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Daily Northwestern
Oshkosh, Wisconsin, U.S.A.
14 March 1892

Four Portuguese Cattlemen Suspected of Being the Murderers

New York, March 14.
A dispatch from London says: Although the Whitechapel atrocities have to a great extent faded from public attention it develops that the detective department of Scotland Yard is still continuing to follow up various clues of one kind and another with the ultimate expectation of being able to bring home the crimes to the murderer or murderers.

The latest clues point toward four Portuguese cattlemen employed on a vessel trading between Oporto and London. Two, at least, of these men were seen in the Whitechapel district a couple of days previous to each of the atrocities. When the two men in question were on the water another cattle ship from Oporto had just arrived and one of the four suspects was aboard of it. All four of the men are now engaged as boatmen or bath house attendants on the beach at Oporto, and it is understood that one of the best detectives of Scotland Yard is now at that place in the hope of getting information that will lead to the mystery being finally unravelled.

It is a notable fact that since the four men in question ceased coming to London there has been no recurrence of the tragedies in the Whitechapel district.

Related pages:
  Portuguese Cattlemen
       Press Reports: Port Philip Herald - 13 April 1892 
       Ripper Media: Later Leaves