Dublin, Ireland
Thursday, 25th October 1888
I hear that Sir Chas Warren is engaged at present in a reorganisation of the Detective Department at Scotland Yard. The chief feature of his scheme is the complete separation of the administration and direction of the detective fore from those of the ordinary police. The connection and confusion between the two branches has, it is said, greatly hampered the working of the detective force, which manifestly requires much more play and freedom than the uniformed police. Sir Charles Warren, it is said, also intends to weed out as far as he can from the detective force men whose appearance readily betrays them, and in the selection of men for detective work in future regard will be had to the fact whether they have acquired the typical policeman's stride. Mr. Anderson, the official who has succeeded Mr. Munro, is to have the control of the detective department in its new form - that is, provided Sir Charles Warren's scheme finds favour at the Home Office and receives the imprimateur of the gifted Mr. Matthews.