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The Star
Largest Circulation of Any Evening Paper in the Kingdom.

Page 2

The Average Daily Circulation of

For the Week ending 14 Sept. was

The Number of Copies Circulated
during the Six Days was

This Number is Greater by
Than the Number Ever Circulated in
any week by any other

The Sermons Contain References to the Exciting Topics of the East-end.

The Rev. Dr. Hermann Adler, in his sermon at the Bayswater Synagogue during the morning service on the Day of Atonement, referred to what he termed the Eastern question which so urgently pressed itself upon the notice of his community through the presence in the East-end of so large a number of their foreign brethren. In earnest words he besought them to labor with unflagging zeal in the great work of


them, and in training their children to follow industrial trades, so that these might never become the victims of that grinding tyranny known as the sweating system. In alluding to the recent terrible outrages perpetrated in Whitechapel, he expressed his conviction that no Hebrew could have been guilty of these crimes. He hoped that this sad mystery would soon be cleared up, and that the spread of true education, the culture of the heart and mind, would stay the commission of such revolting deeds.

The Rev. S. Singer, preaching at the new West-end synagogue, said:- I notice in this synagogue a considerable number of our Polish brethren, men and women, who, within recent times, have left their native land to seek a livelihood in a more hospitable country, and I welcome them in the name of the rest of the congregation to this house of God, where we are especially desirous to see the word of the Scripture realised - "The rich and the poor are met together; the Lord is the maker of them all." But I entreat those of my foreign brethren to whom the words apply to remember that for them


from the moment they touch British soil. I would say to them: Once you were oppressed, buffeted, despised; now your person and your honor are as safe as that of any one in the land. Once you were in perpetual fear of unjust laws and of corrupt officials; now you find that the law is on the side of right and justice, and that only evil doers have to be afraid it. Once you were in a land where you were shut out from almost every kind of honorable occupation, where you had to bear your country's burdens, but were denied all share in your country's glory; now you are in a world where every path for which you are fit is open to you, and where with the duties you have also the rights of citizens. Once you were a byeword and a reproach among others because you kept faithfully to the law of your fathers. Now, you are in a land where all those whose good opinion is worth having respect the true son and daughter of Israel, and keep their contempt for sham Jews and Jewesses. Well, with regard to all this, "Look not behind you," thank heaven that it is all passed, and that a brighter and happier outlook is before you. But what have you to do on your part? Strive to show that you can be of some real use to the State that receives and shelters you. Prove, at all events, that you are not unthankful for the helping hand that is stretched out to you, and that you will repay many times over the kindness and the forbearance with which you have been received. Keep up the character of Jews as


lovers at once of liberty and order. Take some trouble to get rid, as swiftly as you can, of those unpleasant peculiarities of manners and habits which mark some Jews without distinguishing them, and which are apt to bring blame on all Jews. See that your children attend the schools open for them everywhere, and when they grow up find for them some other occupation than those trades to which far too many of our brethren have taken to their individual mutual injury.

We have heard a great deal of late about the sweating system. It is a fearful stain upon our civilisation, and devoutly is it to be hoped that some means may be found to get rid of it. But I think there is something that would be worse than the sweating system, and that is the begging system. Save us and yourself from that reproach. Let a man toil ever so hard and every so many hours at ever so small a wage, he has yet some spark of self-respect left in him, and there is hope for him, but when a life of easy-going beggary is preferred to one of hard work, the worst of all misfortunes has smitten a man's soul. What said the old Rabbis, the most consistent preachers of the dignity of labor? "Let thy Sabbath be as barren of worldly comforts as thy week-day, but accept not the charity of thy fellow-men. Go, flay the carcase in the street, rather than be an almstaker."


you will no doubt meet with; for not all minds are fair, candid, generous, or even reasonable in your adopted country. But it is by your conduct that you must disprove whatever is said to your discredit, by your industry, sobriety, and honesty, by courage under evil fortune and modesty in good fortune, by Jewish constancy and righteousness and devoutness. Above all do not meet prejudice with its own weapons. It is in vain to attempt to fight it down or to talk it down, or to write it down. There is but one remedy: you must live it down.

A Tory Journal Calls on Respectable People to Boycott "The Star."

The Andover Standard appears not to agree with the opinions of The Star, and it selects the following method of announcing the fact:-

That Thug of Journalism and Judas Oracle (thanking thee for the word!) The Star, the latest of the gutter efforts of the Metropolitan Radicals in the newspaper line, is a stain on this country's face and a blot in the writing of her name. The only possible redeeming feature of this pot-house swaggerer is its utility in showing to what depths of crapulous deviltry a mercenary mind can sink in lickspittling to the thievish and rowdy interests of a "political" faction whose orb if for a moment it feebly sparkled into publicity has now set again for ever before the risen sun of Unity. For the benefit of our Hants readers, the common decency of whose homes is happily unpolluted by the invasion of this and kindred evening rice-wrappers, we may say that its policy at the first sight has the look of being rather fresh. It misuses its space not so much in the dishing up of the favorite molly-coddles and fag-end cant of the Gladstonian superstition, as in advertising the


in the study and dissemination of which its most ardent supporters - the big London riff-raff of dirty and deadly, long-haired and howling "poets," idiots, loafers and knaves - seek and find the daily bread of their minds and the honorable means of their livelihood. The Hibernian editorial heart of this halfpenny, slobbery, would-be-Bowery-style of literary street-walker, loves to bleed over the fiendish inhumanity of the institution of property, the "absurd old-maidish respect" which so awkwardly seems to exist towards social law and order, and is always particularly outraged in its feelings over the atrocities hourly committed by


who draw rent in any number howsoever, on account of anything whatsoever. "Down with everything that's up, and up with everything that's down" is the whole text of its frantic diurnal wailings in the interests of its own proprietors' dividends. Certes, if Swift's "hospital for incurables" were now open, at least on City scribe might qualify with undoubted success for a certificate of admission as the finest single-handed liar of the season. But this sort of tin-thunder and fustian, high-falutin gets tame and ineffective with the lapse of the days, since this journalistic Roscius apparently only owns one shirt, which he wears white on Mondays, turns into striped cambric with a ha'porth of blue crayon on Tuesday, intersperses with red on Wednesday, and so forth. We have seen a strayed copy or two lately exposed for sale on an Andover counter. It is


criminals, fools and traitors whom the law cannot or will not deal with whether they appear as persons or as prints, though this will hardly be necessary in this case within our own walls, on the principle that vermin by instinct leave a sinking ship, and because in this Division the rotten raft of Radicalism has to-day hardly a stick left peeping above the waters of oblivion.

Page 3


Another Whitechapel Outrage.

A man named William Harley, of 75, New-street, Stepney, while going home last night was attacked by four men at the back of the London Hospital. One caught him by the neck, two by the arms and legs, and one put a handkerchief over his mouth. He was thrown to the ground, and his pockets were rifled. A policeman soon afterwards arrested a man who seemed to be running from somebody, but Harley could not identify him as one of his assailants.

Molten Lead and Needles.
A tailor named Gnädig, at Pesth, who attempted to commit suicide, after having poured molten lead into his wife's ear, has recovered, and is now awaiting his trial. He confesses to having tried to murder his wife not only with the molten lead, but also in another way, namely, by giving her needles in her medicine. The man is certainly insane.

A Man Arrested, but Mrs. Lloyd Says She Can't Identify Him - The Pensioner Makes a Satisfactory Statement - Bogus Bloodstains.

The police were yesterday in communication with the pensioner Edward Stanley, who is known to have been frequently in the company of the murdered woman, Chapman. Last night Stanley, who is a man of 47 years of age, attended at the Commercial-street Police-station, and made a statement, which was taken down by Inspector Helson. His explanation of his proceedings is regarded as perfectly satisfactory, and as affording no possible ground for associating him in any way with the recent outrage. In view of his relations with the deceased woman, Stanley felt considerable diffidence in coming forward, but after the expressions of opinion by the coroner at the inquest on Thursday he placed himself in indirect communication with the police. In was by arrangement that he subsequently proceeded to Commercial-street Police Station. Stanley has given the police


since he last saw the deceased woman, which was on the Sunday preceding the murder. Since then he has been following his usual employment, and has taken no steps to conceal his movements. The man is described as superior to the ordinary run of those who frequent the lodging-houses of Spitalfields. He states that he has known Chapman for about two years, and denies that she was of a quarrelsome disposition. So far as he is aware, there was no man with whom she was on bad terms, or who would have any reason for seeking her life. Stanley will attend the inquest when the proceedings are resumed, though his evidence is not expected to throw much light on the tragedy.

In respect to the pieces of newspaper discovered in Bayley's yard on Tuesday afternoon, where they had been, it was supposed, thrown by the murderer, who had first wiped his hands upon them when standing in the yard of No. 25, Hanbury-street, it has been alleged that they have been subjected to analysis, and the stains upon them proved to be those of human blood. On inquiry at the surgery of Mr. Phillips it was stated that these pieces of paper have not been examined as reported, and the doctor was so satisfied of the real nature of


upon the wall that he has not thought it necessary to analyse the matter submitted to him. Mr. Phillips personally has hitherto withheld information from reporters upon conscientious grounds, and Inspector Abberline himself says that the surgeon has not told him what portions of the body were missing. From independent testimony it has been gathered that the description of them would enable the jury, if not the public, to form some idea of the motive of the singular crime, and at the same time it would perhaps enable the police to pursue their investigations on a wider basis, and probably with the object of showing that the guilty man moves in a more respectable rank of life than that to which the larger proportion of the inhabitants of Spitalfields and Whitechapel belong.

The police at the Commercial-street police-station have made another arrest on suspicion. It appears that among the numerous statements and descriptions of suspected persons are several tallying with that of the man in custody, but beyond this the police know nothing at present against him. Throughout Thursday his movements are stated to have created suspicion amongst various persons, but it was not until last night he was handed over to a uniform constable doing duty in the neighborhood of Flower and Dean-street, on suspicion, in connection with the crime. When searched


was found - things only found on tramps, frequenters of common lodging-houses or casual wards. There were pieces of dress fabrics, old and dirty linen, two or three pocket-handkerchiefs, two small tin boxes, a small cardboard box, a small leather strap, some string, one spring onion, two purses with several compartments, usually carried by females, and somewhat worn. There is also said to have been found a small tableknife. The person to whom this curious assortment belonged is slightly built, about 5ft. 7in. or 5ft. 8in. in height, and, as may be imagined, dressed in very shabby attire. He has a very careworn look. Covering a head of hair somewhat inclined to be sandy, with beard and moustache to match, was a cloth skull cap. His name is Edward M'Kenna, and he gives an address at 15, Brick-lane, Whitechapel. He says the table-knife, which is rather the worse for wear, he uses


According to his own statement, which is fairly detailed, he has recently been on tramp in Kent, and has only just returned to London. He gains a living by peddling laces and other small articles. The police do not attach great importance to the arrest, but have detained him for inquiries, as he answers the description of a man who acted in a suspicious manner in Heath-street on Monday night.

This morning a Star reporter saw Mrs. Lloyd and her daughter, of Heath-street, Commercial-road, to whom has been attributed a sensational story about a man with a knife. Mrs. Lloyd says the statement which has been printed in the newspapers has been very much exaggerated, and she herself attaches no importance whatever to the incident. "What has been put into the papers," she said, "was put in without my consent. If anything serious or important had happened I should, of course, have immediately gone to the police. The truth is this. At eleven o'clock I was standing near my front door, and my daughter was sitting on the steps. Some boys chased a man up the street. The man crossed the road and went up to my daughter, looked in her face, and ran away without saying a word."


asked our reporter.

"That I couldn't say," replied Mrs. Lloyd, "as he ran, he had one hand behind him, and seemed to be holding something in it, but what it was, I don't know. I didn't see anything glittering, and couldn't say whether it was a weapon at all."

"Did he make any attempt to stab your daughter?"

"Not at all. I have been told the police have taken into custody and have got at Commercial-street Station a man who answers the published description of the man I saw, and I have been asked to go to the station and see whether I can identify him. But I know I


I can only say that the man I saw was short in stature, and I think he had a sandy beard. But all I could say positively on this point is that the man wasn't dark. As for the statement that he was mad, he might very likely have only had something to drink. The boy ran after him in Commercial-road, and I saw no more of him."

Regarding the man Pigott, who was captured at Gravesend, nothing whatever has been discovered by the detectives in the course of their inquiries which can in any way identify him with the crime or crimes; and his release, at all events from the custody of the police, is expected shortly.


The attention of the police is being directed to the elucidation of a suspicious incident which occurred yesterday. About ten o'clock in the evening a man passed through the Tower subway from the Surrey to the Middlesex side, and said to the caretaker, "Have you caught any of the Whitechapel murderers yet?" He then produced a knife, about a foot in length, with a curved blade, and remarked, "This will do for them." He was followed, but ran away, and was lost sight of near Tooley-street. The following is the description of the man:- Age about 30; height 5ft. 3in.; complexion and hair dark, with moustache and false whiskers, which he pulled off while running away. Dress, new black diagonal suit and light dust-coat, and dark cloth double-peak hat.

Making a Night of It in the Workhouse.

Mr. Saunders, medical superintendent at the St George's-in-the-East workhouse infirmary, made a tour of the wards about four o'clock on Thursday morning. To his astonishment he found the whole of the occupants of one of the men's wards awake and enjoying themselves. There were 47 of them fully dressed, some smoking, others cooking at the stove, and distributing tit-bits of food to others who were unable to move about. Taking the names of the leading spirits, the doctor retired to bed again, and at eight o'clock, when the steward arrived, he discharged the whole of them from the institution. Eighteen went into the workhouse, and the others sought a refuge outside. About a week previously 14 men were discharged from the same institution for smoking in various parts of the establishment.

An Ingenious Defence to be Set Up for Barber on his Trial.

The trial of William Barber, the Walthamstow chemist's assistant, takes place in the course of the session of the Central Criminal Court which opens on Monday, before either Justice Charles or Justice Grantham. Since his committal by the Stratford justices, his solicitor, Mr. T. Bore, of 4, Ropemaker-street, E.C., has been very busy in the preparation of the defence. He has specially retained as counsel for Barber Dr. Smith, of the South-eastern Circuit. Dr. Smith is Examiner in Forensic Medicine to the Aberdare University, and also to the London Society of Apothecaries. It is therefore evident that he is specially qualified for dealing in the most advantageous way possible for his client with the very important points which will arise in the case as to the peculiar actions of the several drugs involved in the case. Dr. Smith has not himself hitherto conducted any case similar to Barber's, but he has been consulted, and has advised in many of the sensational trials of late years in which the poisonous element has entered, including, we believe, the celebrated trial of Adelaide Bartlett, the central figure of the Pimlico mystery. The learned counsel has prepared an ingenious defence, and one which should do justice to his reputation, but we are not yet at liberty to explain the theory, as that would be showing to the prosecution the hand with which the defence will fight, and enable the Treasury to forearm themselves by forewarning them.


The Constable Who Has Eloped.

The Thames police-court granted a warrant on behalf of the Commissioner of Police for the arrest of a constable of the K Division who absconded, taking a portion of his uniform with him. It is believed he eloped with the girl who stole £60 of her master's money.

Thinks the World a Stage.

Edmund Willman, 58, a man who seemed weary and footsore, and who described himself as a crossing-sweeper, was charged at Westminster with begging. - A plain-clothes officer said the prisoner affected a cough, had a long-drawn face, and would be suddenly taken ill if ladies were passing. - Mr. Biron: He is a very good actor? - Witness: Yes, your Worship. - Prisoner: I have two bad legs, and that makes me lame. I have been bad 13 years. - Mr. Biron: You will go to prison for 14 days.

Didn't Know a Daughter's Name - Died Because He Didn't Trouble.

This morning Coroner Baxter held an inquest on George Brown, employed at Grace's Lead Works, Holly Bush-gardens, Bethnal-green. - Hermann Hartopp, 27A, Cannon-street-road, St. George's-in-the-East, said that on Sunday last, while sitting on the sofa at about half-past four o'clock in the afternoon, smoking his pipe and playing cards, deceased was suddenly taken in a fit. Witness was not present at the time, but his wife and daughter and son-in-law were.

The Coroner asked the names of these persons, and the witness answered very well until he got to the son-in-law, when he confessed, amidst a good deal of amusement on the part of the jury, that he did not know it. The following dialogue then took place:-

The Coroner: What is your daughter's name?

The Witness: Sophie.

The Coroner: Sophie what?

The Witness: Sophie Hartopp.

The Coroner: But she's married; what's her name now?

The witness: I don't know. (Laughter.)

The Coroner: That is "East-end" right off. I ask the people I get before me, and they don't know the name of the street in which they live.

The witness continued that he was fetched home at once, and he sent for Dr. Morrison, who came and said he was suffering from


The same evening witness brought him to the hospital. The deceased worked in the gallery in the watermills grinding white lead. Notices similar to one held up by the Coroner (the Factory Act notice) were posted in the works, but witness could not read English, and acid was provided in the mills for drinking, but he never saw anyone take it. Witness could not say that deceased had any friends, but he was a German.

Mr. J. B. Lakeman, factory inspector, put a number of questions to the witness with a view of eliciting whether the rules applicable to such works were complied with in the case of the deceased - as to the special dress, washing, &c. - and it did not appear that they were not.

Mr. Henry Kelsall, house physician at the London Hospital, said the deceased was in a state of stupor, and evidently suffering from lead poisoning. He survived until Wednesday. Kelsall said it was possible that a man working continuously at a tank of lead with a scoop should suffer from lead poisoning by the lead working from the handle of the scoop,


even though the lead were wet, and there was not the possibility of inhaling it in the form of dust. Gloves of a nonporous character would tend to protect the workmen.

Mr. Hopkins, manager of the works, was examined, and deposed that as far as possible the men were made to conform to the Factory Act, but in reply to Mr. Lakeman he admitted that although ten gallons of the acid drink were always kept in the gallery accessible for all the men and women employed, they were not compelled to drink it, but every endeavor was made to get them to do so.

Mr. Lakeman pointed out that the notice posted in the factory was compulsory on the employees to take the drink at stated times.

The jury returned a verdict of accidental death from lead poisoning, and added a rider to the effect that they were of opinion that where foreigners were largely employed in a factory the notices should be posted in their language, as well as in English, and that the protection of the employees should be made more stringent as to the taking of the drinks.