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Most Recent Posts:
Maybrick, James: The Diary—Old Hoax or New? - by John Wheat 2 hours ago.
General Discussion: Is it even possible? - by GBinOz 2 hours ago.
Maybrick, James: The Diary—Old Hoax or New? - by rjpalmer 3 hours ago.
Levy, Jacob: Any connection between Israel Lipski Trial and motive for Jack the Ripper? - by John Wheat 3 hours ago.
Lechmere/Cross, Charles: Charles Cross - by Admin 4 hours ago.
Lechmere/Cross, Charles: Charles Cross - by A P Tomlinson 4 hours ago.
Levy, Jacob: Any connection between Israel Lipski Trial and motive for Jack the Ripper? - by Lewis C 4 hours ago.
General Discussion: Is it even possible? - by A P Tomlinson 5 hours ago.

Most Popular Threads:
Levy, Jacob: Any connection between Israel Lipski Trial and motive for Jack the Ripper? - (18 posts)
Lechmere/Cross, Charles: Charles Cross - (17 posts)
Maybrick, James: The One Where James Maybrick was Jack the Ripper - (9 posts)
General Discussion: Is it even possible? - (6 posts)
Pub Talk: Flat Earth YouTuber Admits Mistake After Trip to Antarctica - (5 posts)
Maybrick, James: The Diary—Old Hoax or New? - (2 posts)

Ripperology: A Study of the World's First Serial Killer and a Literary Phenomenon
Robin Odell
Kent State University Press, 2006
Hardcover. 273pp. Illustrations, bibliography, index.

Casebook Review:

An overview of the literature and the myriad of theories and oddities that have been put forward over the past century. Thorough the well-written, though not all-inclusive. Numerous works of non-fiction - both old and new - are not discussed at all. Nevertheless, a fascinating overview of the study, where we've been and where we're going. Recommended.

Related pages:
  Robin Odell
       Dissertations: Jack in the Box 
       Dissertations: Jack the Redeemer 
       Ripper Media: Jack the Ripper in Fact and Fiction 
       Ripper Media: Jack the Ripper: A Suspect Guide - Teenage Jack the Rippe... 
       Ripper Media: Jack the Ripper: A Suspect Guide - The Slaughterman 
       Ripper Media: Jack the Ripper: Summing Up and Verdict