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Fort Wayne Weekly Sentinel
Indiana, USA
23 March 1903

He Is Jack the Ripper

London, March 23.
The police have unearthed circumstantial evidence, a story printed here relates, tending to prove that George Chapman, convicted of murder last Thursday, is Jack the Ripper, the mysterious perpetrator of the revolting Whitechapel murders of 1888. Chapman, it is shown, is really a Pole named Klosowski. The discovery has been made that Klosowski soon after the Whitechapel atrocities ceased, went to Jersey City and opened a barber shop and that while there several mysterious murders of women occurred. It is stated that Klosowski's real wife informed the police that he, after a quarrel, tried to murder her in a bedroom back of the barber shop in Jersey City.

Related pages:
  George Chapman
       Dissertations: The Cable Street Dandy: Severin Klosowski aka George Chap... 
       Message Boards: Severin Klosowski (a.k.a. George Chapman) 
       Press Reports: Atlanta Constitution - 24 March 1903 
       Press Reports: Atlanta Constitution - 5 April 1903 
       Press Reports: Bluefield Daily Telegraph - 7 April 1903 
       Press Reports: Elyria Daily Chronicle - 7 April 1903 
       Press Reports: Fort Wayne News - 23 March 1903 
       Press Reports: Fort Wayne News - 7 April 1903 
       Press Reports: Pall Mall Gazette - 24 March 1903 
       Press Reports: Pall Mall Gazette - 31 March 1903 
       Press Reports: Times [London] - 15 January 1903 
       Press Reports: Times [London] - 17 March 1903 
       Press Reports: Times [London] - 8 April 1903 
       Press Reports: Washington Post - 21 October 1910 
       Press Reports: Washington Post - 26 October 1913 
       Ripper Media: Alias Jack the Ripper: Beyond the Usual Whitechapel Suspe... 
       Ripper Media: Jack the Ripper: A Suspect Guide - George Chapman 
       Ripper Media: Jack the Ripper: A Suspect Guide - Wolf Levisohn 
       Ripper Media: More Studies in Murder 
       Ripper Media: The American Murders of Jack the Ripper 
       Ripper Media: The Trial of George Chapman: Introduction 
       Ripper Media: Trial of George Chapman, The 
       Suspects: George Chapman