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Daily News
United Kingdom
5 December 1888


Ephraim Thorn, 44, provision merchant, of Cable street, Whitechapel, was charged with attempting to commit self murder by throwing himself in front of a railway train. Mr. G.H. Young defended. Richard H. Chapman, station master ay Leman street Railway Station, on the Great Eastern Railway, said, at 10.30 on Friday morning he was on the platform waiting for the up train. As the train was coming to a standstill he saw prisoner walk from the covered way of the platform, put his hands together and make a jump in front of the engine, which was some yards away. The accused fell between the metals. The engine struck him and rolled him over. The train was stopped, and witness called out, "What have you got down here for?" Prisoner crawled from under the engine and witness assisted him on to the platform. Dr. H. Smith, house surgeon at the London Hospital, said when defendant was admitted he had a black eye, a small wound over the left eyebrow, and two scalp wounds. He had been drinking. The accused told witness he had had fits. He was detained in the hospital until Tuesday. For the defence it was urged that at the time the prisoner was under the influence of drink. Thorn was very sorry for what he had done, and would never again attempt the rash act. Defendant said he would never touch drink again. Having heard the prisoner bore a very good character, Mr. Saunders allowed him to go away.


The Queen has been pleased by warrant under Her Majesty's Royal sign manual, to appoint James Monro, Esq., C.B., to be Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis, in the room of Sir Colonel Sir Charles Warren, G.C.M.G., K.C.B., resigned.


Related pages:
  Ephraim Thorn
       Press Reports: Morning Advertiser - 5 December 1888 
  James Munro
       Press Reports: Daily News - 4 December 1888 
       Press Reports: Daily News - 6 December 1888