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Evening News
London, U.K.
19 December 1888


A person purporting to be "Jack the Ripper has sent the following letter to the Berlin Police President:

"To the Police president of Berlin.

Mr. President, as I am going to spend a short time in Berlin, I will see if the famous Berlin police will catch me. I shall only have fifteen victims. So take warning!

Yours respectfully,
Jack the Ripper."

The letter is in German in a large handwriting, and is a ridiculous fabrication sent by a Berliner as a stupid joke, and therefore of no value whatever as a clue to the London crimes. It is full of Berlinisms, such as the substitution of mich for mir.

General Booth is not to be entrusted with the handling of the £15,000 which he modestly requested from the Government the other day. In the House of Commons last night, the Home Secretary, in reply to Professor Stuart, said he had received a memorial from general Booth, of the Salvation Army, respecting the establishment of cheap shelters for the outcast poor in London, and had replied that the Government could not assist a charitable work by private persons by grants of money, buildings, or stores. This decision will, probably, disappoint the enterprising "boss" of the Salvation Army, but it will be a great satisfaction to the general public.

Related pages:
  Berlin Ripper
       Press Reports: Indiana Evening Gazette - 27 February 1909 
  William Booth
       Press Reports: Daily News - 11 December 1888 
       Press Reports: Daily News - 19 December 1888 
       Press Reports: Daily News - 20 December 1888 
       Press Reports: Daily News - 26 December 1888 
       Press Reports: Daily News - 27 December 1888 
       Ripper Media: Jack the Ripper: A Suspect Guide - Unknown Secretary