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A woman of about 40, named Postlethwaite, living in Farmer-road, Kennington, yesterday took a dose of laudanum, and then cut her throat. She died at six p.m.
Sir C. Warren.
The London correspondent of the Manchester Courier says:- In confirmation of the announcement made in your columns to-day, we learn that Sir Charles Warren has decided to resign the position of Chief Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, which he accepted on the retirement of Sir Edmund Henderson after the West-end Socialist riots. The salary attaching to the office is £1,500 a year. It is exceedingly probable that the appointment will be offered to Mr. Malcolm Wood, the Chief Constable of Manchester. Mr. Wood was an applicant when Sir Charles Warren was selected, and his admirable qualifications were recognised in very influential quarters, but it was thought desirable that the Chief Commissioner should be a military man. We believe that a departure is likely to be made from this practice in filling the vacancy which is soon expected to occur.
Up to half-past eleven this morning no one had been arrested for the murder of the woman Nicholls. The common lodging-houses in the neighborhood are being carefully guarded night and day, and every place where the suspected criminal may be lurking is watched with equal closeness. With regard to the man who goes by the sobriquet of "Leather Apron," he has not, it is stated, been seen in the neighborhood much for the past few nights, but this may mean nothing, as the women street wanderers declare that he is known as well in certain quarters of the West End as he is in Whitechapel.
The Southampton guardians considered a report at their last meeting dealing with the lunatics chargeable to the union. Regret was expressed that in only one case could a recommendation for a patient's discharge be made, and Mr. Purkiss suggested that it would be a charity to give some of the poor creatures a dose of strychnine.