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A Timeline of Events in the Life and Death of Catherine Eddowes
Courtesy of Casebook Productions


Catherine was born in Wolverhampton to George Eddowes Jr, a varnisher or japanner.1


Before Eddowes was 2 years old, the family moved to Bermondsey.2


Catherine's mother, Catharine Eddowes, died.3

Catherine's education at St John's Charity School, Patters Field, Tooley St, ended.4

Most of Catherine's siblings entered Bermondsey Workhouse and Industrial School. (Catherine eventually returned to finish her education at Dowgate Charity School and to care for her aunt in Biston St, Wolverhampton.)5


Catherine left home to be with Thomas Conway, who drew a pension under the name Thomas Quinn from the 18th Royal Irish Foot Regiment.6


Catherine and Conway lived together in Wolverhampton.7

They earned a living by selling chapbooks, written by Conway, in Birmingham and in the Midlands. They also wrote and sold gallows ballads.8

Catherine claimed that they were legally married and that his initials 'TC' were tatooed on her arm.9


Annie, Catherine and Conway's first child and only daughter, was born.10

JAN 1866

Catherine sold a gallows ballad at the hanging of her own cousin,Christopher Robinson, at Strafford.11


George, Catherine and Conway's second child and first son, was born.12


Their last child, a second son, was born.13


Conway and Catherine separated. Catherine took Annie and Conway had custody of the boys.14

Annie said the separation was due to her mother's drinking and occasional leaving of home (Conway was a teetotaler). Catherine's sister, Elizabeth Fisher, blamed the marital breakdown on Conway's drinking and abuse.15


Catherine met John Kelly, an Irish jobbing market porter, frequently working for a fruit salesman, Lander.16

Catherine and Kelly moved in together at Cooney's common lodging-house at 55 Flower and Dean St.17


Annie saw Catherine and Kelly at Cooney's.18

c.SEP 1886

Annie was bedridden and paid Catherine to attend her.19

That was the last time Annie saw Catherine. Annie and her husband, Mr Phillips, a lamp-black packer, moved from Bermondsey and never gave Catherine their new address to avoid her asking for money.20

Conway and his two sons moved in with the Phillips.21

c.MAR 1887

While at Acre St, Southwark Park Rd, Conway, being on bad terms with his daughter and son-in-law, moved out and took his two sons. This was the last time Annie would see her father and two brothers.22


Catherine was admitted to Whitechapel Infirmary for a burned foot.23

AUG 7, 1888

Martha Tabram was found dead at the George Yard Bldgs.24

AUG 31, 1888

Polly Nichols was found dead in Buck's Row.25

SAT, SEP 8, 1888

Annie Chapman was found dead in the back yard of 29 Hanbury St.26

During SEP 1888

Catherine and Kelly went hop-picking in Kent. They earned very little and returned to London on foot. During their trip home, they met Emily Birrel, a vagrant, and her common-law husband during their return trip. Birrel gave Catherine a London pawn broker's ticket for a man's shirt, stating that Catherine and Kelly were going to London while she and her man were going to Cheltenham.27

THUR, SEP 27, 1888
That Day

Catherine and Kelly arrived in London, sleeping at the Shoe Lane Casual Ward that night.28

The "Dear Boss" letter was posted to the Central News Agency with a London EC postmark.29

FRI, SEP 28, 1888
That Afternoon

Frederick William Wilkinson, Deputy at Cooney's, saw Catherine but not Kelly.30

Kelly managed to earn 6d (2 1/2p).31

FRI, SEP 28, 1888
That Night

Catherine went out, and despite Kelly's protests, it was agreed that Catherine would use 2d and sleep at the Mile End Casual Ward while Kelly used the remaining 4d to sleep at Cooney's.32

Upon arrival at the casual ward, the Casual Ward Superintendent asked Catherine where she had been in the interval, (Catherine was "formerly well-known" there but had not been at the casual ward for some time). The superintendent was met with the reply, that she had been in the country "hopping". "But," added the woman, "I have come back to earn the reward offered for the apprehension of the Whitechapel murderer. I think I know him." "Mind he doesn't murder you too" replied the superintendent jocularly. "Oh, no fear of that," responded Catherine.33

SAT, SEP 29, 1888

Catherine met Kelly at Cooney's, saying there had been some trouble at the casual ward and was turned out early.34

It was agreed that Catherine would pawn a pair of Kelly's boots at a broker, Smith or Jones, in Church St. Catherine got 2/6d (12 1/2p), and the ticket was in the name of Jane Kelly. With the money, they bought tea, coffee, sugar, and food.35

SAT, SEP 29, 1888

Wilkinson saw Catherine and Kelly eating breakfast in the kitchen of Cooney's. Wilkinson noted that Catherine had on an apron.36

SAT, SEP 29, 1888
That Day

The "Dear Boss" letter was given to Scotland Yard.37

SAT, SEP 29, 1888

Catherine and Kelly were in Houndsditch, broke.38

Catherine left Kelly on good terms in order to obtain money from Annie, (whom Catherine believed was still in Bermondsey). Catherine promised to return by 4:00pm.39

SAT, SEP 29, 1888

George James Morris, Metropolitan Police pensioner and night watchman at Kearly and Tonge's warehouse, Mitre Sq, came on duty.40

SAT, SEP 29, 1888

Catherine allegedly caused a drunken scene by imitating a fire engine in front of a small crowd and then laying down to sleep on the pavement.41

SAT, SEP 29, 1888

Police Constable Louis Robinson, 931City, was on duty in Aldgate High St when he noticed a small crowd standing around Catherine outside #29. PC Robinson tried to Stand Catherine up against the house, but she fell.42

City Police Constable George Simmons assisted PC Robinson in taking Catherine to the Bishopsgate Police Station.43

SAT, SEP 29, 1888

Catherine was brought to the station and gave her name as "nothing." Sergeant James George Byfield, station sergeant, Bishopsgate Police Station, had Catherine placed in a cell until she sobered up.44

SAT, SEP 29, 1888

PC Robinson looked in on Catherine for the last time, nothing that she was asleep and smelled very much of alcohol.45

SAT, SEP 29, 1888

Kelly heard of Catherine's incarciration from two women. He told Wilkinson of the incident and took a single bed.46

SAT, SEP 29, 1888

Police Constable George Henry Hutt, 968City, came on duty to oversee the prisoners in the Bishopsgate lock-up.47

Police Constable James Harvey, 964City, came on duty to patrol the Houndsditch area:

    From Bevis Mark to Duke St, into Little Duke St, to Houndsditch, from Houndsditch back to Duke St, along Duke St to Church Passage, back again into Duke St, to Aldgate, from there to Mitre St, back again to Houndsditch, up Houndsditch, to Little Duke St, again back to Houndsditch, to Goring St, up Goring St to Bevis Marks.48
Police Constable Edward Watkins, 881City, came on duty to patrol the Mitre St area:
    From Duke St through Heneage Lane, through a portion of Bury St, then through Cree Church Lane, into Leadenhall St, along Leadenhall St into Mitre St, then into Mitre Sq, around the square, back into Mitre St, then into King St, along King St, into St James Place, around St James Place, thence into Duke St.49
SAT, SEP 29, 1888

George Clapp, a caretaker residing at 5 Mitre St, went to bed.50

SUN, SEP 30, 1888

Catherine was awake and softly singing to herself.51

SUN, SEP 30, 1888

Police Constable Richard Pearse, 922City residing at 3 Mitre Sq, went to bed.52

Catherine, fully aware of herself, asked when she could be released. PC Hutt answered, "When you are capable of taking care of yourself." "I can do that now," Catherine replied.53

SUN, SEP 30, 1888

Catherine, considered sober, was removed from her cell by PC Hutt.54

Sgt Byfield would not release Catherine until she gave her name. She said finally, "Mary Ann Kelly, 6 Fashion St."55

SUN, SEP 30, 1888

Diemschutz found Stride's body in gateway of Dutfield's Yard.56

SUN, SEP 30, 1888

Catherine asked what time it was. "Too late for you to get any more drink," replied PC Hutt. "I'll get a damn fine hiding when I get home," she said. "And serve you right," added PC Hutt, "You have no right to get drunk."57

"This way Missus," said PC Hutt, leading Catherine down the passage to the outer doors. She was asked to close the doors behind her. Catherine replied, "All right. Good night, old cock." PC Hutt noted that she turned left and headed for Houndsditch. He also noted that Catherine did have an apron upon departing.58

SUN, SEP 30, 1888

James Blenkinsop, nightwatchman overseeing roadworks in St James Place, claimed a respectably dressed man approached him,asking, "Have you seen a man and woman go through here?" Blenkinsop said he had seen some people pass, but that he had not paid any attention to them.59

SUN, SEP 30, 1888

PC Watkins was in Mitre Sq, saw and heard nothing.60
    Mitre Sq is surrounded by Mitre St to the West, King St to the North, Duke St to the east, and Aldgate to the South. A large and lit opening enters from Mitre St; St James Place (the Orange Market) lies between King St and Mitre square; PC Pearse's house and Morris's warehouse lie in the North-West corner; There is a narrow covered entry from St James Sq; Between Mitre Sq and Duke St lie the Great Synagogue and another Kearly and Tonge's warehouse; To the South of this warehouse is Church Passage; Between Mitre Sq and Aldgate is the Sir John Cass School, and to the right of the Mitre St entrance are 3 unoccupied cottages.61
Joseph Lawende, a commercial traveller in cigarettes residing at 45 Norfolk Rd, Dalston; Joseph Hyam Levy, butcher living at at 1 Hutchinson St, Aldgate, and Harry Harris, a Jewish furniture dealer of Castle St, Whitechapel, prepare to leave the Imperial Club, 16-17 Duke St.62

SUN, SEP 30, 1888

Lawende, Levy and Harris came out from the club and into Duke St. Lawende was walking slightly apart from the other two. About 15' away, at the corner of Duke St and Church Passage, they noticed a man and woman quietly talking. The woman had her back to them, and she had her hand on the man's chest - in a friendly manner, not a protest. Neither appeared upset nor quarreling, and nothing unusual was going on.63
    Harris gave only a passing glance, unable to identify either, and maintained that neither Levy nor lawende could either.64

    Levy noted that the man was about 3" taller than the woman, and said to Harris, "Look there. I don't like going home by myself when I see those characters about." And believed "that persons standing standing at that time in the morning in a dark passage were not up to much good."65

    Lawende the man was 5'-7" or 5'-8", 30 years, medium build, fair complexion, fair moustache, grey cloth cap with a peak, a loose salt and pepper coat, reddish neckerchief, had the appearance of a sailor. The woman wore a black jacket and a black bonnet. (Lawende later identified Catherine from her clothes.)66
SUN, SEP 30, 1888

PC Harvey went down Duke St and into Church Passage as far as Mitre Sq. He did not look into the square and neither saw nor heard anything.67

SUN, SEP 30, 1888

PC Watkins entered Mitre Sq from Mitre St, Flashing his lantern into the square. He turned to the right and found the body in the South-West corner.68
    She lay on her back, Head turned toward her left shoulder,Arms at her side, Both palms up with fingers slightly bent,A thimble lying off a finger on her right side, Clothes were pushed above her abdomen, Thighs were naked, Left leg straight out, Right leg bent at knee and thigh, Abdomen exposed, Bonnet at back of her head, Had a red neckerchief, Upper part of dress slightly open, Face disfigured, Throat was cut, Intestines were drawn out and placed over right shoulder, Another section of intestines were placed between left arm and body, Clotted blood on pavement near left side of neck, around shoulder, and upper part of arm, Fluid blood under neck and right shoulder.69
SUN, SEP 30, 1888

PC Watkins went over to the Kearly and Tonge's warehouse. The door was slightly ajar (Morris states for about 2 minutes prior PC Watkins arrival). PC Watkins found Morris in the hallway. "For God's sake, mate, come to assist me," said PC Watkins. "What's the matter?" asked Morris. "Oh dear, there's another woman cut to pieces." replied PC Watkins. Morris returned with PC Watkins to view the body.70

SUN, SEP 30, 1888

Insp Reid arrived at Dutfield's Yard. Superintendent Thomas Arnold arrived shortly after.71

SUN, SEP 30, 1888

PC Watkins stayed with the body while Morris blew his whistle,running down Mitre St and into Aldgate.72

SUN, SEP 30, 1888

PC Harvey heard whistle, saw Morris running, and went over to him. Morris Told PC Harvey about the body.73

Morris saw Police Constable Holland, 814City, and called him over.74

SUN, SEP 30, 1888

PC Harvey, PC Holland, and Morris went to Mitre Sq.75

After viewing the body, PC Holland went to fetch Doctor George William Sequeira from his surgery at 34 Jewry St.76

SUN, SEP 30, 1888

Inspector Edward Collard notified at Bishopsgate Police Station about the body.77

Insp Collard sent a PC to notify Doctor Frederick Gordon Brown, City Police Surgeon, 17 Finsbury Circus.78

Dr Sequeira notifed.79

SUN, SEP 30, 1888

Detective Constable Daniel Halse, Detective Constable Edward Marriott, and Detective Sergeant Robert Outram, at bottom of Houndsditch near St Boloph's Church, responded to Morris's whistle and went to Mitre Sq.80

SUN, SEP 30, 1888

PC Holland returned with Dr Sequeira who pronounced Catherine dead.81

SUN, SEP 30, 1888

DC Halse, DC Marriott, and DS Outram arrived at scene.82

SUN, SEP 30, 1888

Insp Collard arrived and immediately organized a search of the district.83

Dr Sequeira informed of Dr Brown's impending arrival and waited before conducting the exam further.84

Dr Brown was notified of the body.85

SUN, SEP 30, 1888

DC Halse went into Middlesex St and then on into Wentworth St.86

SUN, SEP 30, 1888

Dr Brown arrived at the scene.87

SUN, SEP 30, 1888

The initial exam of Catherine was conducted:
    Arms beside body as if fallen there; Intestines over the right shoulder were smeared over with some feculent matter; The intestines between the left arm and the body seemed to be placed there by design; The pavement sloped, accounting for the blood flow under the right shoulder; The body was quite warm; Rigor mortis had not started; Most likely dead within the half hour; No blood on the skin of the abdomen; No secretion on the thighs; No spurting of blood; No marks of blood below the body's middle.88
Detective Superintendent Alfred Lawrence Foster and Superintendent James McWilliam arrived at the scene.89

DC Halse in Goulston St returning to Mitre Sq.90

Police Constable Alfred Long, 254A, on patrol in Goulston St - saw neither graffito nor apron piece at that time.91

PC Pearse first heard about the murder.92

SUN, SEP 30, 1888

DC Halse back in Mitre Sq.93

Body was placed into ambulance and taken to Golden Lane Mortuary.94

Sergeant Jones found three buttons, a thimble, and a mustard tin containing 2 pawn tickets beside the body.95

Sergeant Phelps, Inspector Izzard, and Sergeant Dudman at scene to preserve public order.96

SUN, SEP 30, 1888
(exact time unknown)

Sgt Dudman found stains on the doorway and underneath the window of 36 Mitre St. (The East London Advertiser's report claimed these stains were blood; these stains turned out to actually be candle greese.)97

DC Halse and Insp Collard went to mortuary.98

SUN, SEP 30, 1888
(exact time unknown)

At mortuary, body was stripped and a piece of ear droped from the clothing.99

Insp Collard itemized Catherine's possessions:100
    Pair of men's lace up boots with mohair laces, right boot fixed with red thread; Red guaze silk (worn about the neck); 1 large white handkerchief; 2 unbleached calico pockets; 1 blue stripe bed ticking pocket with waist band and strings; 1 white cotton pocket handkerchief with red and white birds eye border; 1 pair of brown ribbed stockings with white mended feet; 12 pieces of white rag; 1 piece of white coarse linen; 1 piece of blue and white shirting -- three cornered; 2 small blue bed ticking bags; 2 short black clay pipes; 1 tin box with tea; 1 tin box with sugar; 1 piece of flannel; 6 pieces of soap; 1 small tooth comb; 1 white handle table knife; 1 metal tea spoon; 1 red leather cigarette case with white metal fittings; 1 empty tin match box; 1 piece of red flannel with with pins and needles; a ball of hemp; and a piece of old white apron.101

    She was wearing a black straw bonnet with green and black velvet, black beads, and black strings; a black cloth jacket trimmed with fake fur at the collar and cuffs and 2 outside pockets trimmed with black sik braid and fake fur; a chintz skirt -- 3 flounces with a brown button on the waistband; A brown linsey dress bodice with a black velvet collar and brown metal buttons down the front; a grey stuff petticoat with a white waistband; a very old green alpaca skirt; a very old ragged blue skirt with a red flounce and light twill lining; a white calico chemise; a man's white vest with button to match down front and 2 outside pockets; she had no drawers or stays.102
DC Halse noticed a piece of apron was missing.103

SUN, SEP 30, 1888
(exact time unknown)

DC Halse returned to Mitre Sq with Major Henry Smith, acting Commissioner, City of London Police.104

SUN, SEP 30, 1888

PC Long found a blood stained apron piece in an archway at Wentworth Model Dwellings, Goulston St, and then a chalked message on the black brick fascia edging of the open doorway which led to the staircase and basement door of #108-119.105
    "The Juwes are the men That Will not be Blamed for nothing"106
PC Long searched staircases and surrounding area.107

SUN, SEP 30, 1888

PC Long saw and called over Police Constable 190H, leaving him in charge of the beat. PC Long then took the apron piece to the Commercial St Police Station.108

SUN, SEP 30, 1888
(exact times unknown)

DC Halse, Major Smith, and Detective Baxter Hunt went to the Leman Street Police Station.109

DC Halse went to Goulston St and directed that the message be photographed. He remained at the scene.110
    "The Juwes are not the men That Will be Blamed for nothing"111
Superintendent Thomas Arnold sent an Inspector to Goulston St with a sponge to await orders to rub out the message.112

SUN, SEP 30, 1888

PC Long returned to Goulston St.113

SUN, SEP 30, 1888

Sir Charles Warren arrived upon the scene.114

SUN, SEP 30, 1888

Det Hunt arrived upon the scene.115

Despite DC Halse's protests, the message was rubbed out. (Major Smith claimed Sir Charles Warren personally removed it.)116

SUN, SEP 30, 1888


SUN, SEP 30, 1888
That Morning

Insp Collard ordered house-to-house interviews.118

Fireman at a night station, St James Plc, said they saw and heard nothing from the square.119

Lawende, Levy, and Harris were located.120

Clapp first heard of the murders.121

SUN, SEP 30, 1888

The post-mortem conducted by Dr Brown, Dr Sequeira, Doctor William Sedgwick Saunders, Medical Officer of Health and Public Analyst, City of London, and attended by Dr Phillips.122
    She was 5'-3', about 45 years old
    Rigor mortis well marked; Green discoloration over abdomen; Body not quite cold; No traces of recent connection; Recent bruise, size of a sixpence, on left hand between thumb and first finger; Left eyelid cut; Deep cut on bridge of nose; Cut on right cheek; Tip of nose detached; 2 abrasions on left cheek under left ear; Throat cut nearly ear-to-ear, dividing all tissues down to the bone; Frontal abdominal walls cut open from the pubic area to the breast bone; Liver was stabbed; Left of the groin, a stab wound; Cuts made between the thighs and labium on both sides; Stomach contained very little food or fluid; Intestines had been detached; Right kidney bloodless and pale; Gall bladder had bile; Pancreas was cut; Left kidney removed; Uterus lining was cut; Womb was cut through leaving 3/4" of a stump; Womb was removed; Bladder was healthy.123
SUN, SEP 30, 1888
That Day

Kelly read in paper about victim having pawn ticket with Birrel's name on it. He presented himself to the police and identified the body. Until then, he had no idea that Catherine was victim #4.124

MON, OCT 1, 1888

The morning paper, Daily News, published "Dear Boss" letter. (It was written in red ink with a second postscript done in red crayon.)
    25 Sept. 1888.

    Dear Boss,

    I keep on hearing the police have caught me but they wont fix me just yet. I have laughed when they look so clever and talk about being on the right track. That joke about Leather Apron gave me real fits. I am down on whores and I shant quit ripping them till I do get buckled. Grand work the last job was. I gave the lady no time to squeal. How can they catch me now. I love my work and want to start again. You will soon hear of me with my funny little games. I saved some of the proper red stuff in a ginger beer bottle over the last job to write with but it went thick like glue and I cant use it. Red ink is fit enough I hope ha. ha. The next job I do I shall clip the ladys ears off and send to the police officers just for jolly wouldnt you. Keep this letter back till I do a bit more work, then give it out straight. My knife's so nice and sharp I want to get to work right away if I get a chance. Good luck.

    Yours truly
    Jack the Ripper

    Dont mind me giving the trade name

    wasnt good enough to post this before I got all the red ink off my hands curse it No luck yet. They say I'm a doctor now ha ha125
A second Jack the Ripper letter, a postcard, was received by the Central News Agency. This one had a London E postmark. It was printed in the evening paper, The Star. (It was possibly written in crayon.)
    I was not codding dear old Boss when I gave you the tip, youll hear about saucy Jack s work tomorrow double event this time number one squealed a bit couldnt finish straight off. had no time to get ears for police thanks for keeping last letter back till I got to work again.
    Jack the Ripper126
THUR, OCT 4, 1888
That Day

First day of the Eddowes Inquest. Conducted by Coroner Samuel Frederick Langham at the Golden Lane Mortuary.127
    Henry Crawford, solicitor for City of London, at inquest on behalf of the City Police.128


    Eliza Gold129

    John Kelly130

    Frederick Wilkinson131

    PC Watkins132

    Derrick Foster133

    Insp Collard134

    Dr Brown135
THUR, OCT 4, 1888
That Evening

Facsimiles of both Jack the Ripper letters were printed in the Evening News.136

MON, OCT 8, 1888
That Day

Catherine was buried in an elm coffin in City of London Cemetery, London, unmarked grave 49336, square 318. Expenses for the funeral were paid by Mr Hawkes, undertaker. Crowds lined the streets to see the funeral procession led by an open-glass hearse.137

THUR, OCT 11, 1888
That Day

Last day of Eddowes Inquest.138

    Dr Sequeira139

    Dr Saunders140

    Annie Phillips141

    DS John Mitchell142

    DC Hunt143

    PC Robinson144

    Sgt Byfield145

    George Morris146

    PC Harvey147

    George Clapp148

    PC Pearse149

    Joseph Lawende150

    Joseph Levy151

    PC Long152

    DC Halse153
(Lawende was sequestered from the press under the supervision of Det Sup Foster.)154

(Crawford did not want Lawende to publicly describe man. Coroner Langham agreed.)155

(Dr Phillips was not called to testify at inquest.)156

Verdict: "wiliful murder by person or persons unknown."157

MON, OCT 15, 1888

Emily Marsh tended her father's shop, 218 Jubilee St, Mile End Rd, when a man entered the shop and requested George Lusk's address. The man wore a clerical costume, 45 years old, 6'-0", slim build, soft felt black hat, dark beard and moustache, sallow face, collar which was partly turned over, spoke with an Irish accent. Marsh suggested that he see Joseph Aarons, Treasurer Whitechapel Vigilance Committee, who lived only 30 yards away at the corner of Jubilee St and Mile End Rd. The man declined and requested that Marsh read him the address. She evntually did so, leaving out the house number. The man kept his head down and left after writing something down in a little notebook.158

TUE, OCT 16, 1888

George Akin Lusk, President of the one-month old Whitechapel Vigilance Committee, received by post a 3" square cardboard box wrapped in brown paper. It was addressed without the house number, and the blemished postmark might have been London E. Inside, Half a kidney and this letter:
    From hell

    Mr. Lusk


    I send you half the kinde I took from one woman prasarved it for you tother piece I fried and ate it was very nise I may send you the bloody knif that took it out if you only wate a whil longer

    signed Catch me when you can
    Mishter Lusk159
Lusk originally believed it to be a prank, but his friends convinced him to have the authorities examine it.160

According to Joseph Aarons, several memebers took the kidney to Doctor Frederick Wiles, 56 Mile End Rd. In his absence, Mr F.S. Reed (Wile's assistant) examined the kidney and stated that it was a human kidney preserved in spirits. Reed then took the kidney to Doctor Thomas Horrocks Openshaw, Curator of the Pathology Museum at London Hospital. Upon returning, Reed supposedly told Aarons that it was a 45 year old woman's left kidney and that the woman drank gin and suffered from Bright's disease.161

Dr Openshaw denied making the claim when it was reported by the press, saying it was a human kidney preserved in spirits of wine and that nothing else could be determined.162

FRI, OCT 19, 1888
That Night

Marsh was interviewed by police about the man requesting Lusk's address.163

MON, OCT 29, 1888
That Day

Postmark on the letter received by Dr Openshaw, which he turned over to Major Smith:
    Old boss you was rite it was the left kidny i was goin to hoperate agin close to your ospitle just as i was going to dror mi nife along of er bloomin throte them cusses of coppers spoilt the game but i guess i wil be on the job soon and will send you another bit of innerds
    Jack the ripper

    O have you seen the devle with his mikerscope and scalpul alookin at a kidney with a slide cocked up.164


The following abbreviations apply:
MEPO=Scotland Yard files, EI=Eddowes Inquest Records
DT=The Daily Telegraph, S=The Star, T=The TImes, ELO=The East London Observer
A-Z=The Jack the Rippper A to Z, 2nd ed, (Begg, Fido, Skinner),
JTRCC=Jack the Ripper: The Complete Casebook, US ed (Rumbelow),
CHJTR=The Complete History of Jack the Ripper (Sudgen)

1 Ripperana, n12, p9; A-Z, p128

2 A-Z, p128

3 ibid

4 ibid

5 A-Z, p128, 129

6 A-Z, p129

7 A-Z, p94

8 A-Z, p129

9 A-Z, p129 (see Ripperana, n14, p27)

10 A-Z, p129

11 Ripperana, n12, p9

12 A-Z, p129

13 ibid

14 ibid

15 ibid

16 A-Z, p129, 226

17 A-Z, p129 (inferred)

18 EIR, p27

19 A-Z, p356

20 ibid

21 ibid

22 ibid

23 A-Z, p226

24 MEPO 3/140, f34

25 A-Z, p99, 332

26 A-Z, p80; CHJTR, p84; T, 10 Sep 88

27 A-Z, p47, 129

28 EIR, p4

29 A-Z, p209-210

30 EIR, p4

31 A-Z, p129

32 EIR, p3, 9

33 ELO, 13 Oct 88

34 A-Z, p130

35 A-Z, p130; EIR

36 EIR, p4

37 A-Z, p209-210

38 A-Z, p130

39 ibid

40 A-Z, p316

41 A-Z, p130

42 ibid

43 ibid

44 ibid

45 ibid

46 EIR, p2-3, 5 (The time for this incident is seemingly written as 7:00pm in EIR, which is an error, since Catherine was not arrested till after 8:30pm; hence, the time was most likely 9:00pm.)

47 A-Z, p130

48 EIR, p33

49 EIR, p6

50 EIR, p34-35

51 A-Z, p130

52 EIR, p35

53 A-Z, p130

54 A-Z, p130

55 ibid

56 A-Z, p108

57 A-Z, p130

58 A-Z, p130-131

59 A-Z, p48

60 EIR, p6

61 A-Z, p305-306

62 A-Z, p168, 250, 260

63 EIR, p35-36

64 A-Z, p168-169

65 EIR, p37; A-Z, p260

66 A-Z, p208

67 A-Z, p131

68 A-Z, p131

69 A-Z, p62-63

70 EIR, p6-7, 31-32

71 CHJTR, p189; JTRUF, p110

72 EIR, p6-7, 31-32

73 EIR, p6-7, 31-32, 33-34

74 EIR, p31-32, 33-34

75 EIR, p31-32, 33-34

76 EIR, p7, 32, 34

77 EIR, p9

78 ibid

79 EIR, p24

80 EIR, p40

81 EIR, p7, 24

82 EIR, p40

83 EIR, p9

84 EIR, p24

85 EIR, p12

86 EIR, p40

87 EIR, p12

88 EIR, p12-14

89 A-Z, p148; EIR, p10

90 EIR, p40

91 A-Z, p267

92 EIR, p35

93 EIR, p40 (time inferred from walking times)

94 EIR, p10

95 A-Z, p223

96 A-Z, p122

97 Ripperana, n14, p27; (states Mitre Sq, Instead of Mitre St); S, 2 Oct 88

98 EIR, p40

99 ibid

100 EIR, p10

101 EIR (The list of Catherine's possessions is given on two separate sheets attached to the inquest papers.)

102 ibid

103 EIR, p40

104 ibid

105 EIR, p37-38

106 EIR, p38

107 EIR, p38-39

108 ibid (States Commercial Rd, instead of Commercial St.)

109 EIR, p40-41

110 EIR, p41

111 EIR, p42

112 A-Z, p32

113 EIR, p39

114 A-Z, p32; JTRCC, p70

115 EIR, p41

116 EIR, p42; A-Z, p436; JTRCC, p70

117 The Old Farmer's Almanac, 1888, n96, p22; US Naval Observatory web site

118 EIR, p10-11

119 A-Z, p148

120 EIR, p11

121 EIR, p35

122 EIR

123 EIR, p14-20

124 A-Z, p227

125 A-Z, p210

126 ibid

127 EIR

128 ibid

129 ibid

130 ibid

131 ibid

132 ibid

133 ibid

134 ibid

135 ibid

136 A-Z, p211

137 Ripperana, n14, p15; A-Z, p133-134

138 EIR

139 ibid

140 ibid

141 ibid

142 ibid

143 ibid

144 ibid

145 ibid

146 ibid

147 ibid

148 ibid

149 ibid

150 ibid

151 ibid

152 ibid

153 ibid

154 A-Z, p148, 250

155 EIR

156 ibid

157 ibid

158 DT, 20 Oct 88, p3

159 A-Z, p269, 271; DT, 20 Oct 88, p

160 A-Z, p269

161 A-Z, p270, 380

162 A-Z, p270, 340

163 DT, 20 Oct 88, p3

164 JTRCC, p122

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