\ Casebook: Jack the Ripper - Times [London] - 5 November 1888

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Times (London)
Monday, 5 November 1888


Sir Charles Warren has issued a notice prohibiting processions or speechmaking in or near any thoroughfare through which the Lord Mayor's procession will pass or in Trafalgar-square. This has been called for by a suggestion, on the part of persons who have before organized disturbances, that a red-flag procession shall pass through the route of the Lord Mayor's procession on the 9th of November. Sir Chares Warren also states that the order of November 18, 1887, shall not apply to the Lord Mayor's procession, but otherwise remains in force in respect to the prohibition of public processions through the metropolis.

Related pages:
  Lord Mayor's Show
       Press Reports: Times [London] - 7 November 1888