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Maybrick, James: The Diary—Old Hoax or New? - by caz 1 hour ago.
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Maybrick, James: The Diary—Old Hoax or New? - by caz 1 hour ago.

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Below is a comprehensive listing of all non-fictional Ripper works ever published. It is organized alphabetically by title, and due to size is split between four different pages. Click on the individual titles for detailed reviews.

Show Titles Starting With: A - I | J - K | L - P | R - Z

Books (Non-Fiction)

Reflections on the Ripper: Four Accounts of the Whitechapel Murders
B. A. Rogers
Privately printed, 1999

Revelations of the True Ripper
Vanessa A. Hayes
Lulu, 2006

Ripped From the Headlines: Being the Story of Jack the Ripper as Reported in the London Times and the New York Times, 1888-1895
Ramble House, 2005

The Ripper and the Royals
Melvyn Fairclough
Duckworth, 1991

The Ripper Diary: The Inside Story
Seth Linder, Caroline Morris and Keith Skinner
Sutton Publishing, 2003

The Ripper File
Elwyn Jones and John Lloyd
Arthur Barker Ltd., 1975

The Ripper File
Melvin Harris
W. H. Allen and Co. Plc., 1989

The Ripper Legacy: The Life and Death of Jack the Ripper
Martin Howells and Keith Skinner
Sidgwick & Jackson Ltd., 1987

Ripper M.D.
Charles Cameron
Exotica Fine Books, 1993

Ripper Suspect: The Secret Lives of Montague Druitt
D.J. Leighton
Sutton, 2006

Ripperology: The Best of Ripperologist Magazine
Paul Begg (Editor)
Barnes and Noble, 2007

Ripperology: A Study of the World's First Serial Killer and a Literary Phenomenon
Robin Odell
Kent State University Press, 2006

The Royal Ripper!
Godfrey Kwok
Privately published, 1972.

The Secret of Prisoner 1167, Was This Jack the Ripper?
James Tully
Robinson, May 1997

Shadows of the Ripper
B.A. Rogers
Self published, 2000.

Sickert and the Ripper Crimes
Jean Overton Fuller
Mandrake, 1990

Terror in London
Katsuo Jinko
Hayakawa Shobo, 1985

Three Letters From Hell...
Lands End Press, 1988

The Trial of Jack the Ripper: The Case of William Bury (1859-89)
Euan Macpherson
Mainstream Publishing, 2005

The True Face of Jack the Ripper
Melvin Harris
Michael O'Mara, 1994

The Ultimate Jack the Ripper Sourcebook
Stewart Evans and Keith Skinner
Constable and Robinson, 2000

Uncle Jack
Tony Williams and Humphrey Price
Orion Books, 2005

Uncovering Jack the Ripper's London
Richard Jones
New Holland, 2007

Shannon Christopher
Privately published, 2003

Unmasking Jack the Ripper: A Historical & Astrological Attempt
J.H. Tyson
TVC Press, 1996

When London Walked in Terror
Tom A. Cullen
Houghton Mifflin, 1965

The Whitechapel Atrocities: Arrest of a Newspaper Reporter
Woodford Fawcett & Co., 1888
Reprinted, 2000.

The Whitechapel Murders
Susan K. Mylechreest
Oxford Polytechnic, 1974

The Whitechapel Murders of 1888: A Subjective Look into the Mystery and Manipulation of a Victorian Tragedy
John Malcolm
Self published, 2005

The Whitechapel Murders: or the Mysteries of the East End
Purkess, 1888

Who Was Jack the Ripper?
A Collection of Present-Day Theories
And Observations

Compiled by Camille Wolff
Grey House Books, 1995

Who Was Jack the Ripper?
Dr. Harold Dearden
Reprinted, 1999

Will the Real Jack the Ripper
Arthur Douglas
Countryside Publications Ltd., 1979

Will the Real Mary Kelly?
Christopher Scott
PABD 2005

Show Titles Starting With: A - I | J - K | L - P | R - Z

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