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Down to an early hour this (Sunday) morning, the police had not succeeded in tracing the murderer of the woman Chapman, whose body was found shockingly mutilated under the circumstances reported in our seventh page. A number of supposed clues had been followed up during the day and night, but without any result. Some rings were found at a pawnbroker's which it was at first thought had belonged to the deceased, but shortly before midnight the police proved this to be unfounded.

Mrs. Fiddymont, the wife of the landlord of the Prince Albert, Stewart-street, Spitalfields, states that she has no doubt but that she will be able to identify the man who was seen in that tavern early yesterday morning with marks of blood upon him.

A post-mortem examination of the body of the murdered woman was made last night, and it is expected that the inquest will be opened on Monday.

During yesterday afternoon the occupants of the house adjoining the scene of the murder charged an admission fee of one penny to people anxious to view the spot where the body was found. Several hundreds of people availed themselves of the opportunity.

As the day advanced and the Jewish East-end crowds congregated around the scene of the murder, and its neighbourhood became more leavened with English working men, the excitement grew; and, unfortunately, owing to the rumours about the individual "Leather Apron," took a rather nasty turn. Bodies of young roughs raised cries against the Jews, and many of the disreputable and jabbering women sided with them. This state of things caused several stand-up fights, thus putting a further and serious strain on the police, many of whom began to express their fears of rioting.

Describing the scene in the district last night, a correspondent says :- The excitement in Hanbury-street and the surrounding neighbourhood still continues, and extra police have been employed to keep a course for the traffic of the evening, but in this they are very much hampered by noisy crowds of men and boys crying "Down with the Jews." Sometimes there is a show of resistance, but the strong force of police on the spot are equal to the occasion, and promptly separate assailants. Just as our correspondent was writing a gang of young vagabonds marched down Hanbury-street shouting "Down with the Jews!" "It was a Jew who did it!" "No Englishman did it!" After these the police were prompt, and whenever there was a stand they quickly, and without ceremony, dispersed them. There have been many fights, but the police are equal to it, as men are held in reserve under cover, and when there is a row they rush out and soon establish order. As the night advances the disorderly mobs who openly express antipathy to the Jews increase, and a request has been forwarded to headquarters for extra men. This request has been promptly attended to, and men have been sent.


Shortly after 10 o'clock, yesterday morning, a rumour was current in the East-end that the body of a young woman, with her throat cut, had been found in the graveyard attached to St. Philip's church, at the back of the London hospital. A representative who was despatched to make inquiries in the neighbourhood was assured by the police there was no foundation for this story. It probably had its origin in the panic which had seized the district upon the discovery of the atrocious butchery of the unfortunate creature who was found in Whitechapel that morning. So quickly, however, had this second rumour spread that before 11 o'clock a large number of inquiries as to its veracity had been made both at the London hospital and the Whitechapel mortuary in Old Montague-street.


Another excitement in the Whitechapel-road yesterday morning was occasioned by the appearance of a two-horse van, belonging to the Great Eastern Railway company, being rapidly driven towards the London hospital. On the floor of the van lay the body of a man apparently dead. The body was covered over, but the face was exposed to view. A police-constable and four workmen were also in the van. The van, though driven at such a rapid rate, was followed by a crowd, which gradually increased in size while on its way to the hospital. The man's name was Robert Tibbs, aged 55 years. He has nearly all his lifetime been employed at a florist's in Cheapside. Recently, however, business had become very slack, and it was found necessary to discharge some of the employés. Tibbs was one of the men who received notice to leave their situation. This apparently preyed upon his mind, and during the past few days it was noticed that his manner was strange. Yesterday, however, Tibbs, his brother, and a nephew went to Liverpool-street station for the purpose of going into the country for a holiday. Tibbs seemed to be perfectly rational; and before entering the station they had a glass of wine together. While they were standing on the platform, however, Tibbs, without a moment's warning, threw himself before a train that was entering the station. Both his feet were cut off, and when picked up he was quite unconscious. He was at once conveyed to the London hospital in a goods van. It was there found necessary to immediately amputate both legs. This was done, but the unfortunate man died shortly after the operation had been performed.


About 10 o'clock last night it was found that Arthur Alvey, the son of a jeweller carrying on business at 106, Newington-causeway, had committed suicide by hanging himself in one of the upper rooms of the house. Upon the discovery being made, Police-constable Herring, 160 M, was called in and at once cut down the body, but life was found to be extinct. The shop was open and business was in progress when the discovery was made.


Mrs. Allison, a shirtmaker at the Army and Navy stores, Ranelagh-road, Pimlico, was attacked by her husband with an axe on Thursday morning, and severely injured. The pair have been living apart for some time, and recently the husband has been heard to threaten to kill his wife. He went to the place where she worked that morning, and as she was entering the factory gate he fell on her with the axe, and inflicted frightful injuries to her head. The woman was taken to the hospital in an almost hopeless condition, and the husband was arrested. So far from showing any contrition, he again and again expressed the hope that he had "settled her."

A FOREIGNER WHO WANTS THRASHING. - A comely and neatly-dressed young woman, who was accompanied by her mother, applied to Mr. Biron, at Westminster police-court, on Friday, for a summons against a man, a foreigner, holding a situation as valet to a gentleman in Cadogan-place, for kissing her. The girl, whose demeanour was very modest, said her father, who was for many years a railway guard, now kept a small beerhouse in the neighbourhood of Sloane-street, Chelsea, frequented by gentlemen's servants, and for some time she had been persecuted in a disgraceful way by the man she complained of. The magistrate eventually promised to send one of the warrant officers to caution the man.

Page 2


Two fearful crimes are reported from Pesth. In the one case, a tailor, named Gnadig, poured through a funnel melted lead into the right ear of his sleeping wife. Finding she was not dead, the wretch then proceeded to strangle her, but was interrupted by the arrival of the neighbours, who found the unfortunate woman still alive, but in a desperate condition. The murderer subsequently returned and killed himself by cutting his throat. The other case is that of a butcher, who fired a revolver at his brother-in-law, and, believing he was dead, went home and killed his victim's child, a baby 10 months old. He then attempted to commit suicide.


An extraordinary case of self-mutilation is reported from Dublin. A medical student, named James E. Gannon, aged 36 years, living at 20, Northumberland-avenue, Kingstown, left his residence on Monday morning with his brother, Edward Gannon. About one o'clock, a girl, named Bessie Carr, aged 12 years, saw him walking across a little pasture field, which lies between the rear of some cottages adjoining the Royal canal and the Liffey-junction railway. He held a pocket-handkerchief to his eyes, and he appeared to be bleeding very much. She ran and told her mother, who went out and found Gannon lying in the field. Mrs. Carr assisted him to her house, and bathed his face with cold water. He refused to give any particulars of the occurrence, but said "I am blind; let me rest for an hour." Mrs. Carr's husband reported the circumstances to the police, and two constables proceeded to the house and found that the unfortunate gentleman had both his eyes out. His hands and cuffs were besmeared with blood. He said, "My eyes are injured, take me to the hospital"; whereupon the constables procured a cab, and conveyed him to the Master Misericordiae hospital, where it was found that both the eyes had been taken out of their sockets, and that the injuries had been self-inflicted. On being searched, a second-class return ticket, 9s. 11½d. in cash, a watch and a chain, a pocketbook, with some letters therein, and a bunch of keys were found in his possession. Two police-constables examined the field where it is supposed the extraordinary act was committed. In a dry dyke, about 100 yards from where the gentleman was found, both the eyes were discovered, about two feet apart, among some nettles. They were taken to the hospital by the officers, and the house surgeon took charge of them. A hazel walking-stick and a piece of twisted wire, both of which were marked with blood, were also found in the field. Mr. Gannon was visited at the hospital by his brother, and Dr. M'Dermott, of Kingstown. The brother, who conversed with the patient in private, stated that he told him the whole facts, but at present he could give no information.

THE QUEEN AND ROYAL FAMILY. Prince Albert Victor of Wales, who has been the guest of Viscount and Viscountess Downe, at Danby lodge, Grosmont, Yorkshire, during the last 10 days, left on Friday to rejoin his regiment, the 10th Hussars, at York.

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Mr. Baxter continued his inquiry at the Working Lads' institute, Whitechapel-road, on Monday, into the death of the woman, Mary Ann Nicholls, aged 42, who was found brutally murdered in Buck's-row, Whitechapel, on the previous Friday morning.

Inspector John Spratling, J division, deposed that he first heard of the murder of the woman about half-past four on Friday morning, while he was in Hackney-road. He proceeded to Buck's-row, where he saw Police-constable Thain, who showed him the place where the deceased had been found. He noticed a blood stain on the footpath. The body of deceased had been removed to the mortuary in Old Montague-street, where witness had an opportunity of preparing a description. The skin presented the appearance of not having been washed for some time previous to the murder. On his arrival Dr. Llewellyn made an examination of the body, which lasted about 10 minutes. Witness said he next saw the body when it was stripped.

Detective-serjeant Enright: That was done by two of the workhouse officials.

The Coroner: Had they any authority to strip the body?

Witness: No, sir; I gave them no instructions to strip it. In fact, I told them to leave it as it was.

The Coroner: I don't object to their stripping the body, but we ought to have evidence about the clothes.

Serjeant Enright, continuing, said the clothes, which were lying in a heap in the yard, consisted of a reddish-brown ulster, with seven large brass buttons, and a brown dress, which looked new. There were also a woollen and a flannel petticoat, belonging to the workhouse. Inspector Helson had cut out pieces marked "P. R., Princes-road," with a view to tracing the body. There was also a pair of stays, in fairly good condition, but witness did not notice how they were adjusted.

The coroner said he considered it important to know the exact state in which the stays were found.

On the suggestion of Inspector Aberline, the clothes were sent for.

The foreman of the jury asked whether the stays were fastened on the body.

Inspector Spratling replied that he could not say for certain. There was blood on the upper part of the dress body, and also on the ulster, but he only saw a little on the under-linen, and that might have happened after the removal of the body from Buck's-row. The clothes were fastened when he first saw the body. The stays did not fit very tightly, for he was able to see the wounds without unfastening them. About six o'clock that day he made an examination at Buck's-row and Brady-street, which ran across Baker's-row, but he failed to trace any marks of blood. He subsequently examined, in company with Sergeant Godley, the East London and District railway lines and embankment, and also the Great Eastern Railway yard, without, however, finding any traces. A watchman of the Great Eastern railway, whose box was 50 or 60 yards from the spot where the body was discovered, heard nothing particular on the night of the murder. Witness also visited half-a-dozen persons living in the same neighbourhood, none of whom had noticed anything at all suspicious. One of these, Mrs. Purkiss, had not gone to bed at the time the body of deceased was found, and her husband was of opinion that if there had been any screaming in Buck's-row they would have heard it. A Mrs. Green, whose window looked out upon the very spot where the body was discovered, said nothing had attracted her attention on the Friday morning.

Replying to a question from one of the jury, witness said Constable Neil was the only one whose duty it was to pass through Buck's-row; but another constable passing along Broad-street from time to time would be within hearing distance.

In reply to a juryman, witness said it was his firm belief that the woman had her clothes on at the time she was murdered.


Henry Tomkins, horse-slaughterer, 12, Coventry-street, Bethnal-green, was the next witness. He deposed that he was in the employ of Messrs. Barber, and was working in the slaughterhouse, Winthrop-street, from between eight and nine o'clock on Thursday evening till 20 minutes past four on Friday morning. He and his fellow workmen usually went home upon finishing their work, but on that morning they did not do so. They went to see the dead woman, Police-constable Thain having passed the slaughterhouse at about a quarter-past four, and told them that a murder had been committed in Buck's-row. Two other men, James Mumford and Charles Britten, had been working in the slaughterhouse. He (witness) and Britten left the slaughterhouse for one hour between midnight and one o'clock in the morning, but not afterwards till they went to see the body. The distance from Winthrop-street to Buck's-row was not great.

The Coroner: Is your work noisy?

Witness: No, sir, very quiet.

The Coroner: Was it quiet on Friday morning, say after two o'clock?

Witness: Yes, sir, quite quiet. The gates were open and we heard no cry.

The Coroner: Did anybody come to the slaughter-house that night?

Witness: Nobody passed except the policeman.

The Coroner: Are there any women about there?

Witness: Oh! I know nothing about them, I don't like 'em.

The Coroner: I did not ask you whether you like them; I ask you whether there were any about that night.

Witness: I did not see any.

The Coroner: Not in Whitechapel-road?

Witness: Oh, yes, there, of all sorts and sizes; it's a rough neighbourhood, I can tell you. Witness, in reply to further questions, said the slaughter-house was too far away from the spot where deceased was found for him to have heard if anybody had called for assistance. When he arrived at Buck's-row the doctor and two or three policemen were there. He believed that two other men, whom he did not know, were also there. He waited till the body was taken away, previous to which about a dozen men came up. He heard no statement as to how the deceased came to be in Buck's-row.

The Coroner: You say you believe there were two men there when you got there. Were there? - I believe so.

Coroner: You believe so! You know whether there were or not. I don't say I believe I am talking to you, I know I am. Were there two men there or not? - Well, yes, there were two men there.

The Coroner: Have you read any statement in the newspapers that there were two people, besides the police and the doctor, in Buck's-row, when you arrived?

Witness: I cannot read, sir.

The Coroner: Then you did not see a soul from one o'clock on Friday morning till a quarter-past four, when a policeman passed your slaughter-house?

Witness: No, sir.

A Juryman: Did you hear any vehicle pass the slaughterhouse? - No, sir.

Would you have heard it if there had been one? - Yes, sir.

Where did you go between 20 minutes past 12 and one o'clock? - I and my mate went to the front of the road.

Is not your usual hour for leaving off work six o'clock in the morning, and not four? - No; it is according to what we have to do. Sometimes it is one time and sometimes another.

What made the constable come and tell you about the murder? - He called for his cape.

Inspector Jos. Helson deposed that he first received information about the murder at a quarter before seven on Friday morning. He afterwards went to the mortuary, where he saw the body with the clothes still on it. The dress was fastened in front, with the exception of a few buttons; the says, which were attached with clasps, were also fastened. He noticed blood on the hair, and on the collars of the dress and ulster, but not on the back of the skirts. There were no cuts in the clothes, and no indications of any struggle having taken place. The only suspicious mark discovered in the neighbourhood of Buck's-row was in Broad-street, where there was a stain which might have been blood. Witness was of opinion that the body had not been carried to Buck's-row, but that the murder was committed on the spot.

Police-constable Mizen said that at a quarter to one o'clock on Friday morning he was at the crossing, Hanbury-street, Baker's-row, when a carman who passed in company with another man informed him that he was wanted by a policeman in Buck's-row, where a woman was lying. When he arrived there Constable Neil sent him for the ambulance. At that time nobody but Neil was with the body.


Charles Andrew Cross, carman, said he had been in the employment of Messrs. Pickford and Co. for over 20 years. About half-past three on Friday he left his home to go to work, and he passed through Buck's-row. He discerned on the opposite side something lying against the gateway, but he could not at once make out what it was. He thought it was a tarpaulin sheet. He walked into the middle of the road, and saw that it was the figure of a woman. He then heard the footsteps of a man going up Buck's-row, about 40 yards away, in the direction that he himself had come from. When he came up witness said to him, "Come and look over here; there is a woman lying on the pavement." They both crossed over to the body, and the witness then took hold of the woman's hands, which were cold and limp. Witness said, "I believe she is dead." He touched her face, which felt warm. The other man, placing his hand on her heart, said, "I think she is breathing, but very little if she is." Witness suggested that they should give her a prop, but his companion refused to touch her. Just then they heard a policeman coming. Witness did not notice that her throat was cut, the night being very dark. He and the other man left the deceased, and in Baker's-row they met the last witness, whom they informed that they had seen a woman lying in Buck's-row. Witness said, "She looks to me to be either dead or drunk; but for my part I think she is dead." The policeman said, "All right," and then walked on. The other man left witness soon after. Witness had never seen him before.

Replying to the coroner, witness denied having seen Police-constable Neil in Buck's-row. There was nobody there when he and the other man left. In his opinion deceased looked as if she had been outraged and gone off in a swoon; but he had no idea that there were any serious injuries.

The Coroner: Did the other man tell you who he was?

Witness: No, sir; he merely said that he would have fetched a policeman, only he was behind time. I was behind time myself.

A Juryman: Did you tell Constable Mizen that another constable wanted him in Buck's-row?

Witness: No, because I did not see a policeman in Buck's-row.

William Nicholls, printer's machinist, Coburg-road, Old Kent-road, said deceased was his wife, but they had lived apart for eight years. He last saw her alive about three years ago, and had not heard from her since. He did not know what she had been doing in the meantime.

A Juryman: It is said that you were summoned by the Lambeth union for her maintenance, and you pleaded that she was living with another man. Was he the blacksmith whom she had lived with?

Witness: No; it was not the same; it was another man. I had her watched. Witness further deposed that he did not leave his wife, but that she left him of her own accord. She had no occasion for so doing. If it had not been for her drinking habits they would have got on all right together.

Emily Holland, a married woman, living at 18, Thrawl-street, said deceased had stayed at her lodgings for about six weeks, but had not been there during the last 10 days or so. About half-past two on Friday morning witness saw deceased walking down Osborne-street, Whitechapel-road. She was alone, and very much the worse for drink. She informed witness that where she had been living they would not allow her to return because she could not pay for her room. Witness persuaded her to go home. She refused, adding that she had earned her lodging money three times that day. She then went along the Whitechapel-road. Witness did not know in what way she obtained a living. She always seemed to be a quiet woman, and kept very much to herself. In reply to further questions witness said she had never seen deceased quarrel with anybody. She gave her the impression of being weighed down by trouble. When she left the witness at the corner of Osborne-street she said she would soon be back.

Mary Ann Monk was the last witness examined. She deposed to having seen deceased about seven o'clock entering a public-house in the New Kent-road. She had seen her before in the workhouse, and had no knowledge of her means of livelihood.

The inquiry was then adjourned until Sept. 17.


Whitechapel has been loud in its indignation in the past week over the seeming inactivity of the police, they having failed to make one arrest. Among other things the people wish to know why the police do not arrest "Leather Apron."

When the tragedy was first discovered on Friday the hapless females who haunt the East-end freely denounced a particular individual whom they style "Leather Apron." "Leather Apron" by himself is, it appears, quite an unpleasant character. He has ranged Whitechapel for a long time. He exercises over the unfortunates who ply their trade after 12 o'clock at night a sway that is based on universal terror. He has kicked, injured, bruised, and terrified a hundred of them who are ready to testify to the outrages. He has made a certain threat, too literally horribly carried out in the case of the woman Nicholls. He carries a razor-like knife, and two weeks ago drew it on a woman called "Widow Annie" as she was crossing the square near London hospital, threatening at the same time, with an ugly grin and his malignant eyes, to do her harm. He is a character so much like the invention of a story writer that the accounts of him given by all the street-walkers of the Whitechapel district seem like romances. The remarkable thing is, however, that they all agree. From all accounts he is five feet four or five inches in height, and wears a dark, close-fitting cap. He is thickset, and has an unusually thick neck. His hair is black, and closely clipped, his age being about 38 or 40. He has a small, black moustache. The distinguishing feature of his costume is a leather apron, which he always wears, and from which he gets his nickname. His expression is sinister, and seems to be full of terror for the women who describe it. His eyes are small and glittering. His lips are usually parted in a grin which is not only not reassuring, but excessively repellant. He is a slipper maker by trade, but does not work. He has never cut anybody so far as known, but carries a knife, presumably as sharp as leather knives are wont to be. This knife a number of the women have seen. His name nobody knows, but all are united in the belief that he is a Jew, or of Jewish parentage, his face being of a marked Hebrew type. But the most singular characteristic on the man, and one which tends to identify him closely with the Friday night's work, is the universal statement that in moving about he never makes any noise - he moves noiselessly. His uncanny peculiarity to them is that they never see him of know of his presence until he is close by them.


A party signing himself "Eye-witness" writes :- I live not many minutes' walk from the place of the murder, and I thought probably an incident which I witnessed on Sunday between half-past four and a quarter-past five p.m. would throw a little light on it. Coming from school at the time above stated, I was just about to turn into Albert-street, by Cohen's Sugar refinery, when a woman rushed across the street and screamed out, "There goes 'Leather Apron,' the Whitechapel murderer," to the policeman standing at the corner of the turning. "Run after him," she shouted: "now you have a chance of catching him, you won't try. There he goes," pointing to a low, villainous looking man. The constable then mustered up courage to run after the man, who seemed to be in a hurry. After about 400 yards' run he caught the man, whereupon two other constables put in their appearance, and inquired what the matter was. The woman who had run with the policeman up to the man at once began to accuse him of being the man the police were looking for - "Leather Apron." This she repeated about 20 times without receiving a single denial from the man. She said she knew the man well by sight. This the man denied by saying he had never seen the woman before, but later on he said to one of the other constables that this woman was constantly annoying him like this; she should be careful what she was saying. She thereupon said she knew two women, and could bring them, who saw him pacing up and down Baker's-row with the murdered woman about two hours before the murder took place. She further accused him of cruelly illusing two poor unfortunates in a common lodging-house in City-road one night last week; and, further, she said that among the unfortunates of Whitechapel he was well known as a cruel wretch. These accusations the man simply met with a sneer, and said she did not know what she was talking about. But she stuck to her point. But, to crown it all, the policeman then let the man go.

At first the police attached little importance to the story of "Leather Apron," but after the appearance of the above letter the detectives showed their regret at the stupidity of the constable in failing to arrest him by eagerly searching different lodging-houses and casual wards for this "Leather Apron." A chase has now begun in earnest. He was last seen outside the Leigh Hoy public-house in Spitalfields. In addition to being known as "Leather Apron" he is also known as the "Mad Snob." The police description of him is:- Aged 30 years; height, 5ft. 3in.; complexion, dark, sallow; hair and moustache black; thick set; dressed in old and dirty clothing; and is of Jewish appearance. The inquiries of our special representative led to the discovery that he is the son of a fairly well-to-do Russian Jew, but he is discarded by the Jewish fraternities as one who is a disgrace to their tribe.

The case has been placed in the hands of the most skilled detectives. Chief-inspector Aberline, who was for many years the chief detective inspector of the district, but who was promoted to Scotland-yard for his clever capture of the dynamitards, Burton and Cunningham, in Whitechapel, has been sent down on purpose. With him are Inspectors Helson and Spratling, Detective-serjeant Enright, who also know the worst haunts of Whitechapel, and have done good service in this rough locality, and assisting is Detective-serjeant Godley.


An important statement, throwing considerable light on a point hitherto surrounded with some uncertainty - the time the crime was committed in Buck's-row, or the body deposited there - was made on Thursday by Mrs. Harriet Lilley, who lives two doors from the spot where the deceased was discovered. Mrs. Lilley said: I slept in the front of the house, and could hear everything that occurred in the street. On that Thursday night I was somehow very restless. Well, I heard something I mentioned to my husband in the morning. It was a painful moan - two or three faint gasps - and then it passed away. It was dark, but a luggage train went by as I heard the sounds. There was, too, a sound as of whispers underneath the window. I distinctly heard voices, but cannot say what was said - it was too faint. I then woke my husband, and said to him, "I don't know what possesses me, but I cannot sleep to-night." Mrs. Lilley added that as soon as she heard of the murder she came to the conclusion that the voices she heard were in some way connected with it. The cries were very different from those of an ordinary street brawl.

It has been ascertained that on the morning of the date of the murder a goods train passed on the East London railway at about half-past three - the 3.7 out from New-cross - which was probably the time when Mary Ann Nicholls was either killed or placed in Buck's-row.


TO THE EDITOR OF "LLOYD'S NEWSPAPER." - DEAR SIR, - I hope you will correct an error in your Sunday Edition in reference to the Whitechapel murder. It is stated that I did not know my own son. That is not so. He left home of his own accord two years and a half ago, and I have always been on speaking terms with him. Only two or three months ago I saw him, and last week received two letters from him, asking me if I knew of any work for him. I did not leave my wife during her confinement and go away with a nurse girl. The deceased woman deserted me four or five times, if not six. The last time she left me without any home, and five children, the youngest one year and four months'. I kept myself with the children where I was living for two and a half years before I took on with anybody, and not till after it was proved at Lambeth police-court that she had misconducted herself. - Yours respectfully, W. NICHOLLS.

The funeral of the unfortunate woman, Mary Ann Nicholls took place on Thursday at Ilford cemetery. The mourners were MR. Edward Walker, the father of deceased, and his grandson, together with two of deceased's children. The procession proceeded along Baker's-row, and past the corner of Buck's-row into the main road, where the police were stationed every few yards. The houses in the neighbourhood had the blinds drawn, and much sympathy was expressed for the relations. The husband, although paying the expenses of the funeral, was not present.


Another desperate assault, which stopped only just short of murder, was committed upon a woman in Whitechapel on Saturday night. The victim was leaving the Foresters' music-hall, Cambridge-heath-road, where she had been spending the evening with a sea captain, when she was accosted by a well-dressed man, who requested her to walk a short distance with him, as he wanted to meet a friend. They had reached a point near to the scene of the murder of the woman Nicholls, when the man violently seized her by the throat and dragged her down a court. He was immediately joined by a gang of women and bullies, who stripped the unfortunate woman of necklace, earrings, and brooch. Her purse was also taken, and she was brutally assaulted. Upon her attempting to shout for aid one of the gang laid a large knife across her throat, remarking, "We will serve you as we did the others." She was, however, eventually released. The police have been informed, and are prosecuting inquiries into the matter, it being regarded as a probable clue to the previous tragedies.


Henry Hummerston, 32, labourer, Key-street, Hoxton was charged, on remand, at Worship-street police-court, on Wednesday, with having assaulted and attempted to murder Eliza Smith. - The prosecutrix, a young woman, said she had been cohabiting with the prisoner for about two years. He had often assaulted her, and on this occasion he returned home the worse for drink, and, having a black eye, asked her who had done it. She told him she didn't know, but supposed he had quarrelled with somebody when drunk. From that he began to abuse her, and said she had done it. He struck her and got her down. She escaped from him and ran downstairs. He pursued her, and she ran into the backyard. Then he attacked her again and knocked her down. He kicked her in the mouth and in the body. Whilst she was down he threw himself upon her, and she saw that he had a knife in his hand. (The prosecutrix produced it - it was a table-knife with a large blade.) He drew it across her throat (the prosecutrix exhibited a slight cut passing half-way round her throat on the right side), and said that he meant making a "second Buck's-row murder" of it. She was rescued by the neighbours, who witnessed part of the assault. The magistrate sent for some of these witnesses, and they corroborated the prosecutrix as to the assault in the yard, and the prisoner's threat. At the same time it seemed that he had the woman quite in his power, and could have more seriously injured her. - Prisoner was now sent to six months' hard labour.


A woman was discovered by a policeman lying near a furze-bush on Clapham-common in the early hours of Sunday morning. She was afterwards identified as Margaret Paul, residing in Soho, and on being taken to St. Thomas's hospital regained consciousness at a little before eight o'clock on Monday morning and told a sad story. She is a native of Perth, where she lived up to seven years ago. For 22 years she lived happily with her first husband there, and brought up a family of whom two sons live with her here. Eleven years ago her first husband died. Three years later she married again, her husband being one Edward Paul. They then removed to London. Since their arrival here her life has been one long series of misfortunes. She received very indifferent treatment at the hands of her husband. He was anything but kind to her. "But there," she said, "I don't want to talk about that now. I've tried hard to forget it for years." Drink was introduced to the house, and this, coupled with continued harsh treatment, led to a breaking up of the home altogether. Thus for five years Mrs. Paul and her two sons have striven hard to keep a roof above them. They lived at K, Crown-buildings, Rupert-street, Soho. For a while things seemed brighter. The stepfather gone, the sons settled down to work, and for some months everything seemed to be going on very well. Again drink became the source of evil to the household. "One on my sons," said Mrs. Paul, "took to drink, and from that day it has been a long struggle to pay the rent or to keep a home together. I went to Clapham-common on Saturday to see a lady, a charitable person, who had promised to help me. I had 9s. in my pocket, and the landlord had told me that if I couldn't pay the rent I'd better give the house up. Well, I couldn't see this lady, and then I tried to pawn my brooch. They wouldn't take it. Here it is," she added, taking a small, old-fashioned gold ornament from beneath the pillow. "They wouldn't give me a penny on it. I was in great distress. My head seemed in a whirl when I stopped outside the pawnbroker's in Lambeth High-street. I got as far as an arch that crosses the street, and then I don't know what happened. The next thing I have any recollection of is waking up and finding myself here in bed. I can't say how I came upon the common. I had never even heard of the place before, as I couldn't have walked there. My purse and its contents - the 9s. - were taken. I think," she added, "that I must have fallen down in a faint beneath the bridge, and that someone then took me to the common and robbed me." Mrs. Paul could give no further particulars of the affair, but stated over and over again that she was a stranger to the locality in which she was found.

On Friday morning Mrs. Margaret Paul was able to leave the charity ward at St. Thomas's hospital. Nothing has transpired regarding her statement, and the purse has not been found.


The Central News is in a position to furnish the following additional particulars respecting the state of affairs at Scotland-yard :- Friction between the Home Secretary and Sir Charles Warren commenced about the time of the Trafalgar-square disturbances, the immediate cause being that Mr. Matthews showed favour to the receiver of the Metropolitan district, against whom the Chief commissioner had brought charges of disregarding police regulations and giving orders to superintendents without consulting his official superiors. Sir Charles Warren protested against the course pursued by the Secretary of State, and finally threatened to resign, a threat which was repeated later on. It became necessary at length to bring the matter under the notice of the Cabinet, and Mr. W. H. Smith and Mr. Goschen were deputed by their colleagues to bring about a settlement of the points in dispute. Early in May, Mr. Smith, Mr. Goschen, Mr. Matthews, and Sir Charles Warren met in Downing-street, and as the result of a conference which lasted nearly all the afternoon, the Chief commissioner was adjudged to have made out his case.


John Bardwell Nicholls, the son of the manager of the Barnet Local Board's sewage farm, is being sought for. The following description has been given to the police:- Height 5½ ft., hair and complexion dark, left leg deficient at thigh, wooden leg; dressed in brown check overcoat, brown peak cap, black cloth jacket, blue mixture trowsers and vest, laced boots.

Edward Meyrick, a lad of 15, living at 11, Gladstone-road, left his home on August 20, and applied to Dr. Barnardo for assistance on Wednesday (Sept. 5). He was admitted into the home, left on the following day, and has not since been heard of. His friends are anxious concerning him. The lad was about 4ft. 10in. in height, slight built, and of fair complexion. He wore at the time of leaving home a black coat and vest, a pair of cord trowsers, and a felt hat.

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ATTEMPTED MURDER OF A WOMAN. - Henry Baker, alias Williams, described as a hairdresser, was charged, on remand, with attempting to murder Mary Cowan, at Gaywood-street, St. George's-road, by stabbing her in the breast and back, on July 10. - The injured woman was admitted to St. Thomas's hospital, and remained there under treatment until Monday, when she was discharged. For some time it was fully believed the injuries would terminate fatally, and the prisoner had been remanded week by week. About one o'clock on the morning in question the prosecutrix saw the prisoner near the Elephant and Castle. He had formerly lived with her, but, owing to quarrels, separated. He followed and stabbed her with a knife, and ran away. She screamed "Murder," and a constable came up and conveyed her to the hospital. - Mr. Bidwell, surgeon, of Lee-terrace, Blackheath, said he was formerly house-surgeon at St. Thomas's hospital. The woman was suffering from a wound half-an-inch in length on the chest, and penetrating the cavity between the second and third ribs, and a second wound behind the shoulder-blade. She bled very much, both internally and externally. She was in a state of collapse, and in a very dangerous condition. The injuries had been caused by a knife or sharp instrument. - In answer to Mr. Biron, Chief-inspector Chisholm stated that the woman was not present, and he believed the friends of the prisoner were keeping her away. - Mr. Biron said if the prisoner imagined that would stop the matter he was much mistaken. She would be compelled to come. - Mr. Chisholm asked for a further remand, which was granted, as the Treasury intended to prosecute.


F. Kersey, 32, a brutal-looking fellow, was charged, at the Thames police-court on Thursday, with violently assaulting Frances Coglin, of 32, Agate-street, Canning-town. - Prosecutrix, whose eyes were blackened face bruised, head surgically bandaged, and arm in splints, said she had been living with the prisoner. On Monday night prisoner stabbed her in the nose with a bread knife, gave her two black eyes, and fractured her arm by kicking her. He also kicked her about the ribs. The police were fetched, but the prisoner escaped, though not before he had broken up all her home. On Wednesday she met the prisoner in the Victoria Dock-road as she was coming from the hospital. He demanded his boots, which she delivered up to him, but refused to give him some pawntickets. Prisoner said, "Come close to me and I'll put a knife right through you." A constable came along and the prisoner decamped. On Wednesday night she again met the prisoner, who wanted her to take him home. She refused, and he struck her on the face and then knocked her to the ground. She became senseless and did not know what then happened. When she came to she was covered with blood, and the doctor dressed her head. Witness was sober, but the accused had been drinking. It was not the first time the prisoner had stabbed her. In Whitsun week he stabbed her in the head with a knife, and she was then under the hospital doctor for five weeks. He had been convicted 22 times. - The prisoner was remanded.


John Bunyan, 40, a brass finisher, of Salisbury-place, Lisson-grove, was charged, at the Marlborough-street police-court, on Thursday, with throwing a quantity of corrosive fluid into the face of Henrietta Casey, in Upper Grosvenor-street, Park-lane, on the early morning of Thursday, Aug. 9. - The prisoner was arrested outside his house on the same day by Detective Crackett and Constable Mason, and was formally charged at this court. - Mr. Parker, the house surgeon at St. George's hospital, however, gave evidence to the effect that the woman was so severely injured that she would be unable to attend for some time, and Bunyan has been accordingly remanded from week to week. The prosecutrix was now able to attend the court, her head being swathed in wadding and other surgical bandages, and gave her version of the affair. She deposed that she and prisoner had been living together for about four years, and had recently parted. Late on the night of the 8th of August she met Bunyan in Victoria-street, Westminster, and walked about with him, trying to get him to leave her. He would not do so, however, notwithstanding the fact that she spoke to a policeman, and about one o'clock in the morning, while they were alone together in Park-lane, he put his arm round her neck, and she became conscious of something hot running over her face, accompanied by a burning sensation, so peculiar that she could not describe it. She called out "Police!" and when a constable picked her up from the ground, she begged him to take her to a hospital, as she could not tell what was the matter with her. She was in pain, and could not understand it at all. The constable (Mason) put her into a cab and conveyed her to St. George's hospital, where she had been ever since. Bunyan, she believed, was the worse for drink when he assaulted her. - The Prisoner: Yes, sir, so I was. We were together all the evening. - Mr. Parker informed the magistrate that the injured woman was progressing favourably, though some weeks must elapse before she would have thoroughly recovered, and then she would be disfigured for life. He did not know exactly what acid had been used, but marks of it were found on the forefingers and clothes. - Inspector Kimber and the constable gave formal evidence of the arrest, and the prisoner, who made no defence, was committed for trial.


BREAKING A CONSTABLE'S COLLAR-BONE. - Edward Russell, 19, labourer, was indicted for assaulting Police-constable Clarke, 391H, in the execution of his duty. - On the 16th August a disturbance took place outside the Shovel public-house, Cable-street, and in endeavouring to quell it the prosecutor was thrown by the prisoner and his companions, and was compelled to abstain from duty for a month. His collar-bone was broken. - The prisoner was sentenced to nine months' hard labour.

CHARGE OF ASSAULT. - William Page, 33, surrendered to bail to answer a charge of assaulting a female. - He pleaded "Not guilty." - The jury, after a long trial, found the defendant "Guilty," and he was sentenced to six weeks' hard labour.

NOT GUILTY. - Charles Zerrett, 21, painter; and Jeremiah Howard, 33, boiler-maker, were indicted for seriously assaulting Charlotte Dunn, a married woman, to which they both pleaded "Not guilty." - The jury acquitted the prisoners.

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SERVING A CONSTABLE ON DUTY. - Mr. R. Kynaston, landlord of the White Hart public-house, Bethnal-green, appeared at Worship-street police-court, on Friday, to a summons charging him with having served a constable on duty, and was fined 20s. and 2s. costs.

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It would be necessary to go back to the cold-blooded atrocities and remorseless cruelties of Bishop and Williams, in 1831, to find a parallel to the thrill of horror which went through the metropolis yesterday, when it became known that a fourth woman had been found murdered and shockingly mutilated in Whitechapel. Like the three previous victims, the poor creature, who is believed to be named Chapman, though passing as Annie Sievy, belonged to the unfortunate class; and her remains were found in a place open to the public, thus presenting marked similarity to the previous cases. The tragedy, however, is surrounded by circumstances of increasing terror on account of the fiendish barbarity displayed. Murder in any case is a terrible thing, but the details of the latest fearful crime at the East-end of London are ghastly enough to make the strongest shudder. There is no wonder that the whole neighbourhood is intensely excited, and that something very like a panic has seized the women of the district who are compelled to be abroad at night or in the early hours of the morning. Although nothing has been discovered to throw a light upon the startling succession of mysterious murders, it may be trusted that, now the police have been thoroughly roused, the monster, or monsters, will speedily be hunted down. The foul nature of the crimes seem to point to the acts of a madman, but the amount of cunning with which they have been perpetrated necessarily causes them to be regarded with unparalleled terror.


A fourth murder, of a most brutal nature, has been committed in Whitechapel. At a spot only a very few hundred yards from where the mangled body of the poor woman Nicholls was found just a week ago, the body of another woman, mutilated and horribly disfigured, was found at half-past five yesterday morning. She was lying in the back yard of 29, Hanbury-street, Spitalfields, a house occupied by Mr. Richardson, a packing-case maker. As late as five o'clock yesterday morning it is said the woman was drinking in a public-house near at hand called the Three Bells. Near the body was discovered a rough piece of iron shaped like a knife. The wounds upon the poor woman were more fearful than those found upon the body of the woman Nicholls, who was buried on Thursday. The throat was cut in a most horrible manner and the stomach terribly mutilated.

The first discovery of the body was made by John Davis, living on the top floor of 29, Hanbury-street, in the yard of which the body was found. Mr. Davis was crossing the yard between five and six when he saw a horrible-looking mass lying in the corner, partly concealed by the steps. He instantly made for the station and notified the police, without touching the body. Meantime Mrs. Richardson, an old lady sleeping on the first floor front, was aroused by her grandson, Charles Cooksley, who looked out of one of the back windows and screamed that there was a dead body in the corner.

Mrs. Richardson's description makes this murder even more horrible than any of its predecessors. The victim was lying on her back with her legs outstretched. Her throat was cut from ear to ear. Her clothes were pushed up above her waist and her legs bare. The abdomen was exposed, the woman having been ripped up from groin to breast-bone as before. Not only this, but the viscera had been pulled out and scattered in all directions, the heart and liver being placed behind her head, and the remainder along her side. No more horrible sight ever met a human eye, for she was covered with blood, and lying in a pool of it.

Mr. and Mrs. Davis occupy the upper story of 29, Hanbury-street, the house consisting of two storeys. When Mr. Davis found the woman she was lying on her back close up to the flight of steps leading into the yard. The throat was cut open in a fearful manner - so deep, in fact, that the murderer, evidently thinking that he had severed the head from the body, tied a handkerchief round it so as to keep it on. It was also found that the body had been ripped open and disembowelled, the heart and abdominal viscera lying by the side. The fiendish work was completed by the murderer tying a portion of the entrails round the victim's neck. There was no blood on the clothes. Hanbury-street is a long street which runs from Baker's-row to Commercial-street. It consists partly of shops and partly of private houses. In the house in question, in the front room, on the ground floor, Mr. Harderman carries on the business of a seller of catsmeat. At the back of the premises are those of Mr. Richardson, who is a packing-case maker. The other occupants of the house are lodgers. One of the lodgers, named Robert Thompson, who is a carman, went out of the house at half-past three in the morning, but heard no noise. Two girls, who also live in the house, were talking in the passage until half-past 12 with young men, and it is believed that they were the last occupants of the house to retire to rest. It seems that the crime was committed soon after five. At that hour the woman and the man, who in all probability was her murderer, were seen drinking together in the Bells, Brick-lane. But though the murder was committed at this late hour, the murderer - acting, as in the other case, silently and stealthily - managed to make his escape.

On the wall near where the body was found there was, according to one reporter, subsequently discovered written in chalk :-


On the place being subsequently visited by our representative this was not to be seen.


The woman's name, the police found, is Annie Sievy, and her age is about 45. She is five feet high, has fair brown wavy hair, blue eyes, and, like Mary Ann Nicholls, has two teeth missing. One peculiarity of her features is a large, flat kind of nose. Her clothing was old and dirty, and nothing was found in her pockets except part of an envelope bearing the seal of the Sussex regiment. For the last nine months she had been sleeping at a lodging-house, 35, Dorset-street, Spitalfields, and she was there as recently as two o'clock yesterday morning eating some potatoes. She had not, however, the money to pay for her bed, and at two o'clock she left with the remark to the keeper of the place, "I'll soon be back again; I'll soon get the money for my doss," almost the very words Mary Ann Nicholls used to the companion she met in Whitechapel-road, at half-past two on the morning of her death. A companion identified her soon after she had been taken to the mortuary as "Dark Annie," and as she came from the mortuary gate, bitterly crying, said between her tears, "I knowed her; I kissed her poor cold face."

The large flat kind of nose of the deceased is so striking a peculiarity that the police hope to be able to fully trace the movements of the deceased by means of it. The clothing of the dead woman, like that of most of her class who ply their trade in this quarter of London, was old and dirty. In the dress of the dead woman two farthings were found, so brightly polished as to lead to the belief that they were intended to be passed as half-sovereigns, and it is probable that they were given to her by the murderer as an inducement for her to accompany him.


Late yesterday, after the deceased had been formally identified as Annie Sievy, a witness came forward and stated that her real name was Annie Chapman. She came from Windsor, and had friends residing at Vauxhall. She had been married, her husband being an army pensioner, who had allowed her 10s. a week, but he died a twelvemonth ago; and, the pension ceasing, she became one of the hideous women infesting Whitechapel. She lived for a time with a man named Sievy, and took his name. According to another authority she used to live with a sieve maker in Dorset-street, and was known to her acquaintance as "Annie Sievy," a nickname derived from her paramour's trade.


Mrs. Fiddymont, wife of the proprietor of the Prince Albert public-house, better known as the "Clean House," at the corner of Brushfield and Stewart streets, half a mile from the scene of the murder, states that at seven o'clock yesterday morning she was standing in the bar talking with another woman, a friend, in the first compartment. Suddenly came into the middle compartment a man whose rough appearance frightened her. He had a brown stiff hat, a dark coat and no waistcoat. He came in with his hat down over his eyes, and with his face partly concealed, asked for half a pint of four' ale. She drew the ale, and meanwhile looked at him through the mirror at the back of the bar. As soon as he saw the woman in the other compartment watching him he turned his back, and got the partition between himself and her. The thing that struck Mrs. Fiddymont particularly was the fact that there were blood spots on the back of his right hand. This, taken in connection with his appearance, caused her uneasiness. She also noticed that his shirt was torn. As soon as he had drunk the ale, which he swallowed at a gulp, he went out. Her friend went out also to watch the man.

Her friend is Mrs. Mary Chappell, who lives at 28 Stewart-street, near by. Her story corroborates Mrs. Fiddymont's. When the man came in the expression of his eyes caught her attention, his look was so startling and terrifying. It frightened Mrs. Fiddymont so that she requested her to stay. He wore a light blue check shirt, which was torn badly, into rags in fact, on the right shoulder. There was a narrow streak of blood under his right ear, parallel with the edge of his shirt. There was also dried blood between the fingers of his hand. When he went out she slipped out of the other door, and watched him as he went towards Bishopsgate-street. She called Joseph Taylor's attention to him, and Joseph Taylor followed him.

Joseph Taylor is a builder at 22, Stewart-street. He states that as soon as his attention was attracted to the man he followed him. He walked rapidly, and came alongside him, but did not speak to him. The man was rather thin, about 5ft. 8in. high, and apparently between 40 and 50 years of age. He had a shabby genteel look, pepper and salt trowsers which fitted badly, and dark coat. When Taylor came alongside him the man glanced at him, and Taylor's description of the look was, "His eyes were as wild as a hawk's." Taylor is a reliable man, well known throughout the neighbourhood.

The man walked, he says, holding his coat together at the top. He had a nervous and frightened way about him. He wore a ginger-coloured moustache and had short sandy hair. Taylor ceased to follow him, but watched him as far as "Dirty Dick's," in Halfmoon-street, where he became lost to view.


One correspondent says :- It was evident at a glance that the murder had been done where the body lay. The enormous quantity of blood and the splash on the fence, coupled with the total absence of stains elsewhere, made this clear. It was also clear that the man had decoyed the poor woman into the yard, and murdered her as she lay where she was found. The passage through the house by which the yard was reached is 25ft. long and 3ft. wide. Its floor is bare, and nobody can pass along it without making some noise. The murderer and his victim failed to awaken anybody, however, though people were sleeping only a few feet away. Both front and back door are open all night, and there was no difficulty in reaching the yard. There was a story that a bloody knife had been found in the yard, but this was not true. The only unusual thing about the yard except the dead woman was the fact that the rusty padlock on the door of the shed had been broken. Not a sound seems to have been made by the woman when attacked. Mrs. Bell, an old lady who lives next door, sleeps by an open window, not 20ft. from the spot, and is certain that no noise was made, as she sleeps very lightly. The probability is that the woman by five o'clock was stupidly drunk, as she was well on when Donovan, the deputy, last saw her. In this case she could have been easily kept silent until she was unable from loss of blood to speak.


The man Davis, who discovered the body, was interviewed. He is a carman, employed by Mr. Wisdom, a fruiterer and greengrocer in Leadenhall-market. His story is that shortly before six a.m. he had occasion to go into the back, and as soon as he opened the door he saw the woman's body lying on the ground. The face was deluged with blood to such an extent that he did not notice the wound in the throat. Her petticoats were turned up, and the lower portion of her body was quite visible. Davis, who is an old and somewhat feeble-looking man, says he only stayed to notice that her bowels were protruding, and that then he dashed straight away to the police-station - about a couple of hundred yards from the scene of the murder - and there gave information to the police. He did not even wait to rouse any of the other inmates of the house, who only became acquainted with the fact that the ghastly tragedy had been committed after the arrival of the police.

Mrs. Elizabeth Bell, of 31, Hanbury-street, stated :- "I have been living here some time, and I wish I had never come. Such a terrible sight is enough to shock any woman with the hardest heart. The house is open all night next door, and this poor creature was taken into the yard, and butchered, no doubt, by the same man who committed the others. We were all roused at six o'clock this morning by Adam Osborne calling out, 'For God's sake get up; here's a woman murdered.' We all got up and huddled on our clothes, and on going into the yard saw the poor creature lying by the steps in the next yard, with her clothes torn and her body gashed in a dreadful manner. The people in the house next door were all asleep, I believe, and knew nothing of the matter until the police came and roused them up. I cannot be sure if anybody in the house knew of the murder, or took part in it, but I believe not. The passage is open all night, and anyone can get in, and no doubt that is what happened. All the other tenants of the house gave the same opinion, and those in the house of Mr. Richardson, at 29, where the murder occurred, state that they heard no cries of "Murder" or "Help," nor anything unusual during the night.

Mr. E. Waldron, the proprietor of the Three Bells, standing on the corner of Spitalfields market, and which opens early for the convenience of those who bring their goods from the country, was sought out, and one of his assistants was able to state :- "A woman did call in here about five o'clock. She was very poorly dressed, having no bodice to her skirt. She was middle-aged. She just had something to drink, when a man called for her. He just popped his head in the door and retired immediately afterwards. He had on a little skull cap, and was, as far as I could see, without a coat. But he gave me no opportunity of seeing him. I think, however, I should know the face again, and I think I would also know the woman. The description of the woman corresponds to a certain extent, especially with regard to age, hair, and clothing, with that of the victim of to-day."

James Wiltshire and Alfred Henry Gunthorpe, two milkmen, in the employ of the Dairy Supply company, Museum-street, Bloomsbury, were driving in separate carts through Hanbury-street early yesterday morning. Wiltshire passed that thoroughfare at 20 minutes to six. He says, "There was no bother then, and no sign that a murder had been committed. There were people about, but I did not notice anyone in particular." Alfred Henry Gunthorpe passed through part of Hanbury-street into Brick-lane, shortly after, and he saw nothing of a suspicious character.

John Thimbleby, coppersmith in Hanbury's brewery, went to the Commercial-street-station at one o'clock yesterday to say that at six o'clock that morning a man attracted his particular attention before he heard of the murder. He was hurrying from Hanbury-street, below where the murder took place, into Brick-lane. He was walking, almost running, and had a peculiar gait, his knees not bending when he walked. (This is a peculiarity of "Leather Apron's" gait). He was dressed in a dark stiff hat and cutaway coat, reaching to his knees. His face was clean shaven, and he seemed about 30 years old. Thimbleby says he can identify him.

A representative went to the Bell, in Brick-lane, where, as gossip goes, "Dark Annie" was seen with the man supposed to be her murderer. The barmaid said she opened the place at five o'clock, as is customary on a Saturday morning, as Spitalfields market is in the near vicinity. She was too busy almost to notice whom she served. She might have served the woman; indeed she had been told by those who knew her that she had, but she had no recollection of it, and certainly could not say whether the unfortunate creature was accompanied by a man.

Davis, the lodger, who discovered the body, immediately communicated with the police at Commercial-street station, and Inspector Chandler and several constables arrived on the scene in a short time, when they found the woman in the condition described. An excited crowd gathered in front of Mrs. Richardson's house, and also around the mortuary in Old Montagu-street, to which place the body was quickly removed. Several persons who were lodging in the house, and who were seen in the vicinity when the body was found, were taken to the Commercial-street station and closely examined, especially the women last with the deceased.

Timothy Donovan, deputy at the lodging-house, 35, Dorset-street, interviewed by a reporter, said the woman came to the place at between half-past one and a quarter to two yesterday morning the worse for drink - in fact, she was "very drunk." She went downstairs to the common kitchen, and when the deputy sent down and asked for the money for her bed, she said she had not sufficient. She came upstairs and said, "Jim, I've been in the infirmary. I'm going out. I shan't be long." John Edwards, the watchman, went out after her and saw her go in the direction of Brushfield. Before she went to the lodging-house on Friday night she had not been seen there since the Sunday before. Last Saturday afternoon she came to the lodging-house with a man about 5ft. 6in., with a dark moustache and short beard, and dressed in the clothes of a labouring man. "He was not 'Leather Apron,'" the deputy said. "Do you know him?" asked the reporter. "Yes, I ought to." was the answer; "I chucked him down the stairs; he tried to murder a woman here." Coming back to the new horror, Donovan said the man who came to the place with the woman Sievy on Saturday had come with her to the lodging-house every Saturday for the last six weeks. He used to stop with her at the lodging-house till Monday evening. The woman had spoken about him, and said he was a pensioner.

Frederick Stevens, a young man, lodging at 35, Dorset-street, stated that deceased did not leave the place until one o'clock. He had drunk a pint of beer with her at half-past 12. She was not very well, having been in the casual ward of the Whitechapel infirmary from Wednesday night till Friday morning. Her injuries were due to a quarrel on Monday with another woman, who kicked her in the breast, making a painful wound.

Frederick Simpson, staying at the same lodging-house, said he had known the woman well for two years. She mentioned the fact that she had a son - a little boy - in a school at Windsor, and a daughter 14 years old travelling with some performing troupe in France. She has relatives at Vauxhall, where she went that night, "to get some money," as she told the other lodgers at "Dorset-chambers." "They gave me 5d.," she said.

On visiting the house next door to the tragedy, 27, our representative saw Mr. Albert Cadosen, a carpenter, who resides there and works in Shoe-lane, Fleet-street. He says: I was not very well in the night and I went out into the back yard about 25 minutes past five. It was just getting daylight, and as I passed to the back of the yard I heard a sound as of two people up in the corner of the next yard. On coming back I heard some words which I did not catch, but I heard a woman say "No." Then I heard a kind of scuffle going on, and someone seemed to fall heavily on to the ground against the wooden partition which divided the yard, at the spot where the body was afterwards found. As I though it was some of the people belonging to the house, I passed into my own room, and took no further notice.


Two men passing through Brick-lane yesterday morning were denounced by the crowd as the murderers, and were attacked. They called upon the police for protection, and were taken to Bethnal-green and there treated as prisoners. As, however, they made clear statements of their movements, which could not be gainsaid, they were allowed to go. This gave rise to an excited rumour of two arrests.


The police at Scotland-yard, on being sought out, declared that the statement that a leather apron was found by the side of the murdered woman was an error. The body was found in the yard weltering in blood. The injuries were of too horrible a character to admit of particular description. Colonel Mounsell, chief constable of the district, visited the locality of the murder early in the forenoon, and subsequently inspected the body of the victim in the presence of the local police-officers and the divisional surgeon. The only foundation for the story of the leather apron is that an apron of this character was hanging on a nail in the passage leading to the yard. The landlady of the house has two sons, who are employed as cabinet-makers, and use heavy leathern aprons in the exercise of their trade. The Scotland-yard authorities state that the circumstances in connection with the murder justify the police in believing that it has been committed by the same person or persons who murdered Mary Ann Nicholls. The matter, however, is surrounded with mystery, and the police have had but little time to make inquiries. The police at Commercial-street station are in charge of the inquiry, but a large body of detectives are scouring the district.


The first of the four recent murders in Whitechapel was that of a woman unidentified, who was found killed by having a stick or iron instrument thrust into her body. This crime passed off very quietly. It was put down as a drunken freak of some of the nameless ruffians who swarm about Whitechapel. The second was in Osborne-street. The scene was near the first murder; a woman was found stabbed in 36 places, lying outside George's-buildings. The impression made by this affair soon died away. The crime was a horrible one, but not a witness was called at the inquest who could throw a light on the matter. The excitement died from sheer lack of fact to support any theory. The third was the Buck's-row murder, which in a week has been followed by the latest barbarity in Hanbury-street.


"A Whitechapel Workman" writes :- Why do the police not employ bloodhounds to trace the murderer? He could not commit such a crime without being covered with the blood of his victim, and this would help the dogs to trace him. Bloodhounds were used to trace out Fish, the murderer, some years ago with success: but that, of course, was before our police force was presided over by Sir Charles Warren.


At five minutes after eleven o'clock yesterday morning a most exciting incident took place. A man suddenly attacked a woman in Spitalfields-market while she was passing through. After felling her to the ground with a blow, he began kicking her, and pulled out a knife. Some women who had collected, having the terrible tragedy that brought them there still fresh in their minds, on seeing the knife, raised such piercing screams of "Murder!" so that they reached the enormous crowds in Hanbury-street. There was at once a rush for Commercial-street, where the markets are situate, as it was declared by some that there was another murder, and by others that the murderer had been arrested. Seeing the immense crowd swarming around him, the man who was the cause of the alarm made more furious efforts to reach the woman, from whom he had been separated by some persons, who interfered on her behalf. He, however, threw these on one side, fell upon the woman, knife in hand, and inflicted various stabs on her head, cut her forehead, neck, and fingers before he was again pulled off. When he was again pulled off the woman lay motionless - the immense crowd took up the cry of "Murder!" and the people who were on the streets raised cries of "Lynch him!" At this juncture the police arrived, arrested the man, and after a while had the woman conveyed on a stretcher to the station in Commercial-street, where she was examined by the divisional surgeon. She was found to be suffering from several wounds, but none of them were considered dangerous. She was subsequently removed to the London hospital, where she was detained as an in-patient. Her assailant is described as a blind man, who sells laces in the streets, and whom she led about from place to place. The blind man is said to have an ungovernable temper, and he was seen, whilst the woman was leading him along, to stab her several times in the neck. Blood flowed quickly, and it was at first thought that another terrible murder had been committed. The affair occurred midway between Buck's-row and Hanbury-street.

Page 8


ESSEX. - ALLEGED ATTEMPTED WIFE MURDER. - William Franklin, a sieve-maker, was charged, at Dunmow, on Monday, with attempting to murder his wife. It was given in evidence that the prisoner stabbed his wife in the abdomen with a dagger eight inches in length, and she would undoubtedly have been killed had not the dagger come in contact with the iron busk of her stays. The woman's screams brought up a veterinary surgeon named Young, and the attempted murderer then made off. He was arrested after an exciting chase, and when charged he replied, "If I had not stabbed her I intended to have shot her, as I have a double-barrelled gun at home loaded for that purpose." The parties had been separated for some time. The prisoner was remanded.

LANCASHIRE. - A DREADFUL DEATH. - Pierce Hargreaves, 36, a moulder, was committed for trial from Blackburn, on Tuesday, charged with the manslaughter of his wife by throwing a lighted paraffin lamp at her. The prisoner went home under the influence of drink on the night of Saturday week, and after quarrelling with his wife refused to have his tea. The deceased went into the street, and he shut the door, but she forced it open, and Hargreaves was then seen with the lamp in his hand. He threw it at her, and she was frightfully burned, and died in great agony a few hours afterwards.

TERRIBLE WIFE MURDER. - The county coroner held an inquest at Garston, near Liverpool, on Wednesday, on the body of Ellen Neil, wife of James Neil, labourer, who died last Saturday from injuries inflicted by her husband. The evidence showed that on Wednesday last the prisoner assaulted his wife in a terrible manner, having previously repeatedly said that he would "swing for her." He knocked her down, dashed her head against the floor, threw a table on her, danced on the table, and struck her with a heavy stool, kicked her, and ultimately tried to roast her to death. The woman was rendered insensible, and remained in that condition until Saturday night, when she died. The jury brought in a verdict of "Wilful murder" against Neil, who was committed to the Liverpool assizes.


Teresa Roggio, an elderly woman from Saffron-hill, who had with her two little boys, was charged at Marlborough-street police-court, on Thursday, with placing herself and the children in a public thoroughfare for the purpose of soliciting alms. - Castleton, one of the officials of the court, said that at a quarter to five on Wednesday evening he saw the woman, with a spotted handkerchief over her head, standing with an old-fashioned barrel organ in Piccadilly. On the organ was a cot, in which one of the little boys, who pretended to be asleep, was lying. The other little fellow was begging of ladies in shops and on the pavement. A painted board was exhibited on the organ, on which was painted the following: "Kind Friends, - My daughter died and left me with two children. The young baby departed this life in September, 1886. The elder boy is my own." - Castleton said that he had seen the woman on many occasions, and ladies and children had given them money and cakes. The old organ was played at times, and it made "the most horridest noise that you ever heard in your life" (laughter). - A woman came forward on the prisoner's behalf, and informed the magistrate that the old lady was a quiet and industrious woman. Three days a week she worked at washing and ironing, and during the remainder she went out with the children and the organ. That was how she got a living. - Mr. De Rutzen said this system of begging could not be allowed. He ordered the woman to be sent to prison for seven days, and the children to be taken to the workhouse. - The prisoner burst out crying, and had to be removed from the dock. - Mr. De Rutzen: Let the Italian consul be acquainted with the facts of the case.


The numbers of paupers in London on Saturday last, exclusive of lunatics in asylums and vagrants, was 91,387, as compared with 88,275 on the corresponding day last year, 86,283 in 1886, and 85,283 in 1885.

At all the medical schools of the metropolis the fixtures for the opening of the winter session have now been made. Monday, Oct. 1, has been set down as the commencing day for all.

Page 11


The inquiry into the circumstances attending the death of Elizabeth Bartlett, aged 56, who it was alleged had been murdered by her husband, Levi Richard Bartlett, a general dealer, of 248, Manchester-road, Cubitt-town, was concluded on Monday before Mr. George Collier. On Sunday, Aug. 19, Mrs. Bartlett was discovered lying in her bedroom with extensive wounds on her throat and head. Life was extinct, the injuries on the head, which it was found had been inflicted by a blacksmith's hammer, weighing 12lbs, being sufficient to account for death. An errand boy named Walter Still, who slept in a room adjoining that occupied by Bartlett and his wife, was awakened on the morning in question by hearing groans, and going into the other room he saw his master sitting in a chair endeavouring to tear open a wound in his throat. On the bed he noticed the body of Mrs. Bartlett, blood flowing from the wounds in her throat. He raised an alarm in the house. It seems that at an earlier hour of the morning Bartlett had gone into the room of a man named Jones, also in his employ, asked for some drink, and remarked that he would not be seen alive again. He added, "I have done for the missis, and am going to do for myself." He went to the rooms of other people sleeping in the house and made observations of a similar character. When the police were called in they found Mrs. Bartlett lying in a pool of blood, her head being horribly mutilated. Bartlett was very violent, and had to be held on the bed by four policemen while the wound in his throat was stitched. - Evidence was given before the coroner on Monday to the effect that Bartlett had for many years been a heavy drinker, and that on several occasions he had threatened to decapitate his wife.. Since Aug. 19 the husband has been an inmate of the Poplar hospital, and he was reported to be recovering from his injuries. - The coroner having then briefly summed up the case, the jury returned a verdict of "Wilful murder against Levi Richard Bartlett," who was forthwith committed for trial.

Page 12




ASSAULTING AND THREATENING A CONSTABLE. - George Cullen, alias Squibby, 25, was charged with assaulting Betsy Goldstein. - Police-constable Bates, 166 H, said that on the 1st inst. the prisoner accosted him in Commercial-street, and threatened that the next time he was interfered with he would "do for him" (the constable). The constable explained that the prisoner was a notorious street gambler, and had been chased the previous Sunday. After this threat he took up a stone and flung it at the constable. It missed him and struck the young girl he was now charged with assaulting. On Saturday morning the prisoner was seen in Commercial-street, and chased by Detective Dew, H division. He dodged under market carts and horses' legs, and presently other constables took up the chase, the prisoner giving them a smart run through Spitalfields, where the cry was raised that it was "the murderer," and some thousands of persons gathered in a state of the greatest excitement. - Previous convictions for assault on the police were proved, and Mr. Bushby sentenced the prisoner to three months' hard labour.


ASSAULT WITH A WALKING STICK. - Frederick Clark, 28, a clerk, of Eden-grove, Holloway, was charged with assaulting John and Mary Ann Reed, by striking them with a stick. - The prosecutrix said she was sitting at home on Friday evening when she heard her son, the other prosecutor, who was outside the house, call out to her. She went to him, and saw him standing at the gate bleeding from a wound on his forehead. The prisoner stood near him, swinging a walking-stick round his head. She asked the prisoner what he had assaulted her son for, when Clark assaulted her with the stick, striking her on the neck and also on her right hand. - The prosecutor, John Reed, a lad, aged 17, said that he was standing at the gate of his mother's house, when the prisoner, who was a perfect stranger to him, came up to him and asked him to fight. Witness asked, "How many of you are there?" and Clark struck him a violent blow on the head with the stick, inflicting a cut. - Witness, in reply to the prisoner, denied being in the habit of molesting Clark as he was going home through Eden-grove of an evening. - The prisoner, in defence, said a gang of lads, of whom he believed John Reed was one, had frequently molested him as he passed through the neighbourhood. - Mr. Horace Smith remanded the prisoner for a week, accepting his own recognisances.


DISGRACEFUL BEHAVIOUR OF BROKERS' MEN. - George Britain and Robert Cooper, brokers, were charged with forcibly breaking and entering the dwelling-house of Timothy Donovan, a labourer, of 47, Stebendale-street, Cubitt-town. - Prosecutor stated up to the 1st September he lived at 115, Stebendale-street, when he removed to No. 47. He removed his things in the daytime, and he did so on account of the floods. The ceiling had fallen in, water was in the room, and the house was not habitable. The floods had also spoilt his things. - Mrs. Donovan stated the landlord of the house told her she had better leave on account of the state it was in, and she did so. There was no secrecy about moving, and the neighbours helped her. On the 5th inst. as she was scrubbing out the kitchen and had the door locked, she heard a noise. Prisoners broke open the door, and Britain asked for rent. Witness told them that the landlord had told them to clear out, and he then said, "We won't be hard on you. If you pay 5s. 6d. we will let you off with that." She paid the money, but she had first to borrow it. The lock was broken. - Other corroborative evidence having been given, Inspector M. Crawford, H division, said he examined the door. The lock box had been burst open, and there was a mark of a foot on the door. The prisoners were more or less the worse for drink. Britain said, "I admit I burst the door in. It's no use going back without the costs." - Mr. Lushington did not doubt that the prisoners forcibly broke into the house. For the wilful damage he sentenced each to pay 20s. and costs, and in addition each to pay the prosecutor 1l. 1s., or in default 14 days'.



Dr. Diplock held an inquest yesterday at the West London hospital, on the body of John M'Carthy, aged 35, driver of one of the Roman chariots in the Coliseum of the Italian exhibition. The evidence showed that the deceased, who was accustomed to driving, and had been similarly engaged in a circus in France, was on Thursday afternoon racing with a chariot when it suddenly tilted, and he was thrown to the ground of the arena. The driver of the chariot immediately behind endeavoured to pull up, but could not, the wheel passing over the deceased and causing such injuries that he died on the way to the hospital. M'Carthy was quite sober. Mr. J. C. Targett, jobmaster at the Exhibition, said there was no competition between the drivers, and no prizes for speed were given. It was arranged beforehand which should come first. A verdict of "Accidental death" was returned.

Related pages:
  Annie Chapman
       Home: Timeline - Annie Chapman 
       Dissertations: Cadosch – The Other Side of the Fence 
       Dissertations: Considerable Doubt and the Death of Annie Chapman 
       Dissertations: Long -vs- Cadoche 
       Dissertations: The Pensioner, and a Brief History of Fort Elson 
       Dissertations: Windows and Witnesses 
       Message Boards: Annie Chapman 
       Message Boards: Annie Chapman, Jack the Ripper Victim: A Short Biography 
       Official Documents: Annie Chapman's Inquest 
       Press Reports: Alderley and Wilmslow Advertiser - 21 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Atlanta Constitution - 8 June 1889 
       Press Reports: British Daily Whig - 10 September 1888 
       Press Reports: British Medical Journal - 22 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Croydon Advertiser - 15 September 1888 
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       Press Reports: East London Observer - 22 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Eastern Post - 15 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Eastern Post - 22 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Eastern Post - 29 September 1888 
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       Press Reports: Echo - 11 September 1888 
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       Press Reports: Macclesfield Courier and Herald - 15 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Macclesfield Courier and Herald - 22 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Manchester Guardian - 10 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Manitoba Daily Free Press - 9 January 1892 
       Press Reports: Marion Daily Star - 22 May 1889 
       Press Reports: Montreal Daily Star - 10 September 1888 
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       Press Reports: New York Times - 9 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Pall Mall Gazette - 10 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Pall Mall Gazette - 14 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Pall Mall Gazette - 27 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Pall Mall Gazette - 8 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Penny Illustrated Paper - 15 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Penny Illustrated Paper - 22 September 1888 
       Press Reports: People - 23 September 1888 
       Press Reports: People - 30 September 1888 
       Press Reports: People - 9 September 1888 
       Press Reports: St. James Budget - 22 September 1888 
       Press Reports: St. James Budget - 29 September 1888 
       Press Reports: St. James Gazette - 12 September 1888 
       Press Reports: St. James Gazette - 13 September 1888 
       Press Reports: St. James Gazette - 14 September 1888 
       Press Reports: St. James Gazette - 15 September 1888 
       Press Reports: St. James Gazette - 20 September 1888 
       Press Reports: St. James Gazette - 27 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Star - 10 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Star - 11 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Star - 13 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Star - 14 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Star - 15 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Star - 26 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Star - 27 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Star - 8 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Te Aroha News - 10 November 1888 
       Press Reports: Times - 10 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Times [London] - 11 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Times [London] - 12 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Times [London] - 13 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Times [London] - 14 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Times [London] - 15 September 1888 
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       Press Reports: Times [London] - 20 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Times [London] - 27 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Weekly Herald - 14 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Woodford Times - 14 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Woodford Times - 21 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Woodford Times - 28 September 1888 
       Ripper Media: Annie Chapman, Jack the Ripper Victim: A Short Biography 
       Ripper Media: Dark Annie (Piston Baroque) 
       Victims: Annie Chapman 
       Victims: Testimonies of Elizabeth Long and Albert Cadoche 
       Victorian London: Hanbury Street 
  Henry Baker
       Press Reports: Star - 30 October 1888 
  Henry Hummerston
       Press Reports: Daily Telegraph - 6 September 1888 
  Leather Apron
       Press Reports: Atchison Daily Globe - 5 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Austin Statesman - 05 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Daily Telegraph - 12 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Galveston Daily News - 5 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Manchester Guardian - 6 September 1888 
       Press Reports: News of the World - 21 October 1900 
       Press Reports: Star - 5 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Star - 6 September 1888 
       Suspects: David Cohen 
       Witnesses: Elizabeth Allen 
  Mrs. Fiddymont
       Press Reports: Morning Advertiser - 12 November 1888 
       Ripper Media: Jack the Ripper: A Cast of Thousands - Mrs. Fiddymont 
  Polly Nichols
       Home: Timeline - Mary Ann Nichols 
       Dissertations: Old Wounds: Re-examining the Bucks Row Murder 
       Dissertations: The Riddle of New Cottage 
       Message Boards: Mary Ann Nichols 
       Official Documents: Bucks Row - Census Listings 
       Official Documents: Polly Nichol's Inquest 
       Press Reports: Atchison Daily Globe - 3 September 1888 
       Press Reports: British Daily Whig - 1 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Daily News - 1 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Daily News - 18 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Daily News - 24 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Daily News - 3 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Daily News - 4 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Daily News - 5 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Daily News - 7 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Daily Telegraph - 1 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Daily Telegraph - 18 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Daily Telegraph - 24 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Daily Telegraph - 3 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Daily Telegraph - 4 September 1888 
       Press Reports: East London Advertiser - 1 September 1888 
       Press Reports: East London Advertiser - 8 September 1888 
       Press Reports: East London Observer - 1 September 1888 
       Press Reports: East London Observer - 8 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Eastern Argus - 1 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Eastern Argus - 8 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Eastern Post - 1 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Eastern Post - 8 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Echo - 1 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Echo - 17 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Echo - 3 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Echo - 31 August 1888 
       Press Reports: Echo - 4 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Echo - 5 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Echo - 6 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Evening News - 1 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Evening News - 31 August 1888 
       Press Reports: Evening Standard - 1 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Evening Standard - 18 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Evening Standard - 24 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Evening Standard - 3 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Evening Standard - 4 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Evening Standard - 7 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Fort Wayne Gazette - 2 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Freemans Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser - 1 Sept... 
       Press Reports: Freemans Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser - 3 Sept... 
       Press Reports: Freemans Journal and Daily Commercial Advertiser - 4 Sept... 
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       Press Reports: Illustrated Police News - 22 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Illustrated Police News - 8 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Irish Times - 18 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Irish Times - 24 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Lloyds Weekly News - 2 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Manchester Guardian - 1 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Manchester Guardian - 3 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Manchester Guardian - 4 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Manchester Guardian - 5 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Morning Advertiser - 1 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Morning Advertiser - 24 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Morning Advertiser - 3 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Morning Advertiser - 4 September 1888 
       Press Reports: New York Times - 1 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Pall Mall Gazette - 1 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Pall Mall Gazette - 18 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Pall Mall Gazette - 3 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Pall Mall Gazette - 31 August 1888 
       Press Reports: Penny Illustrated Paper - 29 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Penny Illustrated Paper - 8 September 1888 
       Press Reports: People - 2 September 1888 
       Press Reports: St. James Budget - 8 September 1888 
       Press Reports: St. James Gazette - 18 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Star - 1 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Star - 3 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Star - 31 August 1888 
       Press Reports: Star - 4 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Times [London] - 1 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Times [London] - 24 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Times [London] - 27 April 1866 
       Press Reports: Times [London] - 3 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Times [London] - 4 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Walthamstow and Leyton Guardian - 8 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Weekly Herald - 7 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Woodford Times - 7 September 1888 
       Victims: Mary Ann 'Polly' Nichols 
       Victims: Testimonies of Charles Cross and PC John Neil 
       Victorian London: Buck's Row 
       Witnesses: Henry Tomkins, James Mumford and Charles Brittain 
  Prince Albert Victor
       Dissertations: Tea, Scandal and the Rippers Shadow 
       Message Boards: Clarence: Was He Jack the Ripper? 
       Message Boards: Prince Albert Victor 
       Press Reports: Burlington Daily Times News - 9 December 1970 
       Press Reports: Daily News - 1 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Daily News - 10 November 1888 
       Press Reports: Daily News - 12 November 1888 
       Press Reports: Daily News - 13 November 1888 
       Press Reports: Daily News - 18 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Daily News - 19 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Daily News - 2 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Daily News - 20 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Daily News - 22 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Daily News - 23 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Daily News - 24 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Daily News - 27 August 1888 
       Press Reports: Daily News - 28 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Daily News - 29 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Daily News - 30 August 1888 
       Press Reports: Daily News - 4 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Daily News - 5 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Daily News - 6 November 1888 
       Press Reports: Daily News - 8 August 1888 
       Press Reports: Daily News - 8 November 1888 
       Press Reports: Daily News - 8 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Daily News - 9 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Daily Northwestern - 26 May 1890 
       Press Reports: Echo - 21 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Echo - 6 November 1888 
       Press Reports: Echo - 7 August 1888 
       Press Reports: Evening News - 7 November 1888 
       Press Reports: Evening Standard - 19 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Evening Standard - 21 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Evening Standard - 22 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Evening Standard - 30 August 1888 
       Press Reports: Evening Standard - 8 August 1888 
       Press Reports: Evening Standard - 8 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Evening Standard - 9 August 1888 
       Press Reports: Lima Daily Democratic Times - 29 August 1888 
       Press Reports: Macclesfield Courier and Herald - 27 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Morning Advertiser - 2 November 1888 
       Press Reports: Morning Advertiser - 20 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Morning Advertiser - 22 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Morning Advertiser - 6 November 1888 
       Press Reports: Morning Advertiser - 8 August 1888 
       Press Reports: Ogden Standard - 3 January 1890 
       Press Reports: Southern Guardian - 22 December 1888 
       Press Reports: Star - 20 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Star - 7 August 1888 
       Press Reports: Times - 14 November 1970 
       Press Reports: Times - 4 November 1970 
       Press Reports: Times [London] - 15 January 1892 
       Press Reports: Times [London] - 25 February 1886 
       Press Reports: Times [London] - 8 January 1885 
       Press Reports: Times [London] - 9 November 1970 
       Ripper Media: Clarence: Was He Jack the Ripper? 
       Ripper Media: Jack the Ripper: A Suspect Guide - Albert Victor Edward D... 
       Ripper Media: Murder and Madness: The Secret Life of Jack the Ripper 
       Ripper Media: Prince Jack: The True Story of Jack the Ripper 
       Ripper Media: The Last Victim of the Bloody Tower 
       Ripper Media: The Prince, His Tutor and the Ripper 
       Suspects: Prince Albert Victor 
       Ripper Media: Jack the Ripper: A Suspect Guide - George Cullen