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News of the World
Sunday, 14 October 1900


Inspector Stephen White, of the Criminal Investigation Department, retired from the service on Friday. He joined the force 26 years ago, and was first stationed in the L Division, at Kennington. His abilities were soon recognised, and he became a member of the old detective force. Among a few of the important captures made by Mr. White were those of the dynamitards, Cunningham and Burton, at the Tower of London, at the time of the explosion there, for which services he was rewarded and commended by the Home Office. In 1879 he discovered a Fenian arsenal in New Cut, Lambeth, and captured the proprietor, who received a long term of penal servitude. He has had, perhaps, a greater experience of murders than any other officer in the department, being engaged in the whole of the "Jack the Ripper" crimes in the East End. He was also connected with the notorious cases of Harry Alt, who murdered a German baker in Turner street; Sullivan, the St. George's murderer; Cronin, the Limehouse assassin, Ronan, who committed murder in Angel Court, Whitechapel; Seaman, who killed an aged Jew and his housekeeper in Turner street; Karaczewski, the Pole, who shot a man and woman dead in Brick lane; Kate Marshall, who killed her sister in Dorset street, in the very house where the last Ripper murder was committed. Keepers of private stills, which, at one time, were very common in the district, had good reason to fear Mr. White, his record of the last year alone being 16 prosecutions.

Related pages:
  Stephen White
       Dissertations: Stephen White, Amos Simpson and Eddowes' Shawl 
       Message Boards: Stephen White 
       Police Officials: Sergeant Stephen White