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Centralia Enterprise and Tribune
Wisconsin, U.S.A.
14 March 1891
Juvenile Jack the Ripper Sent to a London Asylum

London, Feb. 7.
A companion fiend to Jack the Ripper, only on a somewhat lesser scale, was sent to Broadmoor insane asylum today, there to be confined during what is known as "Her Majesty's pleasure," and which practically means life. His name is Edward Colocitt, and he is the young son of a wealthy jeweler of this city. Some time ago the police authorities commenced to receive numnerous complaints from young women in the western suburbs to the effect that while out after dark they were approached by a younf man who came suddenly up behind them, and stabbed them in the back with a sharp instrument about the thickness of an awl. Extra detectives were put on duty in the districts from which the complaint came, but for some time without result. A couple of weeks ago, however, a furniture dealer noticed Collocitt standing behind a couple of young ladies in a suspicious manner, and determined to watch him. Suddenly he made a step forward, and gave one of the young women three stabs with his right hand in the back. Then he took to his heels, but was followed by Myers, the man in question, and arrested. After the fact of his incarceration was made known nineteen women identidied him as their assailant. Six of these gave evidence in court, and the doctors testified that all of them had one or more clean cut, punctured wounds on portions of their anatomy immediately below the hip joint, and which had evidently been made by a very pointed awl. A weapon of this kind was thrown away by Collocitt while he was being pursued. It was testified that the total number of his victims was over sixty. The jury promptly found him guilty, but, on account of his wealthy connections, the plea that he was of weak intellect had its effect, and instead of going to the penitentiary he ws committed to the lunatic asylum. One feature of his mania consisted of his selecting as victims plump young girls between the age of 14 and 18.

Related pages:
  Edwin Colocitt
       Official Documents: The Macnaghten Memoranda 
       Press Reports: Times - 21 April 1891 
       Press Reports: Times [London] - 19 March 1891 
       Press Reports: Times [London] - 21 February 1891 
       Press Reports: Times [London] - 21 March 1891 
       Press Reports: Times [London] - 4 February 1891