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Irish Times
Dublin, Ireland
Thursday, 11 October 1888


It has been denied that any officers of the Irish police have been sent here on a special mission, and Superintendent Mallon's presence in London is explained by the statement that he is on holiday. The contradiction, I am assured, is at once correct and inaccurate. It is not the case that any representative of the Irish police force has been sent here in connection with the Whitechapel tragedies, but it is the case that three members of the detective department are now in London in connection with the new international organisation, of which the Home Office has been for some weeks in receipt of private information which has caused a communication with the Irish Executive. The result of this communication has been the despatch of three experts to London, where it is known the conspiracy proposes to establish one of its headquarters, with a branch in Dublin.


Sir Charles Warren, we hear, has given a round hundred pounds for a pair of bloodhounds. It is well, fiat justitia, &c., but the conviction is obstinately maintained that the canine detective is fated to failure, since, although he may be fairly effective under other conditions, he would have no chance of successfully exercising his faculty in a crowded city.



Shortly before closing time this morning three men in the Black Swan publichouse, Hanbury street - George Lucas, James Miller, and Thomas Pearman - being struck by the demeanour of a stranger who was present, submitted him to interrogation, and finally to a search. The three men assert that they took from him a large clasp knife, and that with the assistance of a constable they conveyed him to Commercial street Police Station, where two more knives were found upon him. After inquiries had been made, however, the man was liberated.

The Liverpool police have no knowledge of the report which has been circulated that they were cognisant of the movements of a man suspected of being concerned in the Whitechapel murders. The Head Constable, however, has given instructions for the railway stations and departing steamers to be closely watched, but up to now there is no trace of the murderer, so far as Liverpool is concerned. Notions of the rewards offered have been posted at the Liverpool police courts.

Considerable excitement was caused in the neighbourhood of Blackfriars road, London, this evening by a report that another outrage had been committed on a woman in a narrow passage leading out of that thoroughfare. It appears that a woman's screams attracted the attention of the passers by and two men were seen to run away, and were pursued, but not captured. The woman had been thrown down and cuts inflicted on her face, but it is believed the injuries are not serious. The object of the attack was apparently robbery, for the woman's purse containing about 18s was picked up near the spot.

Up till 11 o'clock to-night no further arrests were made in connection with the Whitechapel murders. A reporter who patrolled the East End districts this evening states that the popular excitement has almost entirely subsided. More women have been on the streets than have been seen for weeks past, and there were no signs of special police precaution. It is understood, however, that the police have in no degree relaxed their vigilance, and that the number of plain clothes men and amateur patrols has not been reduced.