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Below is a comprehensive listing of all non-fictional Ripper works ever published. It is organized alphabetically by title, and due to size is split between four different pages. Click on the individual titles for detailed reviews.

Show Titles Starting With: A - I | J - K | L - P | R - Z

Books (Non-Fiction)

Jack l'Eventreur
Robert Desnos
Editions Allia, 1997

Jack l'Eventreur
Jean Dorsenne
Les Editions de France, 1935

Jack l'Eventreur Démasqué
Sophie Herfort
Tallandier, 2007

Jack l'Eventreur et les Fantasmes Victoriens
Roland Marx
Editions Complexe, 1987

Jack l'Eventreur: Le Secret de Mary Jane K.
Philippe R. Welté
Alban, 2006

Jack: The Grim Ripper
Maurice Lipton
Lulu, 2006

Jack the Myth
A.P. Wolf
Robert Hale, 1993

Jack the Ripper
John McIlwain
Pitkin Guides, 2004

Jack the Ripper
Peter Foreman
Black Cat Publishing, 2005

Jack the Ripper
Daniel Farson
Michael Joseph, 1972

Jack the Ripper
Mark Whitehead & Miriam Rivett
Pocket Essentials, 2001

Jack the Ripper: 100 Years of Investigation
Terence Sharkey
Ward Lock Limited, 1987

Jack the Ripper: 150 Suspects
Christopher J. Morley
Privately published, 2004

Jack the Ripper: The 21st Century Investigation
Trevor Marriott
Blake Publishing, 2005

The Jack the Ripper A to Z
Paul Begg, Martin Fido, & Keith Skinner
Headline, September 1992

Jack the Ripper: A New Theory
William Stewart
Quality Press, 1939

Jack the Ripper: An Encyclopedia
John Eddleston
ABC-Clio, 2001

Jack the Ripper by Aleister Crowley
Cambridge, 1988

Jack the Ripper: An American View
Stephen Wright
Mystery Notebook Editions, 1999

Jack the Ripper: Anatomie einer Legende
Thomas Schachner and Hendrik Püstow
Militzke, 2006

Jack the Ripper: Anatomy of a Myth
William Beadle
Wat Tyler Books, 1995

Jack the Ripper and His Victims:
Neal Shelden
Self published, 1999.

Jack the Ripper and Victorian London
Roy Gregory
ELM Publications, 1995

Jack the Ripper and the Whitechapel Murders
Stewart Evans & Keith Skinner
Public Records Office, 2002

Jack the Ripper: A Bibliography and Review of the Literature
Alexander Kelly (pseud.)
Association of Assistant Librarians, 1972

Jack the Ripper: The Bloody Truth
Melvin Harris
Columbus Books, 1987

Jack the Ripper Casebook, The
Michael Kersting
Lulu, 2006

Jack the Ripper: A Cast of Thousands
Christopher Scott
Apropos Books, 2004

Jack the Ripper: A Collector's Guide to the Many Books Published
Ross Strachan
Privately published, 1996

Jack the Ripper: Crime Scene Investigation
Dr. David J. Speare
Xlibris, 2003

Jack the Ripper: The Definitive History
Paul Begg
Longman, 2002

Jack the Ripper: Eliminating the Suspects
C.J. Morley
Privately published, 2004

Jack the Ripper: End of a Legend
Calum Reuben Knight
Athena Press, 2005

Jack the Ripper in Fact and Fiction
Robin Odell
Harrap, 1965

Jack the Ripper: The Facts
Paul Begg
Robson, 2004

Jack the Ripper: The Final Chapter
Paul Feldman
Virgin Publishing Ltd, Sept. 1997

Jack the Ripper: The Final Solution
Stephen Knight
George G. Harrap & Co., 1976

Jack the Ripper: First American Serial Killer
The Lodger

Paul Gainey and Stewart Evans
Arrow Books, 1996

The Jack the Ripper Handbook: A Reader's Companion
Ross Strachan
Great Scot Services, 1999

Jack the Ripper: The Inquest of the Final Victim Mary Kelly
John Smithkey III
Key Publications, April 1998

Jack the Ripper: Letters From Hell
Stewart Evans & Keith Skinner
Sutton Publishing, 2001

Jack the Ripper: "Light-hearted Friend."
Richard Wallace
Gemini Press, 1996

Jack the Ripper and the London Press
L. Perry Curtis
Yale University Press, 2001

Jack the Ripper: The Murders and the Movies
Denis Meikle
Reynolds & Hearn, 2002

Jack the Ripper: Murder Mystery And Intrigue in London's East End
Susan McNicoll
Altitude Publishing, 2005

Jack the Ripper: The Mystery Solved
Paul Harrison
Robert Hale, August 1993

Jack the Ripper: One Hundred Years of Mystery
Peter Underwood
Sterling Publishing Company, 1987

Jack the Ripper: One Hundred Years of Solitude
Soji Shimada

Jack the Ripper: Opposing Viewpoints
Katie Colby-Newton
Greenhaven, 1990.

Jack the Ripper... Person or Persons Unknown
Garry Wroe
Casebook: Jack the Ripper (E-Book), 2002.

Jack the Ripper in the Provinces: The English Provincial Press Reporting of the Whitechapel Murders
Stawell Heard
Self published, 2005

Jack the Ripper: A Psychic Investigation
Pamella Ball
Arcturus, 1998

Jack the Ripper: A Reference Guide
Scott Palmer
Scarecrow, September 1995

Jack the Ripper Revealed
John Wilding
Constable and Company Ltd, 1993

Jack the Ripper: The Satanic Team
Karen Trenouth
Authorhouse, 2007

Jack the Ripper: Scotland Yard Investigates
Stewart P. Evans and Donald Rumbelow
Sutton Publishing, 2006

Jack the Ripper in a Seaside Town: The Whitechapel Murders as seen in Folkestone and its surrounding district
Martin Easdown and Linda Sage
Marlinova, 2002

Jack the Ripper: The Simple Truth
Bruce Paley
Headline Book Publishing, 1995

Jack the Ripper: Summing Up and Verdict
Colin Wilson and Robin Odell
Bantam Press, 1987

The Jack the Ripper Suspects: 70 Persons Cited by Investigators and Theorists
Stan Russo
McFarland & Co., 2004

Jack the Ripper: Through the Mists of Time
Peter Hodgson
Minerva Press, 2002

Jack the Ripper: A Treasury of Victorian Murder
Rick Geary
Nantier-Beall-Minoustchine, 1995

Jack the Ripper: The Uncensored Facts
Paul Begg
Parkwest Pubs, January 1990

Jack the Ripper; or, When London Walked in Terror
Edwin T. Woodhall
MelliFONT Press, 1937
(Reprinted 1997, P & D Riley)

Jack the Ripper: The Whitechapel Horrors
Tom Robinson
Daisy Book Publishing, circa 1920s
(Reprinted Edition)

Jack the Ripper Walk
Paul Garner
Louis' London Walks, 1998

Jack the Ripper - Whitechapel Map 1888
RipperArt 2004

The Jack the Ripper Whitechapel Murders
Kevin O'Donnell
Ten Bells Publishing, 1997

Jack the Ripper's Black Magic Rituals
Ivor Edwards
Penny Publishing, 2001

Jack the Rippers Tredje Offer
Birgitta Leufstadius
Warne Furlag AB, 1994

Jack Uppskäraren: Kriminalfall och Legend
Glenn Lauritz Andersson
Historiska Media, 2008

Jimmy Kelly's Year of Ripper Murders
John Morrison
Self published, 1988

The Killer Who Never Was
Peter Turnbull
Clark & Lawrence, 1996

Show Titles Starting With: A - I | J - K | L - P | R - Z

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