Courtesy of Casebook Productions
AUG 26, 1845
Polly was born as Mary Ann Walker in Dean St, Fetter Ln to Edward Walker and his wife, Caroline.1
JAN 16, 1864
Polly married William Nichols at St Bride's Church (the printer's church), Fleet St. The service was performed by Vicar Charles Marshall and witnessed by Seth George Havelly and Sarah Good.2
Polly and William lived for a time in Bouverie St and then moved to 131 Trafalgar St, Walworth with her father.3
Polly and William had their first child, Edward John.4
Their second son, Percy George, was born.5
Alice Esther, Polly's and William's first daughter, was born.6
They then lived at 6D Peabody Bldgs, Stamford St, Blackfriars Rd, Lambeth.7
Polly and William had their second daughter, Eliza Sarah.8
Marital problems began.9
Polly and William had their last child, Henry Alfred.10
William and Polly separated. William retained custody of the children. William paid Polly an allowance of 5/- (25p) a week.11
SEP 6, 1880
Polly entered Lambeth Workhouse.12
MAY 31, 1881
Polly left Lambeth - whereabouts unknown.13
APR 24, 1882
Polly re-entered Lambeth.14
William heard Polly was earning an immoral living and stopped her allowance. Polly went to Lambeth Parish who summonsed William for restoration of maintenance. William sufficiently proved his case, and the charges were dropped. William no longer had to pay the allowance.15
JAN 18-20, 1883
Polly admitted to Lambeth Infirmary.16
MAR 24, 1883
Polly left Lambeth to live with her father.17
21 MAY 1883
Polly returned to Lambeth after an argument with her father over her drinking.18
JUN 2, 1883
Polly left Lambeth to live with Thomas Stuart Drew in York St, Walworth.19
Edward John voluntarily left William to move in with his grandfather, Edward Walker.20
JUN 1886
Polly attended her brother's funeral in respectable dress. (He was burned to death in a paraffin lamp explosion.)21
OCT 25, 1887
Polly left Drew and spent the day at St Gile's Workhouse, Endell St.22
OCT 26, 1887
Polly entered the Strand Workhouse, Edmonton. (The central London area was completely built up. Land was scarce and very expensive. Some of these Workhouse Unions therefore acquired land outside the centre for their purposes, i.e., Strand acquired Westminster land at Edmonton in north London.)23
NOV 13, 1887
Bloody Sunday.24
DEC 2, 1887
Polly left the Strand and possibly camped out in Trafalgar Sq.25
DEC 19, 1887
The Square was cleared of vagrants and Mary Ann was readmitted to Lambeth.26
DEC 29, 1887
Polly left Lambeth - whereabouts unknown.27
JAN 4, 1888
Polly entered Mitcham Workhouse (Holborn) and spent some time in the Holborn Infirmary (Archway Hospital). (The central London area was completely built up. Land was scarce and very expensive. Some of these Workhouse Unions therefore acquired land outside the centre for their purposes - i.e., Holborn acquired land at Mitcham.)28
APR 16, 1888
Polly was transferred from Mitcham to Lambeth Workhouse.29
MAY 12, 1888
Polly left Lambeth and became employed by Samuel and Sarah Cowdry. While there, she wrote the following letter to her father, dated April 17, 1888:
Polly left the Cowdry's, stealing clothes valued at £3 10s (£3 50p) - whereabouts unknown.31
WED, AUG 1, 1888
Polly was at Gray's Inn Temporary Workhouse (Holborn).32
THUR, AUG 2, 1888
Polly moved to 18 Thrawl St. For 4d (2p), she shared a room with 3 other women and a bed with Mrs Ellen Holland.33
TUE, AUG 7, 1888
Martha Tabram found dead in the George Yard Bldgs.34
SUN, AUG 24, 1888
Polly moved to the 'White House' at 56 Flower and Dean St. (The White House is a common lodging-house which permitted men and women to sleep together.)35
THUR, AUG 30, 1888
Patrick Mulshaw came on duty as the Night Porter at the Sewage Works, Winthrop St (220 yards from Brown's Stable Yard.)36
THUR, AUG 30, 1888
Slaughterers, Henry Tomkins, Charles Brittain, and James Mumford, started work at Barber's Knacker's Yard, Winthrop St (150 yards from Brown's Stable Yard).37
THUR, AUG 30, 1888
Son of Mrs Emma Green went to bed at the family's residence, 2 Buck's Row (East of and next to Brown's Stable Yard).38
THUR, AUG 30, 1888
Mrs Green's second son went to bed.39
THUR, AUG 30, 1888
Mrs Green and her daughter, sharing the same bedroom, went to sleep. (Their bedroom over looked the gateway of Brown's Stable Yard).40
Polly was seen walking by herself down Whitechapel Rd.41
THUR, AUG 30, 1888
Resident and manager of Essex Wharf, Buck's Row, Walter Purkiss and his wife went to sleep in their second floor, front bedroom (opposite Brown's Stable Yard).42
FRI, AUG 31, 1888
Tomkins and Brittain left the slaughter house and walked to the end of the street.43
FRI, AUG 31, 1888
Polly was seen leaving, by herself, the Frying Pan pub (corner of Brick Ln and Thrawl St).44
FRI, AUG 31, 1888
Tomkins and Brittain returned to work.45
Purkiss was awake. His wife was pacing their room.46
FRI, AUG 31, 1888
Polly showed up at the kitchen of 18 Thrawl St.47
FRI, AUG 31, 1888
(exact time unknown)
The house deputy put Polly out. "I'll soon get my doss money", she laughed as she departed. "See what a jolly bonnet I've got now." The house deputy said she was tipsy.48
FRI, AUG 31, 1888
Purkiss fell back asleep, but his wife was still pacing.49
FRI, AUG 31, 1888
Holland, returning from watching the second fire on the docks at Shadwell Dry Docks, saw Polly at the corner of Osborne St and Whitechapel Rd.50
Holland mentioned the time as the clock struck 2:30am and tried to persuade Polly to go to 18 Thrawl St.51
Polly mentioned her new bonnet, that she had her doss money several times that night but drank it away, and that she would rather be where men and women can sleep together. (It is assumed she meant the 'White House.')52
FRI, AUG 31, 1888
Polly then walked down Whitechapel Rd, toward Buck's Row.53
FRI, AUG 31, 1888
Mulshaw woke up, having dozed off earlier.54
FRI, AUG 31, 1888
Police Constable John Thain (96J) went up Brady St.55
Police Constable John Neil (97J) passed through Buck's Row.56
Buck's Row ran East-West from Brady St to Baker's Row. Parallel to it and meeting it about half-way along its length was Winthrop St. Going East down Buck's Row from the corner of Buck's Row and Winthrop St was a board school, Brown's Stable Yard, and tenements. Across the road from the stable yard were wharves. East of the wharves was Browne & Eagle's Wool Warehouse, Schnieder's Cap Factory, and then a low brick wall continued on down to Brady St. At the North-West corner of Buck's Row and Brady St was a street lamp. The area was frequented by prostitutes. From Osborne St and Whitechapel Rd, the stable yard was about one-half mile.57
(exact time unknown)
PC Neil passed through Winthrop St and saw Tomkins, Brittain, and Mumford at work.58
Sergeant Kerby passed down Buck's Row.59
FRI, AUG 31, 1888
(exact time unknown)
Charles Andrew Cross left home at Doveton St for work at Broad St.60
FRI, AUG 31, 1888
Cross walked through Buck's Row and saw a bundle in front of the stable yard gateway. He thought the bundle was an abandoned tarpaulin, only to discover that it was a woman's body.61
Robert Paul travelled through Buck's Row on his way to work at Corbett's Crt.62
Cross pointed out the body to him. "Come and look over here. There's a woman lying on the pavement."63
Polly was lying on her back with her skirts lifted almost to her stomach.64
Cross felt her hands - cold. "I believe she's dead."65
Paul felt her hands and face - cold. As he pulled her clothes down, he touched her breast and thought he felt movement. "I think she's breathing, but very little if she is." Cross then asked Paul to help him adjust the body, but Paul refused.66
FRI, AUG 31, 1888
Cross and Paul left, intending to notify the first constable they came upon.67
FRI, AUG 31, 1888
PC Neil was travelling easterly through Buck's Row when he independently discovered the body. He noticed Polly's true condition only after shining his lantern on the body.68
Polly was lying lengthwise with her head turned towards the East; her left hand touched the gate; her bonnet was off her head, lying near her right hand; her skirts were rumpled just above her knees; her throat was severely cut; her eyes were wide open and glassy; blood had oozed from her throat wounds; her arms felt warm from the elbows up; her hands were open. The gateway was 9'-10' in height and led to some stables; they were closed.69
PC Neil noticed PC Thain passing North through Brady St and quietly signaled him with his lamp.70
PC Thain responded likewise and approached the scene. "Here's a woman has her throat cut," said PC Neil. "Run at once for Dr Llewellyn."71
PC Thain immediately left to fetch Doctor Rees Ralph Llewellyn at his surgery at 152 Whitechapel Rd (300 yards from Buck's Row).72
PC Neil then examined the ground.73
FRI, AUG 31, 1888
(exact time unknown)
At the corner of Hanbury St and Baker's Row, Cross and Paul informed Police Constable Jonas Mizen (55H) of the body. "You are wanted in Baker's Row by a policeman," said Cross in passing. "A woman is lying there. She looks to me to be either dead or drunk, but for my part I think she is dead." After further clarification, PC Mizen replied, "All right," and then left for Buck's Row.74
FRI, AUG 31, 1888
(exact time unknown)
PC Mizen arrived at Brown's Stable Yard, and PC Neil sent him immediately for an ambulance and reinforcements from the Bethnal Green Police Station and then searched the area for clues.75
FRI, AUG 31, 1888
Dr Llewellyn was notified at his surgery.76
Mulshaw had not seen or heard anything in the past hour.77
Cross had arrived at Broad St.78
Sgt Kerby arrived back in Buck's Row and interviewed Mrs Green while PC Neil interviewed Purkiss. Neither them, the keeper of the Board School, nor the watchman at Browne & Eagle's Wool Ware house and Schnieder's Cap Factory heard anything unusual.79
FRI, AUG 31, 1888
(exact time unknown)
PC Mizen arrived at Bethnal Green Police Station.80
FRI, AUG 31, 1888
(exact time unknown)
PC Thain and Dr Llewellyn arrived at the scene, and a cursory exam was made:
Severe injuries to the throat; her hands and wrists were cold, yet her body and legs were still warm; the doctor felt her chest and heart and pronounced life extinct, estimating that she died no more than a half hour prior to the exam; very little blood around the neck; no marks of a struggle or of the body being dragged.81
FRI, AUG 31, 1888
Mumford and Tomkins were off work and went to the scene. Brittain arrived upon the scene soon after.83
FRI, AUG 31, 1888
(exact time unknown)
PC Mizen and an H-Div officer arrived with the ambulance, (which was a wheeled stetcher).84
Dr Llewellyn finished the exam. "Move her to the mortuary," he said. "She is dead and I will make a further examination of her there." Dr Llewellyn then returned to his surgery.85
PC Thain and PC Neil placed the body in the ambulance, noticing that the underside of her clothes were sodden with blood. They also noticed that some blood, about 6" in diameter, had congealed underneath the body. Some of the blood had flowed into a near-by gutter.86
Mulshaw was told of the body by another man who passed by:
"Watchman, old man, I believe somebody is murdered down the street." Mulshaw then immediately went to Buck's Row.87
James Green, son of Mrs Green, came outside with a pail of water to wash away the blood from the cobblestones.89
Tomkins, Brittain, and Mumford left the scene.90
PC Thain stayed at the scene.91
FRI, AUG 31, 1888
Inspector John Spratling (J-Div) was in Hackney St when he learned of the murder. He left immediately for Buck's Row.92
FRI, AUG 31, 1888
(exact time unknown)
PC Neil arrived with the body at the mortuary. The doors were locked. (It is assumed that Sgt Kerby and the H-Div Officer left.)93
FRI, AUG 31, 1888
(exact time unknown)
Insp Spratling arrived upon the scene, and PC Thain pointed out the spot where the body had been.94
Green was still washing blood away from the stones.95
Insp Spratling and PC Thain went to the mortuary.96
(exact time unknown)
Insp Spratling and PC Thain arrived at the mortuary. The body was still on the ambulance in the yard. Insp Spratling began taking Polly's description.97
5'-2", small delicate features, greying dark brown hair, grey eyes, 42 years old, scar on forehead, front teeth were missing, other teeth were stained and crooked, thick eyebrows, heavy cheeks, dark complexion.98
Robert Mann arrived at the mortuary with the keys, and the body was moved inside. He then went to breakfast.100
FRI, AUG 31, 1888
Insp Spratling ordered PC Thain to search the premises, Essex Wharf, the Great Eastern Railway, East London Railway, and the District Railway as far as Thomas St.101
Insp Spratling recorded Nichols's possessions:
Old reddish-brown ulster with 7 large brass buttons (each stamped with the figure of a horse and a man standing beside it), new brown linsey frock, grey flannel and wool petticoat (each with a Lambeth Workhouse stencil), pair of men's side spring boots cut on the uppers with steel tipped heels, pair of brown stays, black ribbed wool stockings, piece of comb, bit of mirror, unmarked white pocket handkerchief, new black straw bonnet with black velvet trim.102
FRI, AUG 31, 1888
Dr Llewellyn arrived to conduct a second cursory exam:
Throat cut from left to right with 2 distinct cuts being on the left side and with the windpipe, gullet, and spinal cord being cut through; a bruise, possibly from a thumb, on the lower right jaw with another on the left cheek; the abdomen had been cut open from center of the bottom ribs along the right side; under the pelvis, left of the stomach, was another wound - jagged; the omentum (stomach coating) was cut in several places; 2 small stabs on the privy parts; the knife used seemed to have been srong-bladed; death almost instantaneous.104
Mulshaw finished work for the night.105
Insp Spratling ordered that the body not be touched, giving temporary charge of it to Detective Sergeant Enright (J-Div). Insp Spratling then returned to Buck's Row.106
FRI, AUG 31, 1888
(exact time unknown)
Mann's assistant, James Hatfield arrived at the mortuary. Then he and Mann began stripping, washing and laying out the body. The cloths were placed in the yard.107
FRI, AUG 31, 1888
Inspector Joseph Henry Helson was told of the murder and went directly to the mortuary. Mann and Hatfield were continuing to strip the body when Insp Helson arrived.108
FRI, AUG 31, 1888
That Morning
Insp Spratling arrived back at the scene, searching Buck's Row and Brady St. Insp Spratling left, returning to Buck's Row with Detective Sergeant George Godley (CID). Together, they searched the Great Eastern Railway Yard and the premises of the East London and Metropolitan District Railways.109
After viewing the body, Insp Helson went to Buck's Row. He examined the area, discovering only one stain, which might have been blood, in Brady St.110
FRI, AUG 31, 1888
That Day
Mrs Sarah Colwell of Brady St and some journalists believed they found blood spots in Brady St.111
Holland viewed the body but only knew her as Polly.112
James Scorer viewed the body. He knew Polly Nichols on sight but he could not identify the body.113
FRI, AUG 31, 1888
Because of the "Lambeth Workhouse, P.R. [Prince Road]" stencil marks on Polly's petticoats, the police were able to locate a Lambeth inmate, Mary Ann Monk, who identified the body as Mary Ann Nichols.114
SAT, SEP 1, 1888
Dr Llewellyn conducted post-mortem:
5 teeth missing; slight laceration on tongue; bruise on lower part of right jaw (possibly from a punch or thumb pressure); circular bruise on left side of face (possibly also from finger pressure); left side of neck, 1" below jaw, 4" incision starting immediately below the left ear; a 2nd throat incision starting 1" below and 1" in front of the 1st, running 8" in a circular direction around the throat and stopping 3" below the right ear, completely severing all tissues down to the spine, including the large vessels of the neck on both sides; no blood found on breast of clothes or of body; on the lower part of abdomen, 2-3" from the left side ran a very deep, jagged wound, cutting the tissues through; several incisions ran across the abdomen; 3 or 4 similar cuts ran down the right side of the abdomen.115
That Day
First day of Nichols Inquest.116
After the jury was conducted to view the body by Mr Banks, the coroner's assistant, Wynne Edwin Baxter, the coroner for South-East Middlesex, opened the inquest at the Whitechapel Working Lad's Institute, Whitechapel Rd (next to the present Whitechapel Underground Station).117
On behalf of CID, Inspector Frederick Abberline, DS Godley, Insp Helson, and DS Enright attended the inquest.118
Mr Horey [foreman].119
Edward Walker120
PC John Neil121
Dr Llewellyn122
SAT, SEP 1, 1888
That Evening
William Nichols viewed the body at the mortuary. There he saw his son, Edward John, and his father-in-law, Edward Walker. "I forgive you as you are," William said to Polly, "for what you have been to me."124
MON, SEP 3, 1888
That Day
The second day of Nichols Inquest.
Observed by Insp Abberline, DS Enright, and DS Godley on behalf of CID.125
Insp Spratling126
Henry Tomkins127
Insp Helson128
PC Mizen129
Charles Cross130
William Nichols131
Emily Holland132
Mary Ann Monk133
THUR, SEP 6, 1888
That Afternoon
Polly was transported in a polished elm coffin to Mr Henry Smith, Hanbury St undertaker. The cortege consisted of the hearse and two mourning coaches, which carried Edward Walker, William Nichols, and Edward John Nichols. Polly was buried at City of London Cemetery, London, grave 49500, square 318. The funeral expenses were paid for by Walker, Nichols, and Edward John.135
SAT, SEP 8, 1888
That Morning
Annie Chapman found dead.136
MON, SEP 17, 1888
That Day
Third day of Nichols Inquest.
Attended by Insp Abberline, Insp Helson, Insp Spratling, and Insp Chandler on behalf of CID.137
Dr Llewellyn (recalled)138
Mrs Emma Green139
Thomas Ede140
Walter Purkiss141
Patrick Mulshaw142
PC Thain143
Robert Paul144
Robert Mann145
James Hatfield146
SAT, SEP 22, 1888
That Day
Last day of Nichols Inquest.148
Thomas Ede (recalled)149
The Coroner presented his summation.150
The following abbreviations apply:
MEPO=Scotland Yard files, HO=Home Officie files
DT=The Daily Telegraph, T=The Times , IPN=The Illustrated Police News
A-Z=The Jack the Rippper A to Z, 2nd ed, (Begg, Fido, Skinner),
JTRUF=Jack the Ripper: The Uncensored Facts (Begg),
CHJTR=The Complete History of Jack the Ripper (Sudgen),
JTRCC=Jack the Ripper: The Complete Casebook, US ed (Rumbelow)
1 A-Z, p329; JTRCC, p43; CHJTR, p42 |
77 A-Z, p318 |