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Uncovering Jack the Ripper's London
Richard Jones, Photography by Sean East
New Holland, 2007. Large-format hardcover. 128pp.
Illustration, bibliography, index.

Casebook Review:

A beautifully-produced coffee-table style book, chock-full of unique and atmospheric modern-day photographs of Whitechapel and environs. Jones's narrative offers a brief introduction to the time and place in which the Jack the Ripper murders occurred, before jumping into the facts and figures of each crime. This would serve nicely as an introductory book for someone who's not well-read on the Ripper case. More "seasoned" readers would likely find the book's main strength to be the sheer number and quality of images offered within. The dark and atmospheric photos of the modern East End are a particular treat and offer readers the next-best thing to an actual in-the-flesh tour of today's Whitechapel. Recommended.