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Most Popular Threads:
Other Mysteries: JFK Assassination Documents to be released this year - (71 posts)
Lechmere/Cross, Charles: All roads lead to Lechmere. - (15 posts)
Catherine Eddowes: September 30,1888- The night of Clues? - (4 posts)
Maybrick, James: New Ideas and New Research on the Diary - (2 posts)
Hutchinson, George: A closer look at George Hutchinson - (2 posts)
Ripper Discussions: Witnesses - (1 post)


Below are articles submitted by experienced researchers concerning a variety of Ripper-related topics. These articles do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the staff of Casebook: Jack the Ripper.

  1. 5th Int. Investigative Psychology Conf.
    Subjects: David Cantor - Maybrick Diary - Maybrick Watch -

  2. A Beginner's Guide to Freemasonry
    Subjects: Dennis Stocks - Freemasons -

  3. A Coroner for All Seasons: Sir Samuel Brighouse
    Subjects: Samuel Brighouse - Frederick Deeming - Florence Maybrick - Christopher T. George -

  4. A Curious Find in Goulston Street
    Subjects: Graffito - Goulston Street - Derek Osborne -

  5. A Cut-Throat Business
    Subjects: Sweeney Todd - Feldscher - Andy Aliffe -

  6. A Final Response to Mr. Harris
    Subjects: Paul Begg - Maybrick Diary - Melvin Harris -

  7. A Guide through the Labyrinth
    Subjects: Maybrick Diary - Melvin Harris -

  8. A Life Less Ordinary: The Victims of Jack the Ripper on the Big Screen
    Subjects: Ripper Films - Jennifer Pegg - Don Souden -

  9. A Mystery Play : Police Opinions on Jack the Ripper
    Subjects: Frederick Wensley - Henry Smith - Walter Dew - Edmund Reid - Melville Macnaghten - Frederick Abberline - Andrew Morrison - Lewis Keaton - Robert Sagar - Benjamin Leeson - Donald Swanson - John Littlechild - Thomas Arnold - James Monro - Robert Anderson -

  10. A Nest of Forgers
    Subjects: Keith Skinner - Melvin Harris - Maybrick Diary -

  11. A Piece of Apron, Some Chalk Graffiti and a Lost Hour
    Subjects: Graffito - Goulston Street - Catherine Eddowes - Jon Smyth -

  12. A Reply to Kosminski and the Seaside Home
    Subjects: Stewart Evans - Morris Lubnowski - Seaside Home - Robert Anderson - Scott Nelson - Woolf Abrahams - Aaron Kosminski - Donald Swanson -

  13. A Ripper Victim That Wasn't: The Capture of Jane Beadmore's Killer
    Subjects: William Waddle - Alan Sharp - Gateshead -

  14. A Slouch Hatted Yank: A Few Thoughts on the Newly Found Interview With Dr. Tumblety
    Subjects: Francis Tumblety - Stewart Evans -

  15. A Summarized History of Forensic Science
    Subjects: Leanne Perry - Forensic Science -

  16. A Tale of Two Frenchys
    Subjects: Michael Conlon - Arbie la Bruckman - Carrie Brown -

  17. A Talk With Neal Shelden
    Subjects: Neal Shelden -

  18. A Theory on Francis Tumblety
    Subjects: Francis Tumblety - Scott Hannaford -

  19. Aaron Kosminski Reconsidered
    Subjects: Aaron Kosminski - Robert House - Aaron Kosminksi - Robert House -

  20. Albert Bachert
    Subjects: Albert Bachert -

  21. Alternative Ripperology: Questioning the Whitechapel Murders
    Subjects: Aaron Kosminski - Morris Lubnowski - Woolf Abrahams - David Radka -

  22. American Connections to the Jack the Ripper Case
    Subjects: Dave Yost -

  23. An Alternate Kosminski Suspect and Police Witness
    Subjects: Donald Swanson - Woolf Abrahams - Robert Anderson - Scott Nelson - Macnaghten Memoranda - Aaron Kosminski -

  24. An Analysis of The Star´s Coverage of the Whitechapel Murders
    Subjects: Alex Chisholm - Newspapers - The Star -

  25. An Appointment with the Hangman
    Subjects: Coral Kelly - James Berry -

  26. An Article by Richard Scheib
    Subjects: Maybrick Diary - Richard Scheib -

  27. An Article by Steven Fern
    Subjects: Maybrick Diary - Steven Fern -

  28. An East End Lodging House in the 1880s
    Subjects: Gerry Nixon - Lodging Houses -

  29. An Inspiration From Hell
    Subjects: Ripper Letters -

  30. An Investigation into the Carrie Brown Murder
    Subjects: Larry Barbee - Carrie Brown -

  31. Anderson and the Swanson Marginalia
    Subjects: Robert Anderson - Aaron Kosminski - Donald Swanson - Scott Hannaford -

  32. Anderson, Monro and Jsfmboe
    Subjects: Fenians - James Monro - Robert Anderson - Martin Fido -

  33. Another Look at the Lusk Kidney
    Subjects: Lusk Kidney - Ripper Letters - Christopher-Michael DiGrazia -

  34. Anything But Your Prayers: Victims and Witnesses on the Night of the Double Event
    Subjects: John Gardner - Israel Schwartz - Antonio Sironi - Joseph Lawende - William Marshall - Catherine Eddowes - PC William Smith - James Brown - Jane Coram - Elizabeth Stride - J. Best -

  35. Arthur Griffiths, Robert Anderson, & Jack the Ripper
    Subjects: Arthur Griffiths - Robert Anderson - Stewart Evans -

  36. Back to Basics - More Words About Buildings and Mood
    Subjects: Rabbi Leen -

  37. Blackwells Testimony – An Estimation of How Stride Was Lying in the Yard
    Subjects: Fisherman - Elizabeth Stride -

  38. Bravo for Maybrick
    Subjects: Maybrick Diary - James Maybrick - Andy and Sue Parlour - Joseph Bravo -

  39. Bristol University Surface Analysis of Maybrick Watch - 31 January 1994
    Subjects: Maybrick Diary - James Maybrick -

  40. By Accident or Design? A Critical Analysis of the Murder of Catherine Eddowes
    Subjects: Sam Flynn - Catherine Eddowes -

  41. Cadosch – The Other Side of the Fence
    Subjects: Gavin Bromley - Annie Chapman - Albert Cadoche -

  42. Catherine Eddowes: Wolverhampton and Birmingham
    Subjects: Dave Froggatt - Catherine Eddowes -

  43. Cats Cradle
    Subjects: William Morris - George Morris - James Hardiman - Rob Hills -

  44. Charles Cross was Jack the Ripper?
    Subjects: Charles Cross - Michael Connor -

  45. Charles Warren in Africa
    Subjects: Alan Hunt - Charles Warren -

  46. Coles, Kosminski and Levy – was there a Victim/Suspect/Witness connection?
    Subjects: Scott Nelson - Joseph Levy - Aaron Kosminski - Frances Coles - Robert Anderson -

  47. Connecting the Dots: Were the Ripper Crime Scenes Chosen to Form a Pattern?
    Subjects: Dan Norder -

  48. Considerable Doubt and the Death of Annie Chapman
    Subjects: John Richardson - Elizabeth Long - George Bagster Phillips - Albert Cadoche - Annie Chapman - Wolf Vanderlinden -

  49. Cousin Jack
    Subjects: James Hardiman - Rob Hills - Adrian Stockton -

  50. Crisis for Scotland Yard: A Crisis Management Based Analysis of the Whitechapel Murders
    Subjects: Brian W. Schoeneman -

  51. Crowley’s Ripper: The Collected Writings of Roslyn D’Onston
    Subjects: Robert Donston -

  52. David Cohen
    Subjects: Martin Fido - David Cohen -

  53. David Cohen (Part II)
    Subjects: Martin Fido - David Cohen -

  54. Dear Boss: Hoax as Popular Communal Narrative in the Case of the Jack the Ripper Letters
    Subjects: Ted Remington - Ripper Letters -

  55. Dear Diary
    Subjects: Maybrick Diary - Keith Skinner - James Maybrick - Caroline Morris - Austin Axe Murders - Shirley Harrison -

  56. Death and Rebirth - Durward Street in the 20th Century
    Subjects: John Bennett - Bucks Row - Durward Street -

  57. Dickens and the Ripper Legend
    Subjects: Madeleine Murphy - Charles Dickens -

  58. Did Jack the Ripper Leave Any Clues?
    Subjects: Julian Rosenthal -

  59. Did Jack the Ripper Use Chloroform?
    Subjects: Leanne Perry - Chloroform -

  60. Did Kelly Have a Heart?
    Subjects: Dave Yost - Mary Jane Kelly -

  61. Did Mary Kelly Survive?
    Subjects: Des McKenna - Caroline Maxwell - Mary Jane Kelly -

  62. Did the Police Know Who Jack Was?
    Subjects: Julian Rosenthal - Police -

  63. Did the Ripper work for Pickfords?
    Subjects: Michael Connor - Charles Cross -

  64. Dissertations
    Subjects: Dissertations -

  65. DOnston Stephenson: Dissecting the incident off Flamborough Head
    Subjects: Robert Donston - Mike Covell -

  66. Double Trouble: Elizabeth Stride and Catherine Eddowes
    Subjects: Julian Rosenthal - Catherine Eddowes - Elizabeth Stride -

  67. Dr. Anderson at New Scotland Yard: An 1892 Interview Rediscovered
    Subjects: Robert Anderson - Dan Norder -

  68. Dracula, Jack the Ripper and A Thirst for Blood
    Subjects: Robert Eighteen-Bisang - Dracula -

  69. Edward Buchan: Did Jack the Ripper Commit Suicide?
    Subjects: Edward Buchan - Roger Barber -

  70. Elisabeth Gustafsdotters Last Stride
    Subjects: Elizabeth Stride - Stefan Rantzow -

  71. Elizabeth Stride: Her Killer and Time of Death
    Subjects: Dave Yost - Elizabeth Stride -

  72. Emily and the Bibliophile: A Possible Source for Macnaghten's Private Information
    Subjects: Montague John Druitt - Melville Macnaghten - Stephen P. Ryder - Robert Anderson - Lord Crawford - Bernard Quaritch - Emily Druitt -

  73. Estimating Mary Kellys Time of Death
    Subjects: Julian Rosenthal - Carl Dodd - Cherise McClain - Mary Jane Kelly -

  74. Ex-Detective Inspector Edmund Reid And Jack the Ripper
    Subjects: Stewart Evans - Edmund Reid -

  75. Exonerating Michael Kidney
    Subjects: Michael Kidney - Tom Wescott -

  76. Facts Please, Not Fallacies!
    Subjects: Melvin Harris - Maybrick Diary -

  77. Finding the Victims Graves
    Subjects: Andrew Spallek -

  78. Freemasonry and the Ripper
    Subjects: Dennis Stocks - Freemasons -

  79. From Buenos Aires to Brick Lane: Were Alois Szemeredy and Alonzo Maduro the same man?
    Subjects: Alois Szemeredy - Alonzo Maduro -

  80. From Dublin Castle to Scotland Yard: Robert Anderson and the Secret Irish Department (Alan Sharp)
    Subjects: Alan Sharp - Henri Le Caron - Adrian Morris - Robert Anderson -

  81. From Hell: A Discussion of the Moore/Campbell Series
    Subjects: From Hell - Comics -

  82. From Hell: Fact or Fiction?
    Subjects: From Hell -

  83. Getting Better
    Subjects: Paul Begg -

  84. Grave-Spitting & Other Tall Tales
    Subjects: Catherine Eddowes - Don Souden -

  85. Guardian of the Great: A Brief Biography of E. T. Woodhall
    Subjects: Edwin Woodhall - Andy Aliffe -

  86. H-Division Personnel
    Subjects: Police - H Division - Simon Wood -

  87. Heartless - The Evidence for a Copycat Killer
    Subjects: Dan Norder -

  88. Hey Joe! Your Porter Story Sounds Fishy!
    Subjects: The Viper - Joseph Barnett -

  89. History of the Metropolitan Police Force
    Subjects: Julian Rosenthal - Police -

  90. Hyam Hyams
    Subjects: Hyam Hyams - Catherine Eddowes -

  91. Hyam Hyams: Portrait of a Suspect
    Subjects: Hyam Hyams - Wolf Vanderlinden -

  92. Inquest, London: The Life and Career of Wynne Edwin Baxter
    Subjects: Wynne Baxter - Adam Wood -

  93. Inspector Spratlings Pass
    Subjects: John Spratling - Bernie Brown -

  94. Interpreting Lipski
    Subjects: Israel Lipski - Robert J. McLaughlin -

  95. Is there an Echo around here? An Addendum to Mrs Kuers Lodger
    Subjects: Carl Noun - Nikaner Benelius - Batty Street Lodger - Gavin Bromley - Mrs Kuer -

  96. Is Truth Stranger Than Fiction? A Response to Des McKenna
    Subjects: Caroline Maxwell - Des McKenna - Mary Jane Kelly - Dave Yost -

  97. Isaac Kosminski
    Subjects: Aaron Kosminski - Woolf Abrahams - Isaac Kosminski - Scott Nelson - Donald Swanson - Robert Anderson - Morris Lubnowski -

  98. It was Christmas Day in the Workhouse
    Subjects: Janes Coram -

  99. Jack ´n Wax
    Subjects: Andy Aliffe -

  100. Jack in the Box
    Subjects: Dr. John Williams - Robin Odell - Tony Williams -

  101. Jack the Redeemer
    Subjects: Robin Odell -

  102. Jack the Ripper - by Aleister Crowley
    Subjects: Robert Donston - Aleister Crowley -

  103. Jack the Ripper and ”The Coffee Connection”
    Subjects: The Viper -

  104. Jack the Ripper on Old Time Radio
    Subjects: Paul Begg - Old Time Radio -

  105. Jack the Ripper, the Green River Killer, and the Police
    Subjects: John Holliday - Forensics -

  106. Jack the Ripper: A Twenty-First Century Investigation?
    Subjects: Ripperology - Jennifer Pegg -

  107. Jack the Ripper: What’s in a Name?
    Subjects: Paul Begg -

  108. Jack Through the Looking-Glass (or Wallace in Wonderland)
    Subjects: Karoline Leach - Richard Wallace - Lewis Carroll -

  109. Jacob the Ripper?
    Subjects: Graffito - Jim Leen - Jews -

  110. Joe Barnett...Jack the Ripper...Not One in the Same
    Subjects: Scott Morro - Dr. Frederick Walker - Joseph Barnett -

  111. Joseph Barnett
    Subjects: Joseph Barnett - Dr. Frederick Walker -

  112. Kit, Kitty, Kitten: The Story of Kitty Ronan
    Subjects: Mary Jane Kelly - Kitty Ronan - Andy Aliffe - Kathleen Watkins -

  113. Kosminski and the Seaside Home
    Subjects: Seaside Home - Aaron Kosminski - Stewart Evans - Donald Swanson - Robert Anderson -

  114. Kosminski´s Relatives
    Subjects: Aaron Kosminski - Scott Nelson - Woolf Abrahams - Morris Lubnowski -

  115. Le Grand of the Strand
    Subjects: Gerry Nixon -

  116. Leo Taxil and Anti-Masonry
    Subjects: Dennis Stocks - Freemasons -

  117. Letter from the Sickbed: Donston Writes to the Police
    Subjects: Robert Donston - Christopher T. George -

  118. London Correspondence: Tales from the Streets of Whitechapel
    Subjects: Alan Sharp - Irish -

  119. Long -vs- Cadoche
    Subjects: Annie Chapman - Elizabeth Long - Albert Cadoche - Dave Yost -

  120. Martha Tabram: The Forgotten Ripper Victim?
    Subjects: Jon Ogan - Martha Tabram -

  121. Mary Kelly
    Subjects: Adrian Morris - Mary Jane Kelly -

  122. Mary Kelly is Dead
    Subjects: John Malcolm - Mary Jane Kelly -

  123. Matthew Packer - Final Thoughts
    Subjects: Matthew Packer - Dave Yost -

  124. May My End A Warning Be: Catherine Eddowes and Gallows Literature in the Black Country
    Subjects: Charles Christopher Robinson - Thomas Conway - Jarett Kobek - Catherine Eddowes -

  125. Maybrick Hoax: Donald McCormick's Legacy
    Subjects: Melvin Harris - Robert Spicer - Maybrick Diary - Donald McCormick -

  126. Maybrick Hoax: More Futile Floundering
    Subjects: Maybrick Diary - Melvin Harris -

  127. Maybrick Hoax: Some Extra Guidance
    Subjects: Maybrick Diary - Melvin Harris -

  128. Maybrick Hoax: The Roots File
    Subjects: Melvin Harris - Maybrick Diary -

  129. Maybrick Hoax: Yet More Unacceptable Ploys
    Subjects: Melvin Harris - Maybrick Diary -

  130. Maybrick Watch - Scientific Analysis
    Subjects: Maybrick Diary - James Maybrick - Maybrick Watch Reports -

  131. McCarthy, Kelly and Breezer's Hill
    Subjects: Paul Daniel - John McCarthy - Mary Jane Kelly -

  132. Montague John Druitt
    Subjects: Matthew Fletcher - Montague John Druitt -

  133. Mr. Valentine's School
    Subjects: Montague John Druitt - Ripperologist - Stawell Heard -

  134. Mrs. Kuer’s Lodger
    Subjects: Batty Street Lodger - Gavin Bromley - Mrs Kuer - Israel Schwartz -

  135. Murder, Death and the Lodging House: The Strange Case of Mary Ann Austin
    Subjects: Robert Clack - Annie Austin -

  136. My Funny Valentine
    Subjects: Ernest Thompson - Frances Coles - Bernie Brown -

  137. Odd Omissions: Scott Morro's Plea for Barnett's Innocence
    Subjects: Dr. Frederick Walker - Joseph Barnett - Scott Morro -

  138. Off the Wall
    Subjects: Howard Brown - Graffito - Goulston Street -

  139. Old Wounds: Re-examining the Bucks Row Murder
    Subjects: Polly Nichols - Tom Wescott -

  140. On the Origins of the Royal Conspiracy Theory
    Subjects: Royal Conspiracy - Stewart Evans -

  141. On the Trail of Jack the Ripper: Szemeredy in Argentina
    Subjects: Eduardo Zinna - Alois Szemeredy - Jose Luis Scarsi -

  142. Ostrog - An Adventurer at Eton
    Subjects: Nick Connell - Michael Ostrog -

  143. Out of Africa
    Subjects: Eduardo Zinna -

  144. Patricia Cornwell and Walter Sickert: A Primer
    Subjects: Patricia Cornwell - Walter Sickert -

  145. Patricia Cornwell Delivers a Lecture at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville
    Subjects: Scott Medine - Walter Sickert - Patricia Cornwell -

  146. Pictures, Paint and Prosceniums: A Brief Biography of William D. Stewart
    Subjects: William Stewart - Andy Aliffe -

  147. Piecing it Together - A Possible Scenario of the Death of Elizabeth Stride
    Subjects: Elizabeth Stride - Fisherman -

  148. Platt Diary Report
    Subjects: Maybrick Diary -

  149. Portrait of a Killer. Jack the Ripper: Case Closed?
    Subjects: Benjamin Hoffler - Patricia Cornwell - Walter Sickert -

  150. Problems with the Macnaghten Memoranda
    Subjects: Scott Hannaford - Melville Macnaghten -

  151. Providence Row Night Refuge
    Subjects: Mary Jane Kelly - Providence Row - John Carey -

  152. Reader Reactions
    Subjects: Stewart Evans - Robert Anderson - Paul Begg -

  153. Rediscovering Austin's Jack the Ripper
    Subjects: Michael Corcoran - Austin Axe Murders - Texas -

  154. Reflections on the Ripperologist Interview
    Subjects: Alex Chisholm - Paul Daniel - Maybrick Diary -

  155. Reinvestigating Murder: How Did Long Liz Die?
    Subjects: William Beadle - Elizabeth Stride -

  156. Reinvestigating Murder: The Kelly Enigma
    Subjects: William Beadle - Mary Jane Kelly -

  157. Reinvestigating Murder: The Mystery of the Knife
    Subjects: Elizabeth Stride - Thomas Coram - William Beadle -

  158. Responses to the Ripper Murders: Letters to Old Jewry
    Subjects: L. Perry Curtis - Jews -

  159. Ripper Films: An Overview
    Subjects: Films - Alfred Hitchcock -

  160. Ripper Redux
    Subjects: Michael Conlon - Emil Totterman -

  161. Rippercussions: Public Reaction to the Ripper Murders in the Victorian Press
    Subjects: Lisa Johnstone -

  162. Rippermania: Fear and Fascination in Victorian London
    Subjects: Michelle Burns -

  163. Robert James Lees and Visions From Hell
    Subjects: Robert Lees -

  164. Room 13 Millers Court
    Subjects: Millers Court - Simon Wood - Mary Jane Kelly -

  165. Russian Freemasonry
    Subjects: Freemasons - Dennis Stocks -

  166. Sergeant William Thick
    Subjects: William Thick - Frogg Moody -

  167. Sir Charles Warren and the Bloodhounds
    Subjects: Charles Warren - James Marsh - Bloodhounds -

  168. Smith's Beat
    Subjects: Gavin Bromley - PC William Smith -

  169. So Long, Liz: Was Elizabeth Stride a True Ripper Victim?
    Subjects: Elizabeth Stride -

  170. So You Want to be a Ripperologist?
    Subjects: John Smithkey - Introduction -

  171. Spring-Heeled Jack: Fiction Based on Fact
    Subjects: Spring Heeled Jack - Leanne Perry -

  172. Statistical Shortfalls: Loanes 1887 Report in Review
    Subjects: Whitechapel - Joseph Loane - Alex Chisholm -

  173. Step-by-Step Pattern of a Serial Killer
    Subjects: Leanne Perry -

  174. Stephen White, Amos Simpson and Eddowes' Shawl
    Subjects: Andrew Morrison - Amos Simpson - Catherine Eddowes - Stephen White - Graffito -

  175. Summing Up and Verdict: Liverpool 2003
    Subjects: Liverpool Conference 2003 - Paul Begg - Liverpool Conference 2003 - Paul Begg -

  176. Suspect and Witness - The Police Viewpoint
    Subjects: George Hutchinson (Br.) - Stewart Evans -

  177. Taken in for Questioning: Barlow and Watt Revisited
    Subjects: Andy Aliffe -

  178. Tea, Scandal and the Rippers Shadow
    Subjects: Minnie Williams - William Stead - Oscar Wilde - Theo Durrant - Cleveland Street Scandal - Maud Allan - Eduardo Zinna - Prince Albert Victor -

  179. Terror in Whitechapel!
    Subjects: Leanne Perry -

  180. The Anti-Freemason Movement
    Subjects: Freemasons - Dennis Stocks -

  181. The Art of Murder
    Subjects: Walter Sickert - Wolf Vanderlinden -

  182. The Artistic and Psychological Effect of Jack the Ripper on Vincent Van Gogh
    Subjects: Andy Aliffe - Vincent van Gogh -

  183. The Belle of Philadelphia
    Subjects: Joseph Chetcuti -

  184. The Broken Pipe
    Subjects: Alice Mackenzie - Jeff Hamm -

  185. The Butchers Row Suspect – Was He Jack the Ripper?
    Subjects: Scott Nelson - Butchers Row Suspect - Butchers Row - Joseph Levy - Robert Sagar -

  186. The Cable Street Dandy: Severin Klosowski aka George Chapman
    Subjects: Norma Buddle - George Chapman -

  187. The Camden Town Murder
    Subjects: Camden Town Murder - John Barber - Walter Sickert -

  188. The Canterbury Encore: The Further Adventures of Dr. Tumblety
    Subjects: Joseph Chetcuti - Francis Tumblety -

  189. The Carrie Brown Murder Case: New Revelations
    Subjects: Carrie Brown - Michael Conlon -

  190. The Case for Re-canonizing Martha Tabram
    Subjects: Martha Tabram - Quentin L. Pittman -

  191. The Caution was Given
    Subjects: Melvin Harris - Maybrick Diary - Paul Begg -

  192. The Diminishing Case of Mr. Druitt
    Subjects: Adrian Morris - Montague John Druit -

  193. The Eloquence of Stone - A Long Look at Christ Church
    Subjects: Ripperologist - Christ Church - Eduardo Zinna -

  194. The Enigmas of Millers Court
    Subjects: Simon Wood - Simon Wood - Mary Jane Kelly - Mary Jane Kelly -

  195. The Funeral of Catherine Eddowes
    Subjects: James Marsh - Catherine Eddowes -

  196. The Funeral of Mary Jane Kelly
    Subjects: Mary Jane Kelly - James Marsh -

  197. The Goulston Street Graffito Debate
    Subjects: Neil Bell - Graffito - Howard Brown - Goulston Street -

  198. The History of Freemasonry
    Subjects: Dennis Stocks - Freemasons -

  199. The History of the Cloak & Dagger Club: A Personal Reminiscence
    Subjects: Cloak & Dagger Club - Paul Daniel -

  200. The Hitler Diaries
    Subjects: Leanne Perry -

  201. The House Where Jack Swilled?
    Subjects: Pubs - Adrian Phypers - The Viper -

  202. The Identification of Liz Stride
    Subjects: Elizabeth Stride - Stewart Evans - Dave Yost -

  203. The Importance of Fairy Fay, and Her Link to Emma Smith
    Subjects: Fairy Fay - Quentin L. Pittman - Emma Smith -

  204. The Ipswich Ripper Murders
    Subjects: Ipswich Ripper -

  205. The Jack the Ripper Syndicate
    Subjects: Vigilance Committees -

  206. The Kelly Crime Scene Photographs
    Subjects: Stewart Evans - Mary Jane Kelly -

  207. The Kozminski File
    Subjects: Robert House - Aaron Kosminski -

  208. The Life and Crimes of Frederick Bailey Deeming
    Subjects: John Godl - Frederick Deeming -

  209. The Life and Possible Deaths of Sir William Gull
    Subjects: Andrew Morrison - William Gull -

  210. The Lighter Side of My Official Life - Textual Comparisons
    Subjects: Robert Anderson -

  211. The Man Who Saw: The Face of Joseph Lawende Revealed
    Subjects: Joseph Lawende - Don Souden - Adam Wood -

  212. The Man Who Shielded Jack the Ripper: George Hutchinson & his Statement – An Analysis
    Subjects: Derek Osborne - George Hutchinson (Br.) -

  213. The Marking of Catherine Eddowes
    Subjects: Derek Osborne - Catherine Eddowes -

  214. The Maybrick Diary Analysis
    Subjects: Maybrick Diary - Jennifer Pegg -

  215. The Maybrick Diary Ink
    Subjects: Maybrick Diary - Jennifer Pegg -

  216. The Maybrick Diary Paper
    Subjects: Maybrick Diary - Jennifer Pegg -

  217. The Maybrick Hoax: A Fact File
    Subjects: Maybrick Diary - Melvin Harris -

  218. The Maybrick Hoax: Evasions are Valueless
    Subjects: Melvin Harris - Paul Begg - Maybrick Diary -

  219. The Men Who Suspected Kosminski
    Subjects: Aaron Kosminski - Donald Swanson - Robert Anderson - Dr. Frederick Walker -

  220. The Murder in Cartin's Court
    Subjects: Don Souden -

  221. The Mystery of Mary Jane Kelly
    Subjects: Mary Jane Kelly - Mark Madden -

  222. The New York Affair, Part II
    Subjects: Frenchy - Ameer Ben Ali - Wolf Vanderlinden - Carrie Brown - Inspector Byrnes -

  223. The Origins of Mary Kelly
    Subjects: Mary Jane Kelly - Peter Birchwood -

  224. The Pensioner, and a Brief History of Fort Elson
    Subjects: Annie Chapman - Paul Shearman - Ted Stanley -

  225. The Polish Jew Suspect - Jewish Witness Connection: Some Further Speculations
    Subjects: Joseph Levy - Aaron Kosminski - Hyam Hyams - Scott Nelson -

  226. The Real Rose Mylett
    Subjects: William Beadle - Rose Mylett -

  227. The Riddle of New Cottage
    Subjects: Paul Daniel - Polly Nichols -

  228. The Ripper in America
    Subjects: Frenchy - Carrie Brown - Arbie la Bruckman -

  229. The Ripperologist Interview
    Subjects: Maybrick Diary - Anne Graham - Michael Barrett - Paul Daniel - Carol Emmas -

  230. The Search for Jack el Destripador
    Subjects: Alois Szemeredy - Alonzo Maduro - Juan-Jacobo Bajarlia - Eduardo Zinna - Juan Jose Delaney - Dr. Stanley -

  231. The Secret Life of Arthur J. Munby
    Subjects: Stawell Heard - Arthur Munby -

  232. The Silence of Violence: A Witness to the Tabram Murder Exposed
    Subjects: Martha Tabram - Tom Wescott - Francis Hewitt -

  233. The Star Interview - Mark Galloway
    Subjects: Mark Galloway -

  234. The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Saucy Jacky
    Subjects: Jekyll and Hyde - Alan Sharp - Richard Mansfield -

  235. The Strange Case of Dr. John Hewitt
    Subjects: John Hewitt - Stan Russo -

  236. The Streets of Whitechapel
    Subjects: Paul Daniel - Whitechapel -

  237. The Thames Torso Murders of 1887-89
    Subjects: Gerard Spicer - Pinchin Street Torso - Whitehall Mystery - Pimlico Mystery - Torso Murders -

  238. The Third Man
    Subjects: John William Smith Sanders - Jon Ogan -

  239. The Victim Photographs
    Subjects: Photographs - Stawell Heard -

  240. The Victorian Medico-Legal Autopsy
    Subjects: Autopsies - Karyo Magellan -

  241. The Victorian Medico-Legal Autopsy: Part II
    Subjects: Karyo Magellan - Autopsies -

  242. The West of England MP Identified
    Subjects: Henry Richard Farquharson - Andrew Spallek -

  243. The Whitechapel Club: Defining Chicago´s Newspapermen in the 1890s
    Subjects: Dr. Larry Lorenz - Whitechapel Club -

  244. The Whitechapel Dossier: Dorset Street and Miller’s Court
    Subjects: Mary Jane Kelly - The Viper - Dorset Street -

  245. The Windsor Street Stakeout
    Subjects: Windsor Street - Dr. Frederick Walker - Joseph Barnett -

  246. The Witness: How Well Do We Know Him?
    Subjects: Witnesses - Dave Yost -

  247. Thomas Bulling and the Myth of the London Journalist
    Subjects: Tom Bulling - Tom Wescott - Ripper Letters -

  248. Time is on My Side
    Subjects: Thomas Bowyer - John McCarthy - Don Souden - Mary Jane Kelly -

  249. Toxic Repetition: The Cultural Uses of the Whitechapel Murders, 1888
    Subjects: Ripper Films - Karen Kurt Teal -

  250. Tumblety Talks
    Subjects: Francis Tumblety - R.J. Palmer -

  251. Turgoose Report on the Maybrick Watch - 10 August 1993
    Subjects: Maybrick Watch Reports -

  252. Turgoose Report on the Maybrick Watch - 23 August 1993
    Subjects: Maybrick Diary - James Maybrick -

  253. Turning a Modern Eye Toward an Old Investigation
    Subjects: Forensics - Daryl Cozart -

  254. Walking the Beat
    Subjects: Stewart Evans -

  255. Was Jack the Ripper a Medical Man?
    Subjects: Rabbi Leen - Medical Knowledge -

  256. Was Jack the Ripper Left-Handed?
    Subjects: Stawell Heard - Left Handed -

  257. What Happened at Miller's Court?
    Subjects: Nick Connell - Mary Jane Kelly -

  258. Where was the Caution?
    Subjects: Melvin Harris - Maybrick Diary -

  259. Where We Are with Bury
    Subjects: W.H. Bury - William Beadle -

  260. Who was the Mortuary Photographer?
    Subjects: Joseph Martin - Viper -

  261. Whodunit? : Choosing a Ripper Suspect
    Subjects: Introduction - Suspects - Andrew Morrison -

  262. Why Did Jack Stop? Or Did He?
    Subjects: Julian Rosenthal -

  263. Windows and Witnesses
    Subjects: Dave Yost - Annie Chapman -

  264. Yours Truly, Robert Bloch
    Subjects: Eduardo Zinna - Robert Bloch -