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London, U.K.
20 September 1888

"WHY SHOULD not a reward be offered by the Government for the discovery of the Whitechapel murderer" is the question just now uppermost in the minds and on the tongues of thousands. Mr. Childers and Mr. Matthews have in succession decided that the practice of offering such rewards shall be discontinued; but is the public certain that they are right? Professional opinion does not sustain them, for the majority of detectives hold that the new plan is a mistake. And neither Mr. Matthews nor Mr. Childers can claim to be experts in the discovery of crime, for under their rule at the Home Office more criminals of note have escaped than during any other period. The official reason given by these gentlemen is that they found the reward did "not go to the right person." But so long as it brought a criminal to justice, the distribution of a reward seems but a minor matter. Take the murders in question. Society has an interest in ferreting out the man or men who committed them. But people who would give up their time to making such a discovery as that involved are not to be found everywhere, and would only sacrifice their ordinary work if a handsome reward were proffered. Three initial blunders unhappily characterised the search for the criminal in question. In the first place, delay occurred before private enterprise made up for the official refusal to give a reward; secondly, the very reasonable proposal to enlist the services of bloodhounds were discountenanced; thirdly, the medical evidence which yesterday threw such a lurid light upon the horrible motive of the crimes was postponed for a fortnight. Detectives employed in the matter now despair of obtaining a clue, and the public, meanwhile, have reason to dread a recurrence of these outrages at no distant date. Is the Government determined to continue to look quietly on? To most persons it seems as though a heavy official reward should at once be offered for any clue which will indicate the whereabouts of the murderer. He has with him- presumably still- that which would convict him instantly were he apprehended, and, in the opinion of all who have examined the case, his place of hiding cannot be far from the scene of the murder. There is a general feeling amongst the police that his personality is known to one or more persons, who, for fear or for some other reason, hesitate to give him up. A free pardon to such, and a reward, would prove a strong bait. Again, there is no reason why the reward should not be allowed to go to the police if they succeed in making a capture. The force is notoriously in a somewhat discontented frame of mind at this moment, and the incentives to extra exertion are not numerous. The prospect of immediate gain would very possibly induce increased energy. Lastly, an official reward would indicate to the lawless portion of the population that the authorities are in earnest in their endeavours to detect, punish and prevent crime. Supineness at the Home Office is quite capable of producing a contempt for law and order in Whitechapel.

Mr. Matthews's position, writes the London Correspondent of the Leeds Mercury, is weak, because he has no friends among his own colleagues. It was no secret that at the opening of last Session Lord Salisbury would have accepted his resignation with satisfaction, and, indeed, there was some disappointment among Ministers that Mr. Matthews did not go then. If he is strongly attacked when Parliament meets there will be no great disposition to stand by him on the Treasury Bench. Mr. Matthews knows this, and I expect that he will himself before long relieve his colleagues of his further presence.

Discussing the inefficiency of Scotland-yard, the Manchester Examiner and Times says: - The need of drastic reforms is not now urged for the first time. It is probable that if a stronger man was at the Home Office something would have been done in this direction. But it is clear that, if the work is to be done properly, it cannot rest upon the shoulders of one man, however able and energetic. The best Home Secretary procurable would be helpless unless he was thoroughly backed up by the Cabinet and the House of Commons.


On inquiry this afternoon, it was stated that, although the police have not yet captured the perpetrator of the recent outrage in Piccadilly, in which a woman named Adelaide Rogers was stabbed, the man is known to them. They feel confident that in two or three days they will be able to arrest him.


The Whitechapel murders are as inexplicable as ever, and at present the utmost energy on the part of the police has failed to secure sufficient evidence to justify an arrest in a quarter where suspicion lurked shortly after the commission of the fatal outrage at George-yard-buildings. Inspector Reid, Detective-sergeant Enright, Sergeant Goadby, and other officers then worked upon a slight clue given them by "Pearly Poll." It was not thought much of at the time; but from what was gleaned from her, coupled with statements given by Elizabeth Allen and Eliza Cooper, of 35, Dorset-street, Spitalfields, certain of the authorities have had cause to suspect a man actually living not far from Buck's-row. At present, however, there is only suspicion against him.


This morning, Rosetta Anderson, a woman residing in Pearl-street, Spitalfields, made a statement to the effect that last evening a "curious and mysterious man," as Mrs. Anderson herself describes him, placed himself on her doorstep, looked around him, and behaved in such an eccentric manner that she thought he was a maniac. He intently watched every woman as she passed, but, observing that he was himself an object of suspicion, he suddenly darted out of sight up a court near. Mrs. Anderson believes that this man was the murderer. His appearance, in almost every respect, answered to the description of the foreigner seen talking with the deceased woman in Hanbury-street, on the morning of her death. The police are investigating the matter. Strange to say, his appearance tallies somewhat with that of the man already alluded to.


Inspector Helson, Inspector Abberline, and Inspector Chandler are now busy making inquiries regarding a letter received this morning by Mrs. Harderman, proprietor of the cat's-meat business carried on at 29, Hanbury-street. The police themselves naturally decline to give any information whatever respecting this document, which is regarded as of some importance, especially as certain men are alluded to, and the writer, who resides in Mile-end, desires his name to be kept a secret. The letter has more special reference to the crime in Buck's-row, for the writer positively asserts: "The poor woman was made tipsy, then murdered, and carried to the spot where she was found." Our reporter called upon Mrs. Harderman, who assured him that she had received the letter in question. The source from which it came she could not at present state.


A further consultation of the detectives engaged in the case was held this morning, and an officer again visited the back-yard of No. 29, Hanbury-street, and made a careful inspection of the palings leading from that house to No. 27, where resides the young man Cadosh, who stated at the inquest that he heard sounds proceed from the spot where the body lay at a quarter-past five on the morning of the murder. An examination of the fence shows that immediately over the place in the yard there is an aperture in the palings by which the dead body could have been plainly visible, while anyone moving in the yard might easily have been seen. Dr. Phillips asserts that the crime must have occurred in the yard, and that death ensued at least two hours before the discovery; while John Richardson, who visited the place at a quarter to five (when the body, he says, was not there), Albert Cadosh, who heard the sounds at a quarter-past five, and Elizabeth Long, who deliberately swore that she saw the deceased woman talking to a man in Hanbury-street at half-past five, not only tend to negative the doctor's opinion and other points hitherto fairly established, but give a still greater air of mystery to the crime.


Some indication of the activity and secrecy with which the detective force now works in the East-end may be gathered from a somewhat laughable incident which forms a topic of conversation amongst the Whitechapel police. Some few of the men at first engaged in the case are now on holiday leave. Their places have been filled by comparative strangers from Scotland-yard, who merely report themselves to the local Inspectors, and proceed upon their duty at the positions allotted them. At two o'clock this morning a man was seen talking to a woman near Great Pearl-street. A detective on the look-out considered that he was at last within measurable distance of the real criminal. Approaching the stranger cautiously, he questioned him as to what his business was at that hour. His answers were not considered satisfactory, and certain recriminations led to such unpleasantness that the woman's companion was told he must go to the station. The detective was then somewhat surprised to find that he had arrested a brother officer, who was forthwith liberated upon the production of his warrant-card.

ECHO 9/20


SIR, I am not a member of the Salvation Army, but I know plenty who are, and have had some opportunity of judging of the motives and methods of those who are engaged in its work.

There is no doubt as to the General's influence over his officers, and that they are absolutely subject to his orders, as to where they shall go and what they shall do; but the wonderful part of it is that the officers are willing to do it, having perfect trust and confidence in their General. When entering upon their work they place themselves unreservedly in his hands, to work for the salvation of the lost; and are prepared to endure any hardships as good soldiers of Christ. I can quite understand some- like ex-Captain Redstone- getting tired; or, as some would put it, "losing grace," and wanting something easier and better; but is not the more credit due to those who remain, prosecuting their work with all earnestness, enduring to the end?

It is a pity that Dr. Geikie and the Christian Commonwealth cannot find anything to do more congenial than trying to depreciate the organisation, which, the world over, is doing more Evangelistic work, and successfully reaching the masses, than all the other Christian communities together. Has not Dr. Geikie heard of poor curates starving on £50 a year, while the Archbishop of Canterbury receives a princely income? No doubt General Booth and his family have "at least decent food and shelter," and it is equally true that the wants of the officers are supplied by those amongst whom they labour, who appreciate their self-denying labour, and who, in proportion to their means, contribute most liberally to the work of the Army, without waiting for the appearance of the Sheriff's officer to enforce the tithes. Dr. Geikie, and the church to which he belongs, had far better busy themselves in emulating the spirit of their Master by going into the highways and byways, than in taking up and endorsing and circulating hearsay scandals propagated by an ex-captain, who, having put his hand to the plough, has "looked back," and is desirous of justifying his actions. To carry on the work in the slums, amongst the fallen girls of our large towns, and the many other social as well as Evangelistic agencies, needs self-denying, wholly consecrated labourers, and such, and those who are at the head of the organisation, should receive the sympathy of all Christians and lovers of humanity. - Yours, &c.,


SIR, - Will you allow one who under deep obligations to the Salvation Army to make a few observations upon your article of the 18th on the (supposed) seamy side of that organisation. The Army converts do not join that body as a means of livelihood, or take up Army work as a trade or profession. They see in it simply an opportunity of devoted missionary service, and joyfully conform to the rules of a system which has now stood the test of experience as being successful in bringing the Gospel to bear on the greater number in the shortest possible time, and with the smallest expenditure of money. Those among them who go into the heart of the work and become officers are fully aware that no salary is guaranteed, and that the chiefs do not consider themselves bound to make up to anyone for sacrifices offered to a higher power - sacrifices of position, wealth, and consideration, such as are of daily occurrence in the Army. Salvationists also fully understand that to make the system efficient it is necessary that the chiefs should keep a watch over the officers, and remove those who, from any cause, are not adapted for work on Army lines. They submit to all the regulations, not because they are afraid of "superiors," "despots," and what not, but because, having given themselves up to the work of evangelising their fellow-creatures, they are glad to be shown an effectual method of reaching the objects of their solicitude.

It is indeed impossible to explain the position of officers in the Salvation Army while ignoring an altogether unusual factor in the situation. Having begun by the sublime, but, according to worldly principles, desperate sacrifice of all things for Christ's sake, very few of these devoted men and women are overcome by any subsequent trials which may befall them through poverty or want of success in some branch of the work, and it is to be regretted that any of those few should make the public acquainted with details of management, the raison d'etre of which can only be understood in the light of a spiritual experience so uncommon in its intensity and power. - I remain, Sir, yours, &c.

A.D. 638.


Nothing new has transpired concerning the singular affair in Piccadilly yesterday. On inquiry being made at 21, Stangate-street, last night, the landlady said that about three months ago the unfortunate woman, who was accompanied by a well-dressed man, engaged apartments at the above address. The former said that her name was Adelaide Rutter, aged 27 years, and that the gentleman was her husband. They were exceedingly pleasant and quiet people. Three weeks ago the gentleman left, and nothing more was heard or seen of him. About eleven o'clock on Tuesday evening, after the landlady had retired to rest, Mrs. Rutter left the house, and as she did not return fears were entertained for her safety. During yesterday morning an official connected with Scotland-yard called at 21, Stangate-street, and informed the landlady that a young woman, supposed to be one of her lodgers, had received serious injuries to her head and face. He gave her a description of the woman, which (says a Correspondent) exactly corresponded with her lodger, although she had given the name of Adelaide Rogers, of 21, Stangate, Westminster-bridge-road."

THE WHITECHAPEL MURDER. - Dr. L. Forbes Winslow gives it as his opinion, speaking as a physician, "that whatever is the malady we have to combat with, attempts should be made to do so in its earliest stage, and not wait until the disease has completely laid hold of the victim." Lamplough's Pyretic Saline supplies a safe and reliable antidote to all diseases arising from disordered stomach, indigestion, and liver troubles and may be had of chemists everywhere. - Advt.

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  Adelaide Rogers
       Press Reports: Echo - 19 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Evening News - 19 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Morning Advertiser - 20 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Munster News - 19 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Star - 19 September 1888 
  Eliza Cooper
       Press Reports: Islington Gazette - 17 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Times [London] - 6 November 1888 
  Elizabeth Allen
       Press Reports: Echo - 14 September 1888 
       Witnesses: Elizabeth Allen 
  Pearly Poll
       Press Reports: East London Observer - 18 August 1888 
       Press Reports: Eastern Post - 18 August 1888 
       Press Reports: Echo - 13 August 1888 
       Press Reports: Echo - 15 August 1888 
       Press Reports: Evening News - 24 August 1888 
       Press Reports: People - 19 August 1888 
       Press Reports: People - 26 August 1888 
       Official Documents: Parliamentary Debates - July 18 1889 
       Official Documents: Parliamentary Debates - November 12 1888 
       Press Reports: Alderley and Wilmslow Advertiser - 5 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Austin Statesman - 10 October 1888 
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       Press Reports: Echo - 3 October 1888 
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       Press Reports: Evening News - 11 September 1888 
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       Press Reports: Evening News - 2 October 1888 
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       Press Reports: Macclesfield Courier and Herald - 17 November 1888 
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       Press Reports: Times [London] - 20 September 1888 
       Press Reports: Times [London] - 8 October 1888 
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       Press Reports: Woodford Times - 5 October 1888