever Had.

Martin H. McGarry, a young New York business man who says he owes everything he has to "Dr. Tumblety's kindness, talks freely of the past life of the notorious man. He was engaged in the Doctor's service in 1882, and for a long time accopanied him on his travels, living with him constantly and being his constant companion.

Mrs. McNamara was kept busy yesterday answering the bell at No. 79 East Tenth street, and telling all who came that Dr. Tumblety, the notorious man accused of being connected with the Whitechapel attrocities, was not there, and that she had no idea when he would be there. Among those who rang the bell was a young man with a smooth-shaven face and a strong athletic-looking figure, who appeared very anxious to see the Doctor. The young man gave his name as Martin H. McGarry, and said he was of the firm of Caffrey & McGarry, who are in the electric bell, burglar-alarm and speaking-tube business, No. 274 East Broadway. He was put off like everybody else and informed that he could not see the Doctor. Then he told THE WORLD reporter what he knew about him.

"In the first place, said he, "the Doctor's name is Thomas F. Tumblety, and he is not a herb doctor any more than I am a street contractor. It was July 1882, that I applied for work at No. 7 University Place. I saw a big, fine-looking man standing on the stoop. He had on a braided English smoking jacket, black-striped trousers, Oxford ties and a peaked cap. He told me there was no work for me in the house, but if I wanted to work he would give me a trial. I asked him what he wished me to do, and he said he was in need of a traveling companion. We walked upstairs to his room, and he told me all about himself, and I afterwards found it was true.

"He was born near Dublin, Ireland, in 1835, and was the son of a wealthy Irish gentleman. He was educated at the University of Dublin, where he graduated, as he showed by his diploma. He then studied medicine in Dublin and got another diploma, which he also showed me. In 1853 he left Ireland for America, landing in New York. Here he studied surgery, and when the war broke out he was an army surgeon. He showed me his honorable discharge from the army, and a number of personal letters from General Grant speaking of his efficiency and good conduct. About this time his father died and left him a big lot of money. I don't know how much, but it kept him from having to do anything for a living.

"He took a liking to me, and that day I was employed by him. My duties were not hard. I was always to be near him. He got up at 11 o'clock when he would usually send out his jug for a pint of old ale. He breakfasted in the house and then walked around town. Usually he went up to the Morton House, where he pointed out the actors to me and told me who they were and what they did. Sometimes in the afternoons we would drop in to the matinees. In the evenings we would stay at home generally. After we had been in New York a while he said we were to go to Niagara Falls. We stopped at a French hotel where everybody knew the doctor and seemed glad to see him. He showed me about, and after a short time grew tired of the place and we started to Rochester.

"After we saw everything about Rochester we went to Saratoga. The Doctor took rooms at No. 151 Congress street. It was the finest suite of rooms at the Springs; there was nothing at the Grand Union that could approach them. We stayed there two months and enjoyed life. He was very kind to me and sent my people presents. We came back to New York, where we spent the Winter. He had nothing to do but amuse himself, and he used to walk about town, ride, and drive through the Park, and read to me and have me read to him. He kept everything that was said about him in the newspapers. He had no associates or companions but me, and sometimes for days I would be the only one he would talk to.

"After a trip to Rome N.Y. we returned to New York and went to the Hygeia Hotel on Laight street, although the Doctor still kept his rooms on University Place. He took the front parlor room and I went back to my folk, No. 300 Henry street. Although I was not boarding with him he sent the money he would have paid for my board in a package with my salary to my people.

"One day he told me he wanted to see Boston, and off we started for Boston, and then visited New Haven and Philadelphia, when we stopped at the Girard Hotel in Philadelphia. It took us three weeks to see the sights in Philadelphia. The Doctor showed me everything. We came back to New York and the Doctor took it in his mind to go to Glasgow. I wouldn't go with him and he went alone. He was back in a month, and went to Mrs. McNamara's No. 79 East Tenth street to live. He telegraphed for me to come there and I lived with him for three weeks. We knocked about New York during that time and he then persuaded me to go to Queenstown with him. When we got there we went to Dublin and then after a week to Inniskillen Falls.

"When we came back to New York my uncle M. O'Brian, a produce merchant, No. 209 Washington street, said I could not roam around any more, but I must stay at home with my sisters. I worked as a shipping clerk for my uncle, and the Doctor used to come to see me very often. While I was with the Doctor I saved $1,250 and he put $750 more to it and I bought out Mr. Kramer, who ran the business I am now running. All I have I owe to the Doctor, and I think he is the best friend I ever had."

When asked about Dr. Tumblety's aversion to women, McGarry said: "He always disliked women very much. He used to say to me: 'Martin, no women for me.' He could not bear to have them near him. He thought all women were impostors, and he often said that all the trouble in this world was caused by women."

Mrs. McNamara sat all day long behind the curtains of the front window, watching those who tried to get in. She received several messages sent to the Doctor. McGarry said that Tumblety had not left his room since Sunday afternoon.

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       Official Documents: The Littlechild Letter 
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       Press Reports: Atchison Daily Globe - 15 December 1888 
       Press Reports: Atlanta Constitution - 21 November 1888 
       Press Reports: Boston Medical and Surgical Journal 
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