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The Daily Telegraph

Page 2

THE STRIKE AT TILBURY DOCKS. - Mr. Sydney Buxton, M.P., waited on Colonel Du Plat Taylor, manager of the East and West India Dock Company, yesterday morning, in order to introduce a deputation who were prepared to represent the case of the men now on strike at Tilbury Docks. It is stated that the men, whose hours of work average only about three per day, ask that their wages shall be increased from 4d to 5d an hour. Colonel Taylor was unable to hear the deputation on the ground that he had not had time to communicate with his directors. Finally, after much deliberation, it was arranged that the directors and secretary should meet at noon to-morrow, when the question will be discussed.


THAMES. - A BUSY FORTUNE TELLER. - Sarah Tanner, 53, a married woman, of 49, Bowsell-street, Bow-common-lane, was charged on a warrant with fortune-telling. - Mr. George Hay Young defended; and Detective-Inspector R. Wildey prosecuted on behalf of the Criminal Investigation Department. - Mrs. Sarah Ann Bromley, of 3, Turner's-buildings, Poplar, said that on Thursday night she went to Tanner's house. She saw the prisoner's sister, and asked for the accused. The latter came to the door, and witness asked if she could tell the fortune of her daughter, who was with her at the time. She replied that she could, but that they must go away for an hour, as she was then telling a fortune, and two more women were waiting to have theirs told. She also asked witness not to wait about the street, in order that no notice should be attracted to the house. When witness returned in an hour's time a lady was having her fortune told. When she came out a bell was rung, and witness entered, and saw the prisoner. There was a pack of cards on the table, and Tanner gave them to witness's daughter to shuffle and place in three lots. The accused then told the girl she was to have a wedding-ring and other things given her; that she had been offered a ring, and was to watch certain numbers that she (prisoner) gave her. She told the girl a lot more things, and then said, "You must do the doll trick. I want a drop of whisky. I'll give you a shilling and you send for it." The servant fetched the liquor, and witness's daughter asked her what was her charge. She replied, "Sixpence," and that amount was paid her. The accused gave witness some whisky, and said, "You can come again, and bring some one else to see me." She and her daughter then left. - Ada Bromley, daughter of the last witness, gave corroborative evidence, and added that prisoner told her she was miserable on the August Bank Holiday, but that she would have a wedding bed in December. She also predicted that witness would have two wedding rings, and wrote down some dates, at the same time telling her to watch them. She said, "Come and see me after Christmas again." - Detective-sergeant Breed, K Division, deposed that during the last fortnight he and Sergeant Duck had kept observation on the prisoner's house. Witness on Thursday took the two last witnesses there. A woman opened the door, and said, "We are very busy now. You must come again." After Mrs. and Miss Bromley left four females were let in. On Sunday night witness and Duck went to the house and saw the prisoner. In a desk in the front parlour witness found two packs of cards, "Napoleon's Book of Fate," and a number of pieces of paper, on which were written dates. Prisoner said they were the dates the people had to look after. - Inspector Wildey mentioned that the accused told Mrs. Bromley that her mother, who lived for over ninety years, did nothing but fortune-telling for a living. - Mr. Lushington sentenced the defendant to one month's hard labour.

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A circular, signed by Mr. E. North Buxton, Mr. S. Hope Morley, Lord Aberdare, Mr. Courtney, M.P., Mr. George Howell, M.P., Sir John Lubbock, M.P., Mr. Mundella, M.P., Mr. James Rowlands, M.P., Mr. James Stuart, M.P., and Mr. Mark Wilks - members of a committee which has been formed to oppose the policy of the majority of the present board - has been issued to the ratepayers of the metropolis, setting forth the views they desire to see prevail at the forthcoming elections for the London School Board. They recall the fact that there are at this moment over 400,000 children in the schools, and they urge that the vital interests of this army of children are above and beyond any narrow, sectional, or personal considerations. Voters are advised to put to the candidates this one test: "Do they recognise the rights of the voiceless multitude of children, as well as of those persons who clamour for indiscriminating reductions?" The circular goes on to point out that at every election since the passing of the great Act of 1870 there have been two opposing policies - the policy of those who desire to see the Act carried out with completeness and efficiency, and the policy of those who, in the supposed interest of denominational schools, or from a desire at all hazards to check expenditure, have sought to confine it within the narrowest limits. The main question was, "Shall London train its children liberally or grudgingly?" For fifteen years the ratepayers had declared in favour of a progressive policy; but in 1885 this policy received a temporary check, and a majority of those who were elected were pledged to a reduction of the rate at any cost, or were nominees of the denominational party. This majority claimed to have introduced administrative reforms and to have reduced the rate. But every board, in its turn, had made improvements, while some of those for which the present majority took credit were commenced by their predecessors, and others were of very doubtful expediency. As to the reduction in the rate, it was more apparent than real. During the term of the present board there had been a general raising of the assessment throughout the metropolis; and as a matter of fact the net expenditure was £59,449 higher than that of the last year of the previous board. Some at least of the reductions which had been made were short-sighted and extravagant economies. Under one scheme alone adopted by the present board, 46,601 children of the poorest parents - the very children whom the schools were intended to serve - had been turned away for not bringing their school pence. Again, although the growth of the population required an additional school provision for 15,000 children per annum, or 45,000 children in all, the present board had only projected during three years 25,000 school places, leaving a large deficit which would have to be made up by future boards, at increased expense to the ratepayers. In conclusion the committee, by whom this circular is issued, urge that the representatives about to be chosen should be such as would sternly set their faces against all attempts to starve the schools, impair their efficiency, or limit the sufficiency of school accommodation. Above all, "they should uphold the great principle of unsectarian education."


SIR - Would you be so good as to allow space for an appeal on behalf of a home for inebriate women, under the auspices of the "Women's Union of the Church of England Temperance Society." The urgent need for homes of this kind is not generally known, although all who work in the above-mentioned and kindred societies find it forced upon them at every turn.

One such home was opened, at 99, Southam-street, Westbourne Park, on June 12 last, the house having most generously been placed, rent free, at the disposal of the committee of management. This house contains ten beds, which are constantly full, and applications continue to come from all parts of England, to which the discouraging answer "We have no more room" has to be returned. It was intended, in the first instance, that this home should be a "shelter," to supplement the work of the police-court missionaries of the Church of England Temperance Society, but the applications from the country, as well as from London, were so numerous that the committee found it impossible to limit its benefits to police-court cases only. The committee now hope to open another home, as soon as they have the funds necessary for the purpose. They are most anxious to raise £500, towards which sum they have already received £50 from two anonymous donors. It is hoped that this second home may be made partly self-supporting by the payments of those who will be received there; but there must always of necessity be many expenses connected with such an undertaking.

The Church of England Temperance Society are desirous to keep the "shelter" as much as possible for the numerous cases from the police-courts, most of which, obviously, must be received free of charge; although it is hoped that washing and other work will by degrees be provided for those under the care of the home, which will bring in some slight addition to the funds. The work of the past few months has been very encouraging, and has given good reason to those in charge to be hopeful of seeing real and permanent good results, the improvement in the poor sufferers who have sought this shelter being most marked.

But the need of funds is most pressing. Subscriptions and donations may be sent to the treasurer, Mrs. G. Howard Wright, Mapperley Cottage, Weybridge; or to the office, 141, Palace-chambers, Bridge-street, Westminster, S.W.; or to me, Mrs. Temple, Fulham Palace, S.W. - I remain, sir, yours faithfully,


Fulham Palace, Oct. 29.

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In view of the approaching elections to the London School Board, a circular has been issued to the ratepayers of the metropolis by the committee which has been formed under the chairmanship of Mr. E. North Buxton, to oppose the policy of the present Board.

Sarah Tanner, a married woman, fifty-three years of age, was convicted of fortune-telling, at the Thames Police-court yesterday, and was sentenced to a month's imprisonment.

Related pages:
  Sarah Tanner
       Press Reports: Star - 29 October 1888