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Maybrick, James: When Did "One Off" Take Off? - by erobitha 6 minutes ago.
Maybrick, James: The Diary — Old Hoax or New or Not a Hoax at All?​ - by Iconoclast 34 minutes ago.
Maybrick, James: The Diary — Old Hoax or New or Not a Hoax at All?​ - by Iconoclast 47 minutes ago.
Maybrick, James: When Did "One Off" Take Off? - by Iconoclast 1 hour ago.
Maybrick, James: The Diary — Old Hoax or New or Not a Hoax at All?​ - by Iconoclast 1 hour ago.
Mary Jane Kelly: MJK3 image origin speculation - by Geddy2112 1 hour ago.
Maybrick, James: When Did "One Off" Take Off? - by John Wheat 2 hours ago.
General Discussion: The blind man - by The Rookie Detective 2 hours ago.

Most Popular Threads:
Maybrick, James: The Diary — Old Hoax or New or Not a Hoax at All?​ - (39 posts)
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Maybrick, James: When Did "One Off" Take Off? - (21 posts)
Other Mysteries: Bible John (General Discussion) - (9 posts)
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Maybrick, James: google ngrams - (5 posts)

Bantam Press 1987 (paperback)
Bantam Press 1987 (hardcover)
Japanese hardcover
Jack the Ripper: Summing Up and Verdict
Colin Wilson & Robin Odell
Bantam Press, 1987

Casebook Review:

A good centennary book, though slightly outdated as much has been learned since its publication. Both Wilson and Odell are old favorites to many Ripper researchers, as they both have been involved in the case for more than four decades. Recommended for all levels of expertise, though not as a beginner's book.

Related pages:
  Robin Odell
       Dissertations: Jack in the Box 
       Dissertations: Jack the Redeemer 
       Ripper Media: Jack the Ripper in Fact and Fiction 
       Ripper Media: Jack the Ripper: A Suspect Guide - Teenage Jack the Rippe... 
       Ripper Media: Jack the Ripper: A Suspect Guide - The Slaughterman 
       Ripper Media: Ripperology