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A Timeline of Events in the Life and Death of Annie Chapman
Courtesy of Casebook Productions

SEP 1841

Annie was born in Paddington as Eliza Anne Smith.1


Annie's parents, George Smith and Ruth Chapman, married.2


The Smith family moved to Windsor.3

MAY 1, 1869

Annie married a relative of her mother, John Chapman, at All Saints Church, Knightsbridge. Annie and John lived at 29 Montpelier Plc, Brompton.4


Annie and John lived in 1 Brook Mews, Bayswater while John worked as a Domestic Head Coachman.5

Annie and John's first daughter, Emily Ruth, was born.6


Annie and John then relocated to 17 South Bruton Mews, Berkley Sq.7

Annie and John had a second daughter, Annie Georgia.8


Annie and John moved from West London to Windsor. John worked for a farm bailiff, Josiah Weeks. (John allegedly lost his gentleman's valet job due to Annie's dishonesty.)9

Annie and John had their only son, John Jr, (John Jr, a cripple, was supposedly in the care of a charitable school).10


Annie left her family, returned to London, and earned money by selling matches, crochet work, flowers, and occasionally herself, sometimes living off the income of her male friends.11

Emily Ruth died of meningitis.12

John provided Annie a regularly paid allowance of 10/ (50p) a week by postal order and was payable to the Commercial St Post Office.13


Annie lived with Jack Sivvey in Dorset St and became known as Mrs Sievey.14

Ted Stanley lived at 1 Osborne Plc, Osborne St.15

John died at the age of 44 on Christmas Day from cirrhosis of the liver, ascite, and dropsy, while living at 1 Richmond Village, Grove Rd, Windsor.16

Sivvey left Annie and moved to Notting Hill.17

MAY 1888

Annie moved to Crossingham's Lodging-house, 35 Dorset St, paying 8d (4p) for a double bed.18

AUG 7, 1888

Martha Tabram found dead in the George Yard Bldgs.19

AUG 31, 1888

Polly Nichols found dead in Buck's Row.20

SAT, SEP 1, 1888

Annie fought with and lost to a fellow lodger, Eliza Cooper, over a half-pennce.21

MON, SEP 3, 1888

Annie's friend, Amelia Palmer, saw Annie in Dorset St who complained about being ill. Palmer noticed a bruise on Annie's right temple and asked, "How did you get that?" "Yes, look at my chest," replied Annie, opening her dress to reveal another bruise. Annie also stated, "If my sister will send me the boots, I shall go hopping."22

TUE, SEP 4, 1888

Amelia saw Annie at the Spitalfields Church, and Annie again complained of feeling unwell, stating that she should go to the casual ward. Palmer noticed Annie's pale condition, who replied that she had nothing to eat or drink all day. Palmer gave Annie 2d (1p) and told her to buy some tea, not rum.23

FRI, SEP 7, 1888

Crossingham's house deputy, Timothy Donovan, permitted Annie to sit in the kitchen, asking where she had been all week. "In the infirmary," answered Annie.24

FRI, SEP 7, 1888

Palmer met Annie in Dorset St. Annie was still feeling ill. "Are you going to Stratford to-day?" asked Palmer. Annie answered, "I feel too ill to do anything."25

FRI, SEP 7, 1888

Palmer saw Annie, again, in the same spot. Annie said, "It is of no use my going away. I shall have to go somewhere to get some money to pay my lodgings."26

FRI, SEP 7, 1888

Annie returned to the lodging-house and was, again, permitted to sit in the kitchen, leaving after only a short time.27

SAT, SEP 8, 1888

Annie returned to the lodging-house, saying she had been to Vauxhall to see her sister, and that her relations gave her 5d (2 1/2p).28

Fellow lodger, William Stevens, saw Annie in the kitchen. Annie said she had been to the hospital and would go to the infirmary the next day. She had a bottle of lotion and a bottle of medicine. She took out a box of pills from her pocket, and, upon handling it, the box broke. Annie placed the pills in a torn piece of envelope she found on the floor near the fireplace.29

SAT, SEP 8, 1888

Frederick Simmons, a fellow lodger, and Annie had a beer.30

SAT, SEP 8, 1888

Simmons saw Annie leave Crossingham's (#35 Dorset St), believing she went to the Brittannia pub, (located on the north-west corner of Dorset St and Commercial St).31

SAT, SEP 8, 1888

Annie returned to the lodging-house and was eating a baked potato in the kitchen. Donovan sent the night watchman, John Evans, for her doss money. Annie went to Donovan and said, "I haven't sufficient money for a bed, but don't let it. I shall not be long before I am in." "You can find money for your beer, and you can't find money for you bed," replied Donovan. "Never mind, Tim. I shall soon be back. Don't let the bed," Annie responded. (Donovan thought Annie was drunk.)32

SAT, SEP 8, 1888

Evans escorted Annie outside. Annie then said, "I won't be long, Brummy. See that Tim keeps the bed for me.' Annie then walked up Little Paternoster Row, into Brushfield St, and turned towards the Spitalfields Church. (Evans thought Annie was the worse for drink.)33

SAT, SEP 8, 1888

Emily Walter was in the backyard of 29 Hanbury St with a man. He was 37; Dark beard and moustache; foreign accent; dark vest and pants; black scarf and felt hat; short dark jacket.34

    Hanbury St curves south-east from Commercial St to the junction of Baker's Row and Old Montague St. #29 was on the North side of the street, between Wilkes St & Brick Ln. 27 Hanbury St was next door on the West side of #29.35

    29 Hanbury St, a 3-story building with residents living on each of the three floors and in the attic with a small business on the ground floor and one working out of the cellar. On the left-hand side of the buildings' front was two doors: the door on the right led to the shop. The door on the left opened to a passageway containing stairs to the residences and another door leading to the backyard.36

    #29 was owned by Mrs Amelia Richardson, who ran a packing case business out of the cellar and was assisted by Francis Tyler and her son, John Richardson. A cat's meat shop was in the ground floor front room and was used by Mrs Harriet Hardyman and her 16 year old son. The ground floor back room was a kitchen. Mrs Richardson and her 14 year old grandson slept in the first floor front room. The first floor back room was occupied by Mr Waker and his adult, retarded son. Mr Thompson, his wife, and their adopted daughter slept in the second floor front room. Two unmarried sisters, Misses Copsey, lived in the second floor back room. Living in the front room of the attic was John Davis with his wife and three sons, and occupying the attic's back room was Mrs Sarah Cox.37

    The passageway was sometimes occupied by unknown people at unusual hours, and the backyard was frequented by prostitutes. The door to the street was a latch-type, and the door to the yard was self-closing or swing-door. Typically, neither door was locked as a courtesy to the residents.38

    Three small stone steps led to the yard, which was about 14' x 12'. The yard was part dirt and part paving stone. About 3' to 3'-6", left of the doorway, was a 5'-6" high fence made of wooden pailings, separating the yards of #27 & #29. To the right of the doorway, were cellar doors, which led to a workshop. Two feet away, on the right, was a water pump. At the yard's far left corner was a storage shed, and at the far right corner was a privy.39
SAT, SEP 8, 1888

Davis woke up.40

SAT, SEP 8, 1888

Thompson left for work without going into the back yard. Mrs Richardson, dozing fitfully, heard him pass her room and called out, "Good morning."41

SAT, SEP 8, 1888

John Richardson stopped by to check the cellar door padlock, which he often did since it had been broken into some months earlier. He was not actually in the yard, since he could see the padlock from the top of the steps.42

Richardson sat on the steps, trying to trim a piece of leather from his boots with a table knife that he brought from home.43

SAT, SEP 8, 1888

Richardson left.44

SAT, SEP 8, 1888

Dawn broke.45

SAT, SEP 8, 1888

Davis fell back asleep.46

(A case of mistaken identity had incorrectly placed Annie at the Ten Bells pub.)47

Mrs Elizabeth Long left her house at 32 Church Row for the Spitalfields Market.48

Spitalfields Market opened.49

SAT, SEP 8, 1888

Albert Cadoche of 27 Hanbury St woke up.50

SAT, SEP 8, 1888

Cadoche went into the backyard of #27. Upon his return to the house, he heard voices quite close to him. Of which, he could only make out the word "No."51

SAT, SEP 8, 1888

Sun rose.52

SAT, SEP 8, 1888

Cadoche re-entered his backyard and heard a fall against the fence. Cadoche returned to the house and prepared to leave for work.53

SAT, SEP 8, 1888

Davis woke back up.54

Walking South down Brick Ln, Long neared Hanbury St, noting the time from the clock of the Black Eagle Brewery, Brick Ln. She then turned westerly onto Hanbury St.55

SAT, SEP 8, 1888

Cadoche passed by the Spitalfields Church.56

Long saw a man and woman standing near 29 Hanbury St, talking. The man had a shabby, genteel, and foreign appearance. He had a dark complexion; wore a brown deerstalker and a dark coat; He seemed 40-ish; and, was slightly taller than the woman "Will you?" the man asked. "Yes," said the woman.57

SAT, SEP 8, 1888
A Few Minutes After 5:30am

Long reached the Spitalfields Market.58

SAT, SEP 8, 1888

Davis and wife got out of bed as the Spitalfields Church clock struck the quarter hour. They had some tea.59

SAT, SEP 8, 1888

Davis went downstairs, noticing that the passageway door to the street stood wide open, which was not unusual. Davis then opened the other door to enter the backyard and saw the body.60
    Annie was lying on her back, parallel with the fence, which was to her left; Her head was about 2' from the back wall and 6"-9" left of the bottom step; Her legs were bent at the knees; Her feet were flat on the ground, pointing toward the shed; Her dress was pushed above her knees; Her left arm lay across her left breast; Her right arm at her side; The small intestines, still attached by a cord, and part of the abdomen lay above her right shoulder; 2 flaps of skin from the lower abdomen lay in a large quantity of blood above the left shoulder; Her throat was deeply cut in a jagged manner; A neckerchief was around her neck.61
Davis immediately left the yard and ran out into the street.62

SAT, SEP 8, 1888

(Tyler, who was frequently late for work, was not yet at the house, despite a 6:00am start time.)63

SAT, SEP 8, 1888

James Kent and James Green were standing outside their workshop at 23A Hanbury St, waiting for their fellow workers to arrive when Davis entered the street. "Men! Come here! Here's a sight. A woman must have been murdered!" shouted Davis to Green and Kent.64

Henry John Holland was passing by and followed the others to the yard. Only Holland ventured into the yard.65

All of them then left: Green, apparently, returned to work; Kent did not notice a constable in the area, so he went to his workshop for a brandy while looking for a canvas to put over the body; Holland went to the Spitalfields Market, where he found a constable who was on a fixed point; and, Davis went to the Commercial Street Police Station, to report the finding.66

SAT, SEP 8, 1888
(exact time unknown)

Mrs Hardyman woke up to the sound of Davis and the others in the passageway and sent her son to see what was going on. Upon his return, he said, "Don't upset yourself, mother. It's a woman been killed in the yard."67

SAT, SEP 8, 1888

Mrs Richardson went into the passageway after receiving news from her grandson. (Only Annie's body was in the yard.)68

Inspector Joseph Luniss Chandler was at the corner of Hanbury St and Commercial St when he saw several men running from Hanbury St. "Another woman has been murdered," he was told.69

SAT, SEP 8, 1888

Insp Chandler arrived at the scene. (A crowd had already begun to gather in the passageway, but no one was in the yard.) He sent for the Divisional Surgeon, Doctor George Bagster Phillips, 2 Spital Square; He sent for an ambulance and reinforcements from the Commercial Street Police Station; He notified Scotland Yard and covered the body with sacking he borrowed from a neighboring resident.70

Kent returned to #29 and found that Insp Chandler had taken possession of the backyard and that a crowd had gathered in the passageway near the door.71

Other constables arrived, and the passageway was cleared.72

SAT, SEP 8, 1888

Dr Phillips learned of the body.73

SAT, SEP 8, 1888

Dr Phillips arrived upon the scene and began his initial examination.74
    Estimated time of death was viewed as c.4:30am; The face was swollen and turned to her right side; The tounge was very swollen, protruding between the front teeth but not the lips; The limbs were not very stiff but rigor mortis was commencing; The throat was deeply severed by a jagged incisions which reached right around the neck; The body was cold, but heat remained in the body under the intestines.75
SAT, SEP 8, 1888

The ambulance had arrived and Dr Phillips ordered the body to be taken to the Whitechapel Workhouse Infirmary Mortuary in Eagle St off of Old Montague St.76

As the body was being removed, the contents of Annie's pocket, which had been cut, were discovered at her feet: A folded piece of coarse muslin, a comb, and a pocket hair comb in a case. (Dr Phillips felt the items were arranged/placed.)77

Dr Phillips and Insp Chandler then searched the area, finding an envelope piece with the Royal Sussex Regiment crest, the letter "M" in a man's handwriting, letters "SP," the number "2," and the postmark "London, 23 August, 1888" containing the 2 pills laying by her head; A wet leather apron drying on the water tap 2' from the body; A basin of clean water resting beneath the water tap; 6 spots of blood on the back wall, near where Annie's head had lain, were located about 18" off the ground and ranged in size from that of six pence to that of a pin point; About 14" off the ground, near the position of Annie's head, were clotted patches and smears of blood on the pailings of the still-intact fence; No blood stains were found in the passageway, in the rest of the house, in the street, or in the adjoining yards; An empty nail box and a piece of flat steel were found in the yard.78

News of the murder had spread, and Sergeant Edward Badham was met by several hundred people as he conveyed the body to the mortuary.79

SAT, SEP 8, 1888

In the passageway of #29, Insp Chandler spoke with Richardson, who told Insp Chandler that he had been at the house earlier that morning, but that he did not go into the yard. Though, he was certain that Annie's body was not there at that time.80

SAT, SEP 8, 1888

Sergeant William Thick, Sergeant Leach, and other detectives arrived at Hanbury St. Insp Abberline was informed of the murder by telegram.80

SAT, SEP 8, 1888

Robert Mann received Annie's body at the mortuary.82

SAT, SEP 8, 1888

Insp Chandler arrived at the mortuary. The body was still on the ambulance, and he took a description of Annie's clothing:
    A black figured jacket, which came down to the knees and was hooked at the top and buttoned down the front, with 2 or 3 spots of blood on the left sleeve but stained with blood (inside and out) about the neck ; A long black skirt with very little blood "on the outside, at the back, as if she had been lying in it;" An old and dirty pair of lace boots; 2 bodices, one of which was brown, both stained about the neck with blood; 2 petticoats (at least one was striped) which were stained very little; Stockings with no trace of blood on them; A white cotton handkerchief with a broad red border was tied about the neck; A large pocket was under the skirt and tied about the waist. It was empty, but was torn down the side and down the front; The rest of the clothes were neither cut nor torn.
Insp Chandler then left the mortuary, leaving Police Constable Barnes in charge of the body.83

SAT, SEP 8, 1888

Sgt Thick arrived at the mortuary and took Annie's description:
    5'-0"; Stout (plump); Dark wavy brown hair; Blue eyes; A large thick nose; Fair complexion; Well proportioned; 2 teeth missing from the lower jaw.84
SAT, SEP 8, 1888

Simmons was taken to the mortuary and immediately recognized Annie, noting that she had on 3 rings when she left the lodging house.85

SAT, SEP 8, 1888

Tyler arrived for work.86

SAT, SEP 8, 1888
That Morning

Donovan identified the body as Annie Siffey. (Most likely Evans also identified the body at this time.)87

SAT, SEP 8, 1888

Palmer read the description of the latest murder victim in the newspaper. She went to a police station, believing she knew the dead woman.88

SAT, SEP 8, 1888

Palmer was taken to the mortuary and identified the body as Annie Chapman, (aka Dark Annie).89

SAT, SEP 8, 1888
That Day

Emmanuel Delbast Violenia of Hanbury St informed police that he had witnessed a man and a woman quarrelling early that morning, and that the man had threatened to stick the woman with a knife.90

SAT, SEP 8, 1888
That Afternoon

Holland went to the Commercial Street Police Station to report the conduct of the officer at the Spitalfields Market, whom he informed of the murder.91

SAT, SEP 8, 1888

Dr Phillips arrived at the mortuary to conduct the postmortem and found that the body had already been stripped, partially washed, and laid on the table waiting for him. The clothes were tossed into a corner except for the neckerchief which was still around the neck. (The Clerk to the Parish Guardians ordered two nurses, Mary Simonds and Francis Wright, to lay out the body. This was done without police consent.)92
click [here] for sketch of injuries.
    Bruise over the right temple (old); 2 man's thumb-sized bruises on top forepart of chest (old); 3 scratches below the lower left jaw, 1 1/2"-2" below left ear lobe, going in opposite direction of throat wounds (recent); Bruise on right cheek -recent; Bruise corresponding with the scratches -recent; Abrasion on head of proximal phalanx of ring finger; Marks of rings on same finger; Upper eyelid bruised; Limbs very stiff, but left side more stiff than right side; Bruise on middle part of bone of right hand; Scar on left of frontal bone (old); Fingers of left hand partly closed; Little food in stomach; No sign of fluid; No sign of alcohol consumption; Lungs diseased; Brain membranes diseased; Signs of deprivation; Front teeth perfect on top and bottom as far as the first molar; The shortest throat incision ran from the front of the throat and terminated on the right side between the lower jaw and the breast bone; The longest throat incision completely encircled the throat, running along the line of the jaw; The incisions ran from victim's left to right; 2 clean and distinct cuts on the left side of the spine which were parallel to each other and were 1/2" apart; Missing were the womb, upper part of vagina, greater part of bladder, and part of the belly wall that included the navel.93
SAT, SEP 8, 1888

Stanley, having heard from a shoeblack that Annie was dead, turned up at Crossingham's. Upon verification of the story, he left without another word.94

SAT, SEP 8, 1888
That Night

Cadoche informed the police of what he knew after he returned from work.95

SUN, SEP 9, 1888
That Day

Annie's brother, Fountain Hamilton Smith, identified the body as that of his sister.96

MON, SEP 10, 1888

John Pizer was taken into custody at his Mulberry St home by Sgt Thick and several other officers. "You are just the man I want," said Sgt Thick. "Mother, he has got me," replied Pizer. Pizer was then taken to the Leman Street Police Station.97

MON, SEP 10, 1888

First day of the Chapman Inquest.98
click [here] for full inquest.
    Coroner Baxter conducted the inquest at the Working Lad's Institute. The jury viewed the corpse at the mortuary in Montague St.99


    John Davis100

    Amelia Palmer101

    Timothy Donovan102

    John Evans103
The inquest adjourned until Wednesday, Sep 12.104

TUE, SEP 11 1888

Violenia was taken to the Leman Street Police Station to view a line-up of twelve, predominantly Jewish, men. From which, he "unhesitatingly identified" Pizer as Leather Apron and as the man he had seen quarrelling with a woman on the morning of Annie's death.105

TUE, SEP 11 1888

Violenia was reprimanded for wasting the police's time when, after 3 hours of continued questioning, Violenia contradicted himself "over and over again" and seemed too anxious to view the corpse, convincing the police that Violenia had fabricated the story in order to see the body.106

TUE, SEP 11 1888

Pizer was released from Custody.107

WED, SEP 12 1888
That Day

Mrs Long made her statement to the police and identified Annie's body as the woman she had seen.108

WED, SEP 12 1888

The second day of the Chapman Inquest.109
click [here] for full inquest.
    The Police were represented by Insp Abberline and Insp Helson.110


    Fontain Smith111

    James Kent112

    James Green113

    Mrs Amelia Richardson114

    Mrs Harriett Hardyman115

    John Richardson116

    Mrs Richardson (recalled)117

    John Pizer118

    Sgt Thick119

    John Richardson (recalled)120

    Henry John Holland121
The inquest was adjourned until Thursday, Sep 13.122

THUR, SEP 13, 1888

Third day of the Chapman inquest.123
click [here] for full inquest.
    On behalf of CID, Insp Abberline, Insp Helson, and Insp Chandler observed the inquest.124


    Insp Chandler.125

    Sgt Badham126

    Insp Chandler (recalled)127

    Timothy Donovan (recalled)128

    Dr Phillips129

    Sarah Simonds130
The inquiry was adjourned until Wednesday, Sep 19.131

FRI, SEP 14, 1888

The hearse, supplied by a Hanbury St Undertaker, H. Smith, went to the Whitechapel Mortuary. Annie's body was placed in a black-draped elm coffin and was then driven to Harry Hawes, a Spitalfields Undertaker who arranged the funeral, at 19 Hunt St.132

FRI, SEP 14, 1888

The hearse (without mourning coaches) took Annie's body to Manor Park Cemetery, Forest Gate, London, where she was buried at grave 78, square 148. Annie's relatives, who paid for for the funeral, met the hearse at the cemetery, and, by request, kept the funeral a secret and were the only ones to attend.133
click [here] for grave site information.

FRI, SEP 14, 1888
That Day

Stanley made a statement at the Commercial Street Police Station.134

FRI, SEP 14, 1888
That Day

Stevens presented himself at the Commercial Street Police Station and gave a statement about Annie finding (and using) the envelope piece at Crossingham's kitchen. He believed it was the same as found at the murder scene.135

WED, SEP 19, 1888

The fourth day of the Chapman inquest.136
click [here] for full inquest.

    Eliza Cooper137

    Dr Phillips (recalled)138

    Mrs Elizabeth Long139

    Edward Stanley140

    Timothy Donovan (recalled)141

    Albert Cadoche142

    William Stevens143
It was then agreed to adjourn the inquiry until Wednesday, Sep 26, before deciding upon the terms of the verdict.144

WED, SEP 26, 1888

The last day of the Chapman Inquest.145
click [here] for full inquest.
    The Coroner inquired if there was any further evidence to be adduced.
    Insp Chandler replied in the negative.146

    The Coroner presented his summation.147
A verdict of wilful murder against a person or persons unknown was entered.148

SAT, OCT 6, 1888
That Day

The British Medical Journal published the following report in response to Baxter's summation:
    It is true that enquiries were made at one or two medical schools early last year by a foreign physician, who was "spending some time in London, as to the possibility of securing certain parts of the body for the purpose of scientific investigation." No large sum, however, was offered. The person in question was a physician of the highest reputability and exceedingly well accredited to this country by the best authorities in his own, and he left London fully 18 months ago. There was never any real foundation for the hypothesis, and the information communicated, which was not at all of the nature the public has been led to believe, was due to the erroneous interpretation by a minor official of a question which he had overheard and to which a negative reply was given. This theory may be dismissed, and is, we believe, no longer entertained by its author.149


The following abbreviations apply:
MEPO=Scotland Yard files, HO=Home Officie files
DT=The Daily Telegraph, T=The Times, IPN=The Illustrated Police News, ELA=The East London Advertiser,
S=The Star, LPD=The Liverpool Daily Post, SCCE=The Suffolk Chronicle and County Express
A-Z=The Jack the Rippper A to Z, 2nd ed, (Begg, Fido, Skinner),
JTRUF=Jack the Ripper: The Uncensored Facts (Begg),
CHJTR=The Complete History of Jack the Ripper (Sudgen),
JTRCC=Jack the Ripper: The Complete Casebook, US ed (Rumbelow)

1 A-Z, p78; JTRUF, p53

2 A-Z, p78

3 ibid

4 A-Z, p78, 82; CHJTR, p77

5 A-Z, p82; CHJTR, p77

6 CHJTR, p77

7 A-Z, p82; CHJTR, p77

8 CHJTR, p77

9 A-Z, p78, 82

10 CHJTR, p77

11 A-Z, p78, 82

12 CHJTR, p77

13 JTRUF, p53; CHJTR, p78

14 A-Z, p78; CHJTR, p78; JTRUF, p54

15 JTRUF, p54

16 A-Z, p82

17 CHJTR, p78

18 CHJTR, p79

19 MEPO 3/140, f34

20 A-Z, p99, 332

21 A-Z, p79, 84; JTRCC, p52; CHJTR, p80

22 A-Z, p349; JTRCC, p52; CHJTR, p78, 81

23 A-Z, p349; JTRCC, p52; CHJTR, p81

24 CHJTR, p81

25 DT, Sep 11 88, p3

26 ibid

27 JTRUF, p56

28 CHJTR, p81

29 A-Z, p79

30 A-Z, p450; CHJTR, p81, 487; S, 8 Sep 88, p3

31 A-Z, p450; JTRUF, p56

32 CHJTR, p82

33 A-Z, p79-80; CHJTR, p82

34 A-Z, p207-208, 483-484; CHJTR, p113-116

35 A-Z, p167-168

36 A-Z, p167-168; JTRCC, p47; CHJTR, p82

37 CHJTR, p82-84

38 A-Z, p167; CHJTR, p82-84, 94-95

39 CHJTR, p84

40 A-Z, p104

41 A-Z, p471; CHJTR, p83

42 A-Z, p384; CHJTR, p94

43 A-Z, p384

44 CHJTR, p83

45 The Old Farmer's Almanac, 1888, n96, p22;
US Naval Observatory

46 A-Z, p104

47 A-Z, p80

48 DT, 20 Sep 88

49 CHJTR, p101

50 A-Z, p76; JTRCC, p58-59

51 CHJTR, p96

52 The Old Farmer's Almanac, 1888, n96, p22;
US Naval Observatory

53 A-Z, p80; JTRCC, p58; CHJTR, p96

54 A-Z, p104 (inferred)

55 DT, 20 Sep 88, p2

56 DT, 20 Sep 88, p2

57 A-Z, p80; CHJTR, p95-96; SCCE, 15 Sep 88

58 DT, 20 Sep 88

59 CHJTR, p84

60 A-Z, p80; CHJTR, p84; T, 10 Sep 88

61 A-Z, p80, 356-361; CHJTR, p86

62 A-Z, p161, 234-235

63 CHJTR, p83

64 JTRUF, p62; CHJTR, p84-85

65 JTRUF, p62-63; CHJTR, p85

66 JTRUF, p63; CHJTR, p85; DT, 11 Sep 88, p3

67 CHJTR, p86

68 CHJTR, p86

69 A-Z, p78; JTRCC, p49; CHJTR, p86

70 A-Z, p80; JTRCC, p49; JTRUF, p63

71 CHJTR, p85-86

72 JTRUF, p63

73 A-Z, p356

74 A-Z, p80

75 A-Z, p356-361; DT, 14 Sep, 88

76 A-Z, p80

77 A-Z, p80-81

78 A-Z, p80; JTRCC, p49-50; CHJTR, p87-88, 97;
Ripperana, n14, p5; MEPO 3/140, f16-17;
HO 144/221/A49301C (8a), f137-146

79 A-Z, p36; JTRUF, p63

80 CHJTR, p97

81 JTRUF, p64

82 ibid

83 JTRUF, p64; CHJTR, p88-89, 109; MEPO 3/140, f11;
HO 144/221/A49301C (8a) f146

84 JTRUF, p64; CHJTR, p79

85 S, 8 Sep 88, p3

86 CHJTR, p83

87 T, 10 Sep 88; MEPO 3/140, f10

88 JTRUF, p72

89 LPD, 10 Sep 88; S, 8 Sep 88, p2

90 JTRCC, p235

91 A-Z, p176

92 A-Z, p81, 430; JTRCC, p51; CHJTR, p64, 89

93 A-Z, p356-361; JTRUF, p80; CHJTR, p89-92

94 CHJTR, p79-80; S, 10 Sep 88; T, 11 Sep 88

95 DT, 20 Sep 88, p2

96 HO 144/221/A49301 C (8a) f137-145

97 T, 11 Sep 88; DT, 11 Sep 88, p3

98 DT, 11 Sep 88, p3

99 ibid

100 ibid

101 ibid

102 ibid

103 ibid

104 ibid

105 A-Z, p481-482; JTRUF, p81-82; CHJTR, p143;
JTRCC, p234-236

106 JTRUF, p81-82

107 CHJTR, p143

108 CHJTR, p103

109 DT, 13 Sep 88, p3; ELA, 15 Sep 88

110 DT, 13 Sep 88, p3

111 ibid

112 ibid

113 ibid

114 ibid

115 ibid

116 ibid

117 ibid

118 ibid

119 ibid

120 ibid

121 ibid

122 ibid

123 DT, 14 Sep 88, p3

124 ibid

125 ibid

126 ibid

127 ibid

128 ibid

129 ibid

130 ibid

131 ibid

132 Ripperana, n14, p15; A-Z, p81; CHJTR, p103-104

133 ibid

134 CHJTR, p79

135 CHJTR, p94

136 DT, 20 Sep 88, p2

137 ibid

138 ibid

139 ibid

140 ibid

141 ibid

142 ibid

143 ibid

144 ibid

145 DT, 27 Sep 88, p2

146 ibid

147 ibid

148 ibid

149 CHJTR, p13

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