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London, U.K.
11 October 1888

With a view to help the police in Whitechapel, the members of Toynbee Hall have formed a Patrol Committee of young man, who nightly walk through the "disturbed districts" in their neighbourhood, helping to quell disorder and riotous scenes. This is setting an admirable example of self-held to the nation.


SUICIDE IN HANBURY-STREET. The particulars of a sad case of suicide which took place at No. 65, Hanbury-street, Spitalfields, a few doors from the spot, where the unfortunate woman, Annie Chapman, was murdered, reached Dr. Macdonald, this morning. The top floor of No. 65 is occupied by a silk weaver named Sodeaux, his wife, and child, aged eight years. For some time past, Mrs. Sodeaux has been depressed, and the murders in the neighbourhood have greatly agitated her. On Sunday she was found to have a razor in her possession, and it was taken from her, as it was thought she mediated suicide. Yesterday, however, her left her room, saying, she was going on an errand; but when some time elapsed, and she did not return, her daughter went in search of her and found her hanging by a rope to the stair bannisters. The child ran for assistance, but no one would go up to the body; and eventually the police were called in, and the body cut down. Life was extinct.

"A horrible discovery" was recently made at Guilford which was thought to have some connection with another "horrible discovery" at Pimlico. In due time the remains, supposed to be those of a female, were solemnly interred in Guilford Churchyard.


At Armagh, to-day, William Robinson, who gave his name as "Leather Apron", and in whose possession a knife and a bloodstained letter, addressed to the Catholic Primate, were found, was sentenced to two months imprisonment for assaulting the police.


The Rec. F. W. Newland of Canning-town, read a paper at the Congregational Union yesterday, on the "Worth of Congregational Churches among the Working Classes in Towns." He dealt with the class of people living in the districts of Canning-town and Victoria Docks. He declared that the only way of effect a change in the condition of these people was a prompt and thorough dealing by the Church with existing social problems. As showing the terrible prevalence of intemperance in the East-end, Mr. Newland mentioned that of every six houses in one street one house was licensed. Each of these licensed houses was palatial in appearance, and was supplied with every comfort. on one Saturday evening in the course of three hours, he counted 1,534 persons who entered one house; and close to 2,000 entered another. He advocated counter-attractions in the shape of recreative amusement, and the holding of week-night services.


The Exchange Telegraph Company learns tat a casual is detained at Elham Union, in Kent, on suspicion of being the Whitechapel murderer. He is dressed in a genteel style, but has blood smears in his shirt and trousers. His shirt cuffs are ripped off. A sponge was found on him. he has given contradictory statements of himself, and also several false names. The prisoner appears nervous and uneasy in his manner. The London police have been communicated with. The press Association's Hythe Correspondent telegraphs: - A suspicious looking individual, who applied for admission to the causal-ward of Elham Union, Kent, has been detained by the Master, as he answered the description of a man wanted in connection with the Whitechapel murders, published in a daily paper. Blood was found in his trousers and shirt. Two cuffs of his shirt had been torn off, and a piece of sponge was found on him. He was dressed in a genteel style - black cloths, coat, chock waistcoat, and hard felt hat. He has given three or four different names and contradictory accounts of himself. Superintendent Masted, of the county police, has communicated with the Metropolitan police regarding the individual.


Another man gave himself up at Kilburn, and was taken to Leman-street Police-station, but after being questioned there by Inspector Abberline, he was discharged.


Inquiries made this morning by a reporter elicited the fact, that no fresh arrest had been made in the Whitechapel district. The police precautions for the surveillance of the neighbourhood are in no wise relaxed, yet they are still without direct trace of the murderer. About ten o'clock last night a middle-aged man, of stout build, walked into Leman-street Police-station and accused himself of the murders. The man was obviously under the influence of drink, but it was thought desirable to detain him while inquiries were made at the address given. The police then found that his name was Geary, that he lived in the neighbourhood, and that it was impossible he could have committed the crimes of which he had accused himself. It was also ascertained that he had at one time been detained in a lunatic asylum. Under these circumstances, it was considered unadvisable to detain him, and he was released shortly after eleven o'clock. At all the police stations in the eastern district, the night was reported to have been a quiet one, and from the deserted condition o the streets there is no doubt the state of panic into which the frequenters of the streets by night in this neighbourhood have been thrown continues undiminished.


Mr. S. F. Lingham, the City Coroner, resumed the inquire, this morning, at the Goldenlane Mortuary, Barbican, respecting the Death of Catherine Eddows, alias Kelly, who was discovered murdered in Mitre-Square, Aldgate, on Sunday morning, the 30th ult.

The police was represented by Major Henry Smith, Assistant Commissioner, Mr. Superintendent Foster, Inspector McWilliams, and Inspector Collard. Dr. Saunders, Medical Officer for the City of London, also attended, and Mr. Crawford, solicitor, represented the Corporation.


Mr. George William Sequeira, of 34, Jewry-street, Aldgate, deposed: I was called in the morning of Sunday, the 30th of September, to Mitre-square. I was the first medical man to arrive. I was there at five minutes to two o'clock.

And you saw the position of the body? - I did.

And you agree with the evidence given by Dr. Brown as to that position? - Yes. I agree with Dr. Brown's evidence, which I heard on the last occasion.

By Mr. Crawford: I am acquainted with the locality and know the position of the lamps in the square. The deceased was found in the darkest corner, but there was sufficient light to enable the injuries to be inflicted without additional light.


From what you saw have you formed an opinion, that the perpetrator of the dead had any particular design upon any portion of the body? - I formed an opinion that the perpetrator hat nor particular design upon any organ.

Judging from the injuries inflicted, do you think he was possessed of great anatomical skill? - (Emphatically) - No, I do not.

And can you account any way of the absence of noise? - The woman's death must have been so instantaneous after the severance of the windpipe.

Would you expect to find the cloths of the murderer bespattered with blood? - Not necessarily.

For how long did you think life had been extinct? - When I arrived, not more than a few minutes; probably not more than a quarter of an hour, from the condition of the blood.


Dr. W. S. Saunders, Medical Officer for the City of London, stated - I live at 13, Queen-street, Cheapside. I am public analyst for the City of London. I received the contents of the deceased's stomach from Dr. Gordon Brown.

Have you made an analysis? - I carefully examined the stomach and its contents, more particularly for poisons of a narcotic class. with negative results. There was not the faintest trace of any of the these or any other poison.

By Mr. Crawford - O was present at the post-mortem, and saw the wounds which had been afflicted.

Do you agree with Dr. Brown and Dr. Sequeira that the wounds were inflicted by a person not possessing great anatomical skills? - I do.

And do you equally agree that the perpetrator of the deed had no particular desire upon any organ? - I do - (pausing) - internal organ.


Annie Philips deposed: I live at 12, Dilston-road, Southwark-park-road. My husband is a lampblack packer. I am a daughter of the deceased. She lived with my father and was married to him. but I have never seen the "marriage lines".

What was your father's Christian name? - Thomas Conway. I have not seen him for fifteen or eighteen months. He was then living with me and my husband. My father was a hawker.

Do you know what became of him? -No; I do not. He left us suddenly, without giving any reason.


Did he leave you on good terms? - No, Sir, we were not on very good terms. I have never seen or heard of him since.

Was he a sober man? - Yes, a teetotaller.

Did he live on bad terms with your mother? - Yes, because she used to drink.

Have you any idea where your father is living? - No, not the least.

Had he any ill-will, to your knowledge, against you mother? - No.

Can you tell us the reason why he ceased to live with your mother? Was it entirely on account of her drinking habits? - Yes.

Your father was in the 18th Royal Irish? - Yes. He hat been a pensioner since I was eight years old.

And what is your age now? - Twenty-three.

And how long ago is it since he lived with your mother? - Seven or eight years ago.

Did she ever apply to him for money? - Yes, frequently.


When did you last saw her alive? - Two years and one month ago.

Did you see anything of her on Saturday, the day previous to her death? - No. When I last saw her she lived at King-street Bermondsey, where I also lived. I did not leave my address, when I left there. I have two brothers. They are living in London.

Did your mother know where her sons were living? - No, that was kept from her for the purpose of preventing her applying to them for money.

By the Jury - It was between fifteen and seventeen months ago that my father lived with me and my husband. I was then aware, and father was, too, that mother was living with a man named Kelly.

Mr. Crawford . Are you sure it was the 18th Royal Irish in which your father was?

Witness: Not sure. It might have been the Connaught Rangers.

Mr. Crawford - It so happens that there is a person named Tom Conway, a pensioner in the 18th Royal Irish, but he does not happen to be the man.


Do you know anything of Kelly? - Yes, I have seen mother with him in a lodging-home in Flower and Dean-street. That was about three years ago. I know they were living as man and wife.

Is it a fact, that your father is living with your two brothers? - Yeas.

Don't you know where they are living? - No.

Can't you assist the police? - No, I don't know, where they are. Their ages - those of my brothers - are 15 and 20. I have lost all trace of my father, mother, and two brothers for fifteen or eighteen months, and cannot tell the police, where they are.


Detective-sergeant John Mitchell stated that he had made every endeavour to find the husband and sons of the deceased, but without success.

Mr. Crawford. Have you found a pensioner named Conway belonging to the 18th Royal Irish? - Yes; but he is not identified as the Thomas Conway in question. I and other officers have (added the officer) used every endeavour with a view tracing the murderer.

Detective Baxter hunt said that he found the pensioner Conway, of the 18th royal Irish, and confronted with two of the deceased's sisters. They failed to recognise him as the man who used to live with the deceased. Every endeavour, but without result, had been made to trace the man Conway and the two sons of the deceased.

The foreman of the Jury thought it advisable, that the witness Philips should see this man. The deceased's sister, who had not seen Conway for years, might not be able to recall him.

By Mr. Crawford - The witness Philips had not been found; but she shall see the man Conway. This man received his pension last on the 1st of this month.

Brown (recalled) said he was quite sure the murder was committed at the spot where the deceased was discovered.


Police-constable Robinson, No. 931, stated that he way on duty in Aldgate on the evening of the 29th. He saw a crowd of persons outside No. 29, High-street. Witness saw a woman there whom he had since recognised as the deceased.

In what state was she? - Drunk - lying on the footway. I turned to the crowd and asked of anyone knew her, or where she lived, but received no answer. I then picked her up and carried her to the side, by some shatters. I leaned her against the shutters, and she fell down again, sideways. I got assistance, and took her to the Bishopsgate Police-station. When at the station she was asked her name, She replied with the word, "Nothing." She was put in a cell.

Did anyone appear to be in her company when you first saw her? - No, Sir, no one in particular.

By Mr. Crawford - Witness last saw the deceased alive in the cell at the station at ten minutes to nine on the evening before her death. To the best knowledge he believed the apron produced (dirty white, torn, and cut, and marked with blood) was worn by the deceased.

By the Jury - The deceased smelt very strongly of drink.


Police-sergeant James Byfield deposed that the deceased was brought to the Bishopsgate Station at a quarter to nine on the evening of the 29th.

In what condition was she? - Very drunk.

What was done with her? - She was placed in a cell and detained there until one o'clock in the morning, when she was sober. I discharged her then, after she gave her name and address.

What name and address? - Mary Ann Kelly, 6, Fashion-street, Spitalfields.

Did she say what she has been doing? - To the last of the question I put to her, she said she had been hopping.

By the Jury - The deceased had no food given her in the cell. It was quite possible for a person to be very drunk at a quarter to nine and sober at one o'clock.

Police-constable George Henry Hutt, jailer at Bishopsgate Station, stated that at a quarter to ten on the night of the 29th ult., the deceased woman was placed under his charge. He visited her in the cell several times until five minutes to one o'clock in Sunday morning. When she was discharged witness pushed open a swing door, leading from a passage and said: "This as, missus." She passed the door, and witness remarked, "Please pull it two."

The Coroner - Yes.

Witness - She did so, and said, "all right. Good night, old cock." (Laughter) She turned to the left, leading to Houndsditch, as she left the station.

By the Jury - It was usual for a prisoner taken into custody for drunkenness to be discharged at all hours of the night. The inspector or acting-inspector was the person to judge whether a prisoner was sober or not. When witness went to deceased's cell at half-past twelve, she said, "Well, when am I going to get out?" Witness said, "When you are able to take care of yourself." She answered; "I am quite able to take care of myself." It was at one o'clock when the woman left the station.


By Mr. Crawford - In the station yard, a few minutes before one o'clock, the deceased said, "What time is it?" Witness replied, "Just upon one; too late for you to get any more drink." She claimed with an oath, "I shall get a good hiding, when I get home, then." and he answered, "Serve you right; you should not get drunk."

Can you tell me the distance from your station to Mitre-square? - I should say about 400 yards.

A Juryman - More than that.

Witness - with ordinary walking it would take about eight minutes to get to Mitre-square. I do not know anything of the lodging-house in Flower and Dean-Street.


George James Morris, watchman for Messrs. Kerlay and Tong, then merchants, Mitre-square, said he went on duty at seven o'clock on Saturday evening, the 29th ult.

What happened at about a quarter to two? - Police-constable Watkins, who is on the Mitre-square beat, knocked at my door, which was slightly ajar at the time. I was then sweeping the steps down, towards the door. I opened the door wide, and Watkins exclaimed, "For God's sake, mate, come to my assistance." I said, "Stop till I get my lamp," which was close at hand. The lamp was was the matter. He answered, "Oh, dear, there's another woman cut up in pieces." Witness, who had been a police-constable himself, went to the corner of the square, and saw the body. Witness immediately blew his whistle, and ran up Mitre-square into Aldgate. Two constables came.


Did you see any suspicious persons while you were running up Mitre-square to Aldgate? - No, Sir.

Had you heard any noise in the square before being called by Constable Watkins? - No, Sir.

If there hat been any cries of distress, I should have heard them.

By the Jury - I have charge of two warehouses. O was in the counting-house of one, facing the entrance to the square, at the time.

By Mr. Crawford . Before I was called by Watkins I had not gone into the square. I did not go into the square between twelve and one. it was not unusual for me to be at work at a quarter to two on Sunday morning. I had not seen Watkins during the evening.

By the Jury - The door of the warehouse had only been ajar for two minutes before the constable came.

The court then adjourned for luncheon.


Police - constable James Harvey stated the various streets comprised on his beat on the night of the 29th ult. He heard not cries during the time he was patrolling. When he got to Mitre-street he heard a whistle blown, and saw the witness Morris with a lamp. Morris exclaimed, "A woman being ripped up in Mitre-square." Witness and another constable proceeded to the square, and saw the deceased lying dead.

What time were you previously in Aldgate? - Between one and two minutes to the half-past one as I passed the post-office clock.

George Clapp, living at 5, Mitre-street, Aldgate, stated that he was caretaker of the premises at that address. The back of the house looked into Mitre-square. He went to bet (himself and wife) at about eleven o'clock on Saturday night. witness slept in a back room on the second floor. He heard no noise at all.

By the Coroner - The first time that witness heard the murder had been committed was between five and six o'clock on Sunday morning.

Police-constable Richard Pearce, who resides in Mitre-square, deposed that he went to bed at twenty minutes to two. I was then called by a constable.

The coroner: I suppose from your window you could look into the spot where the murder occurred? - Directly into the place.

By Mr. Crawford - Where I live is No. 3, Mitre-square, the only house used as a residence, the other houses being warehouses. Only my wife and family - four "little ones" live in the house.


Joseph Lawrence, a foreigner, residing at 45, Norfolk-road, Dalston, deposed that he was a commercial traveller. On the night of the 29th he was in the Imperial Club with Mr. Joseph Levi and Mr. Harry Harris. They left the club about twenty-five minutes to two.

Did you see anyone? - We saw a man and woman at the corner of the Church-passage, in Duke-street, which leads to Mitre-Square.

Were they talking? - She was standing with her face towards him. I only saw the back of her. She hat her hand on his chest. I could not see her face. The man was taller than she was.

How was she dressed? - Black jacket and black bonnet. I have seen the deceased a clothing at the police-station and believe it was the same as worn by the woman I saw.

What sort of a man was he? - He hat a cloth cap on with a cloth peak.

Mr. Crawford: Unless the Jury and yourself wish it, Mr. Coroner, we have a reason for not desiring any further evidence to be given as to the appearance of the man.

The Jury - Certainly; we don't wish to have it.

By Mr. Crawford - The Imperial Club is at 16 and 17, Duke-street - about nine or ten yards from where the woman was standing.

Mr. Joseph H. Levi, sworn as a Jew, with his hat on, said he was a butcher, living at Hutchinson-street, Aldgate, and corroborated the last witness as to leaving the club with him at a little after half-past one. Witness saw the man and the woman described.

What were they doing? - Seeing a man and woman standing there at that hour, in a suspicious manner, we passed on. We left them talking.

The Foreman: Was there not a good light where you saw the man and woman - light from the

Imperial Club, too? I should have though you could almost have seen the colour of the woman's dress.

Witness - There was not much light there then. There is a goof deal more now, since the murder.

By the Jury - Witness had said to his companions, "I am off. I don't like those people over there."

By Mr. Crawford . There was nothing about the man or woman which caused witness to fear them.


Police-constable Alfred Long, of the Metropolitan Police, deposed to finding a portion of the murdered woman's apron in Goulston-street - in a passage leading to 118 and 118,a model block of dwellings. In the wall above where the apron was found was written in chalk "The Jews are the man that will not be blamed for nothing." Witness tool the piece of apron to Commercial-road Station, and reported the matter to the inspector on duty. Witness had passed the spot at 2.20. It was not there then. He discovered it at 2.55 on the morning of the murder.

By Mr. Crawford - Witness did not know that the word "Jews" on the wall was misspelt. He did not know if it was spelt "Juws".

(The Inquiry is proceeding.)


Passing through east-passage the other night one of the constables of the H Division saw a woman lying on the ground, and another one, trying to get her up. There were two men there, Michael Sullivan and Michael Murphy, and when the constable asked what was the matter, Murphy told him, that he had better "Get out of it," or he'd "get something." The constable was in the act of assisting the prostrate woman to regain her fest, when both the men attacked him. They beat him unmercifully, in consequence of which e was placed upon the sick list, and is now unable to go on duty. At the Thames Police-court, to-day, the men were sent to jail for six months' hard labour each.


Sir, - In your yesterday's issue a letter signed "S." appeared, accusing the Jews of an "atrocious" mode of killing animals. As President of the Slaughtering Board of the Jewish Community, permit me to assure your readers that the Jewish mode of killing animals has been pronounced by Christian experts to be far more humane than the method of killing sheep, calves, and adopted by Gentiles. - Yours, obediently, Samuel Montagu, 12. Kensington Palace-gardens, Oct. 10.


Sir, - Allow me to contribute my little experience to the discussion now current as to the value of the bloodhound (or sleuthhound, as I prefer to call it) in tracking. I had some years ago a dog of the best strain, a son of Mr. Holford's famous "Regent." I took great interest in training "Reveller" to follow the lightest scent, which he did admirably. One instance will suffice. A few days only after I took him in hand I showed him a dry bone, and then started a lad with it, giving him instruction to conceal it a few miles away, the route and hiding-place being both unknown to me. An hour after I started with the dog, and with unflattering and unerring scent he led me from upper Norwood over Stratham-common, to Tooting-Bec-common, and to bush at the latter place, wherein the bone, which I had previously marked, was found. The distance was considerably over three miles. But the sleuthhound's scent is merely the high development of a faculty common to all dogs. As a humorist recently pointed out, when two dogs converse in the street, they do not say, "Where have you been?" or "What have you seen?", but "What have you smelt?" I am constantly reminded of this by the actions of a Newfoundland dos which is used as a yard dog in the firework factory of Messrs. C. T. Breck and Co., where I am engaged. At the present time, owing to the pressure of the November business, many fresh hands are temporarily employed. These are always introduced to and smelt by the dog. After the first introducing he invariably recognises them by the scent as they enter the gate, until his sight is accustomed to them as is his nose: and they can go to their work unmolested as soon as the latter organ is satisfied as to their bona fides. - Yours, faithfully, South Norwood, S.E., Oct. 10. W Grist

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       Press Reports: St. James Gazette - 1 October 1888 
       Press Reports: St. James Gazette - 12 October 1888 
       Press Reports: St. James Gazette - 4 October 1888 
       Press Reports: St. James Gazette - 5 October 1888 
       Press Reports: St. James Gazette - 8 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Star - 1 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Star - 11 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Star - 3 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Star - 4 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Star - 6 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Times - 11 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Times [London] - 1 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Times [London] - 12 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Times [London] - 16 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Times [London] - 2 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Times [London] - 3 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Times [London] - 5 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Times [London] - 6 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Times [London] - 9 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Trenton Times - 23 May 1892 
       Press Reports: Weekly Herald - 5 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Woodford Times - 12 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Woodford Times - 5 October 1888 
       Ripper Media: Catherine Eddowes: Jack the Ripper Victim 
       Victims: Catherine Eddowes 
       Victims: Catherine Eddowes: Her Last Known Movements and Discovery... 
       Victorian London: Mitre Square 
       Witnesses: Dr. Frederick Gordon Brown 
       Witnesses: Emily Birrell 
       Witnesses: James Blenkingsop 
       Dissertations: Jacob the Ripper? 
       Dissertations: Responses to the Ripper Murders: Letters to Old Jewry 
       Press Reports: Denton Journal - 10 November 1888 
       Press Reports: East London Observer - 15 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Echo - 17 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Evening News - 11 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Jewish Chronicle 
       Press Reports: Jewish Chronicle - 11 March 1910 
       Press Reports: Jewish Chronicle - 12 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Jewish Chronicle - 16 November 1888 
       Press Reports: Jewish Chronicle - 22 March 1889 
       Press Reports: Jewish Chronicle - 4 March 1910 
       Press Reports: Manchester Guardian - 13 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Manchester Guardian - 4 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Pall Mall Gazette - 15 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Star - 11 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Star - 12 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Star - 13 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Star - 14 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Star - 17 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Star - 18 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Star - 26 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Star - 31 October 1888 
       Ripper Media: Jack the Ripper in Fact and Fiction