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The Times (London).
22 August 1887


On inquiry at Newgate yesterday evening we were informed that the convict Lipski had made a full confession of his guilt, which he signed in the usual manner in the presence of the Governor of the prison. The execution takes place this morning.

The following text is stated to be the text of his confession:-

"I, Israel Lipski, before I appear before God in judgement desire to speak the whole truth concerning the crime of which I am accused. I will not die with a lie on my lips. I will not let others suffer, even on suspicion, for my sin. I alone was guilty of the murder of Miriam Angell. I thought the woman had money in her room so I entered - the door being unlocked and the woman asleep. I had no thought of violating her, and I swear I never approached her with that object, nor did I wrong her in this way. Miriam Angell awoke before I could search about for money and cried out, but very softly. Thereupon I struck her on the head and seized her by the neck and closed her mouth with my hand, so that she should not arouse the attention of those who were about the house. I had long been tired of my life and had bought a pennyworth of aqua fortis that morning for the purpose of putting an end to myself. Suddenly I thought of the bottle I had in my pocket and drew it out and poured some of the contents down her throat. She fainted, and, recognizing my desperate condition, I took the rest. The bottle was an old one which I had formerly used, and was the same as that which I had taken with me to the oil shop. The quantity of aqua fortis I took had no effect on me. Hearing the voices of people coming upstairs I crawled under the bed. The woman seemed already dead. There was only a very short time from the moment of my entering the room until I was taken away. In the agitation I also fainted. I do not know how it was that my arms became abraded. I did not feel it and was not aware of it. As to the door being locked from the inside, I myself did this immediately after I entered the room, wishing not to be interrupted. I solemnly declare that Rosenbloom and Schmuss know nothing whatever of the crime of which I have been guilty, and I alone. I implore them to pardon me for having in my despair tried to cast the blame upon them. I also beseech the forgiveness of the bereaved husband. I admit that I have had a fair trial and acknowledge the justice of the sentence that has been passed upon me. I desire to thank Mr. Hayward for his efforts on my behalf, as well as all those who have interested themselves in me during this unhappy time. This confession is made of my own free will and is written down by Mr. Singer at my request. May God comfort my loving father and mother, and may he accept my repentance and my death as an atonement for all my sins.

Sunday, August 21, 1887.
Israel Lipski.
Witnesses - S. Singer, minister; E.S. Milman, Governor Her Majesty's Prison, Newgate."

The confession was at once forwarded to the Home Secretary.

A conference, lasting several hours, was held at the Home Office on Saturday afternoon, at which, among others, Mr. Justice Stephen and Mr. Matthews were present. All the circumstances connected with the case of Lipski were exhaustively discussed, with the result that at a late hour on Saturday the following letter was forwarded by special messenger to Mr. Hayward, the condemned man's solicitor:-

"Whitehall, August 20.

With reference to the case of Israel Lipski, I am directed to acquaint you that after full consideration of the circumstances and of the representations made by yourself and others on behalf of the prisoner, the Secretary of State sees no reason for advising any interference with the due course of the law.

I am, Sir, your obedient servant,
Godfrey Lushingon."