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Jewish Chronicle (U.K.)
Friday, 16 November 1888


The monthly meeting of the Jewish Board of Guardians was held on Monday at the offices of the Board, 13, Devonshire Square. There were present: Mr. B. L. Cohen, President, in the chair, Messrs. L. L. Alexander, J. S. Ballin, C. S. Davis, D. Benjamin, I. M. Boekbinder, Barrow Emanuel, Lewis Emanuel, L. Jacob, H. G. Lousada, A. Rosenfeld, Charles Samuel, H. S. Samuel, D. F. Schloss, S. Schloss, I. Seligman, S. Simons, B. I. van Staveren.

Prior to the commencement of the business on the Agenda, the President informed the Board that when the announcement was made public of the intended house to house visit in the Whitechapel district in the search for the perpetrator of the murders, he, after consultation with Mr. Lionel Alexander, the Hon. Secretary, had written to the Chief Commissioner of Police, offering to place at the disposal of the authorities the machinery and staff of the Board. The reply of Sir Charles Warren was of a private character, but its effect was to thank the Board for its offer, which he would place before the local authorities. . . .

Related pages:
       Dissertations: Jacob the Ripper? 
       Dissertations: Responses to the Ripper Murders: Letters to Old Jewry 
       Press Reports: City Press - 13 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Denton Journal - 10 November 1888 
       Press Reports: East London Observer - 15 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Echo - 11 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Echo - 17 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Evening News - 10 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Evening News - 11 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Evening News - 6 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Jewish Chronicle 
       Press Reports: Jewish Chronicle - 11 March 1910 
       Press Reports: Jewish Chronicle - 12 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Jewish Chronicle - 22 March 1889 
       Press Reports: Jewish Chronicle - 4 March 1910 
       Press Reports: Manchester Guardian - 13 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Manchester Guardian - 4 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Pall Mall Gazette - 15 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Star - 11 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Star - 12 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Star - 13 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Star - 14 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Star - 17 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Star - 18 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Star - 26 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Star - 31 October 1888 
       Ripper Media: Jack the Ripper in Fact and Fiction