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Crowley’s Ripper: The Collected Writings of Roslyn D’Onston
Edited by Jarett Kobek

Originally published by, 2005 and reproduced by the kind permission of the editor, Jarett Kobek <>

Note on the Texts

The texts in this volume contain the listed complete works of Roslyn D’Onston as found in the bibliography of Melvin Harris’s The True Face of Jack the Ripper, with two exceptions: “African Magic” published 1890 in the Theosophical Journal Lucifer and D’Onston’s longform book, The Patristic Gospels. The absence of the former is due entirely to unavailability while the latter is a work much too long to include here — it shall have to be, as we hope it will be, a future release of the Press.

A text in this volume is one edited and contributed to by Mr. D’Onston entitled Brief Sketches of the Life of Victoria Hull; the title of this work is utterly explanatory — of note, however, is the lack of its appearance in Harris’s supposedly complete bibliography of D’Onston’s writings. As this strikes us as a fairly significant text—containing, as it does, D’Onston’s claims that Hull is the female messiah about to bring about a gynocentric religion to ennoble women first and then the rest of mankind — it seems entirely possible that there are other works available from D’Onston not included in either Harris’s bibliography, and as a result, not included in this text.

In the event that any new texts appear before us, we shall endeavor to revise this digital collection to include the newer manifestations.


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       Message Boards: Robert Donston Stephenson 
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