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Daily News
United Kingdom
4 December 1888


On inquiry at the Royal Free Hospital, Gray's Inn road, yesterday, respecting the woman Harriet North (sic), reported to have been stabbed at King's cross that morning, it was stated that she was in no danger whatever. The matter had been much exaggerated, as it is doubtful if she has been stabbed at all.


At half past three o'clock yesterday afternoon Mr. Monro, the new Chief Commissioner of Police, assumed the duties of his office in Whitehall place. Shortly after his arrival he was visited by Mr. Staples, chief clerk, and subsequently he received visits of congratulation from the Assistant Commissioners, the chief constables, the assistant chief constables, and all the heads of departments.

Related pages:
  Harriet Worth
       Press Reports: Daily News - 3 December 1888 
  James Munro
       Press Reports: Daily News - 5 December 1888 
       Press Reports: Daily News - 6 December 1888