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Indiana Democrat
Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

12 December 1889

A Fiend Commits Acts That Sound Like Descriptions of Jack the Ripper

Philadelphia, Dec. 7.
The Record's Millville, N.J., special says: The body of Mrs. Annie Borden, colored, was found shockingly mutilated in her house yesterday morning. The floor was covered with blood and there was every evidence of a terrible struggle. The woman was covered with blood and her clothing was almost wholly torn from her person and hung in saturated tatters. Medical examination revealed the fact that the woman had been outrageously assaulted and in a manner rarely recorded in medical or criminal annals, her murderer having ripped open her abdomen with a keen knife and committed acts that sound like descriptions of Jack the Ripper's work.

The police have arrested John Knox, who had been seen to hurriedly leave Mrs. Borden's house Thursday evening. Blood had been noticed on his hands and coat. He accounted for the blood by saying that he had cut his hands with a piece of glass. The evidence against him is strong and he was committed to jail.

Related pages:
  Annie Borden
       Press Reports: Decatur Daily Republican - 7 December 1889