Ontario, Canada
26 November 1858
The time has come that all who can escape the iron grasp of Mercury, and other mineral poisons, by calling without delay to see the well known and justly celebrated Indian Herb Doctor F. TUMBLETY, who will administer those only true and safe medicines from Nature's garden, which has for its author the Great and All Wise Physician above.
The following diseases can be cured by Dr. Tumblety in the most obstinate stage of their existence viz ., Diseases of the Lungs, Heart, Liver, and Throat. Also, Dyspepsia, Dropsy, and all Diseases of the Blood, such as Scrofula, Erysipelas, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, and all other Chronic complaints of years standing.
Persons residing at a distance wishing to consult the Doctor, can do so by letter, post paid, enclosing One Dollar, if they wish for an answer. All letters of this nature will receive immediate attention, and such advice given as can be depended upon.
P.S.:- The Doctor will also give particular attention to all diseases peculiar to Females and Children.
N.B.:- Medicines put up in a neat and compact form can be sent free from damage or curiosity by express for a trifling sum to any part of the world, accompanied by full and plain directions for use, thus allowing persons in the interior and more distant parts of the Province to receive a safe and successful course of treatment without the expense and trouble of visiting the City.
All letters should be directed in a plain bold hand to the Indian Herb Doctor, F. TUMBLETY, Toronto, C. W.