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East End News
Friday, 21 December, 1888.


The Board met at the offices, Great Alie-street; Robert Gladding, Esq., in the chair, and the following members present:- Messrs. Abrahams, Chappell, Catmur, Rycroft, Ilsley (Metropolitan Board), Davis, Sparks, Triggs, Barham, Boswell, Daniels, G. T. Brown, Young, Willis, Crook, Hemsley, Horey, Rice, Nicholson, Kearsey, Collier.


The newly-appointed Lighting Committee brought up a first report, recommending the removal, abolition, and increase of public lamps in a large number of places in the district. They also recommended that a communication be addressed to the Commercial Gas Company, complaining of the dirty state of the lamps generally throughout the district, and of the defective condition of the burners, and of the broken glass in the lanterns. The report also stated that the question of a meter supply of gas to the district had been referred to the Surveyor for consideration.

Mr. Rycroft, the chairman of the new Committee, in moving the adoption of the report, said the recommendations made were only in regard to what was absolutely necessary. The proposals chiefly comprised a re-arrangement of the lamps, so that the increased cost to the ratepayers would be trifling.

Mr. Barham, seconding, said the Committee were entitled to thanks for the great trouble they had taken in perambulating the district at all hours of the night, looking into every hole and corner.

The Surveyor said that the cost of the structural alterations in the lamps would be about £30, and an annual cost of £5 15s. 6d. for one additional lamp.

Mr. Catmur said this Lighting Committee was the very hardest worked Committee he had ever sat upon, and it was certainly with the very greatest satisfaction that he had assisted in their work. The report showed the necessity there was for such a committee, and it certainly justified Mr. Rycroft in requiring its appointment, and that gentleman was to be congratulated on the way he had arranged the inspections. There were three or four black corners which invited the perpetration of crime, and light was now to be thrown into them.

Mr. Karamelli testified to the thoroughness of the Committee's investigation, and the care and prudence employed in drawing up the recommendations.

The report was adopted, and the Board adjourned for five weeks.


On Thursday morning, shortly after four o'clock, police-sergeant Goldie discovered the dead body of a woman in a yard of High-street, Poplar, used by Mr. W. Gibbs, builder. Mrs. Thompson, landlady of the East India Arms, High-street, Poplar, stated that shortly after three o'clock that morning she heard her dog barking loudly; she looked out of her window but could see nothing. The police attach some importance to the affair, and it is feared there has been foul play. The Coroner's officer, Mr. Chivers, dispatched a special messenger to the Coroner, so that a post-mortem may be made on the body, and the cause of death ascertained. With the exception of discolouration of the face, neck, and arms, there are no marks on the body. Her age was stated to be 20, but she looked older.

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