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The Star
Largest Circulation of Any Evening Paper in the Kingdom.

Front Page


Mr. Archibald Clavering Gunter, author of "Mr. Barnes of New York," "Prince Karl," and so on, lives in the most comfortable of ways at one of the huge buildings in the Empire City, the Chelsea Apartment House. Both he and his wife are fond of riding in the park, and Mrs. Gunter often tries her hand at driving also. She is a niece of the sculptor, W. W. Story, and is a very pleasant and popular little personage.

Page 2
A Laborers' Farm for London's Unemployed.

The Mansion House Conference on the Condition of the Unemployed state that, after considering several plans for providing work for the unemployed, they have adopted the plan of a laborers' colony or training farm. They have decided to continue their sittings, with a view to establishing a colony or farm of this kind on a small scale, and those who are interested in the question are invited to communicate with Mr. J. H. Allen, 46a, Pall Mall.

Remember Trafalgar Square.

"Bloody Sunday" will be commemorated on Tuesday, 13 November, on Clerkenwell-green by a torchlight meeting to demand the right of meeting in Trafalgar-square, the release of George Harrison, and the dismissal of Warren and Matthews. Michael Davitt, Cuninghame Graham, C. A. V. Conybeare, and Dr. Clark are the M.P.'s who will speak, and among others who will address the gathering are Mrs. Besant, the Rev. Stewart Headlam, Richard Eve, Dadabhai Naoroji, and John Burns. Contingents with bands and banners will march from different parts of London.

A Working Women's Club.

While a few women's clubs in the west have set the ladies of London talking about building their own Pall Mall, their harder worked sisters in the north and east already boast several resorts for ladies only. One of these is the St. Mary's Club and Institute in Church-street, Upper-street, Islington. It has 192 members. They are nearly all women employed in business during the day. A staff of 12 voluntary and five paid teachers disseminate useful knowledge. Classes for bookbinding, drawing, English literature, French, elocution, music, dressmaking, and cookery are established. There is a gymnasium, a lending library, and a reading room for amusements. These advantages are retailed for 2d. a week.

Murder by a Jealous Husband.

A man named James Pennock [a.k.a. Shaw], living at Pickering, near Whitby, murdered his wife this morning by beating in her head with a hatchet. Jealousy was the cause.

Page 3


Drank Herself to Death.

Mrs Fanny Lovell, aged 53, of 9, Holland-road, Brixton, wife of a commercial traveller, had for the last six years, it was stated at the inquest last night, been addicted to heavy drinking. Four years ago she had delirium tremens, and two years since she had an apoplectic fit, and another about a year since. She sometimes went without food for four or five days, drinking a large quantity of brandy, and eating a piece of apple. On Saturday she sent her niece out for three quarters of gin, and drank it in a half quartern of water. Then she died. A verdict of death from excessive drinking was returned.

Page 4


Speechless, Now Dead.

A strange man, apparently about 45, took a bed at the British Workman, Reading, on Sunday night, asking for it by means of writing on a slip of paper, and on the following day he was found in bed with his throat cut and a bullet wound in his mouth. A razor and a revolver were found in the room, five chambers of the revolver were loaded, and it is thought that the man may have discharged the sixth into his mouth before he came to the house, and so rendered himself speechless. He was well dressed, and wore an aluminium watch. A few coins were found on the body, but nothing by which he could be identified.

Ladies Ride Bicycles Now.

In the S.W. districts of London several lady bicyclists have lately made their appearance. They ride gracefully and unconcernedly. A lady's bicycle is very much like a safety. It is a safety in height. The backbone, however, is carved and curved so that a wearer of skirts sits on the small seat just as she would on the seat of a tricycle. The wheels of the bicycle are geared. The tenderest

[Sketch of Lady on Bicycle]

of Mrs. Grundy's susceptibilities could not be offended at the sight. The lady rider experiences the same difficulty in learning to mount as the male cyclist, but it is impossible to fall over the handles. The dress worn by a lady bicyclist is the same as an ordinary lady's attire. The skirt reaches just below the ankles, and the sleeves are bell shaped to allow the arms freedom. Lady tricyclists exist in numbers, and form a class by themselves (when they are not married). We may soon expect to see a ladies' cyclist union if bicycling becomes more fashionable.



SIR, - Last week a poorly-dressed but respectable old man, cleanly in appearance and with well-blacked shoes, staggered into the People's Palace dying of starvation. He was supplied with food, which his famished stomach was unable to retain, and on being removed to the London Hospital he died in about an hour. The coroner returned a verdict of "Death from starvation."

This man represents a class of unfortunate people who, while often the most deserving, are the most difficult to deal with because of their disinclination to beg and their horror of the "poorhouse." Such people can only be found by Christian visitation. The church worshipping at the Poplar and Bromley Tabernacle has a band of over 60 voluntary workers, who visit 5,000 homes every month in the densely-populated districts of Poplar and Bromley.

Gifts of money, clothes, or orders upon grocers, bakers, or coal merchants will be gratefully acknowledged, and we should be glad to communicate with Christian ladies willing to give a few hours during the week to visitation among the poor. - Yours, &c.,


Poplar and Bromley Tabernacle,
Brunswick-road, E., 2 Nov.

Related pages:
  Bloody Sunday
       Press Reports: Daily News - 12 November 1888 
       Press Reports: Daily Telegraph - 14 November 1888 
       Press Reports: Morning Advertiser - 13 October 1888 
       Press Reports: Morning Advertiser - 17 November 1888 
       Press Reports: Star - 10 November 1888 
       Press Reports: Star - 17 November 1888 
       Press Reports: Times [London] - 1 December 1887 
  James Shaw
       Press Reports: Elyria Democrat - 29 November 1888 
       Press Reports: Frederick News - 24 November 1888 
       Press Reports: Frederick News - 26 November 1888 
       Press Reports: New York Times - 28 November 1888 
       Press Reports: Philadelphia Record - 24 November 1888 
       Ripper Media: Jack the Ripper: A Suspect Guide - James Shaw