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Daily News
United Kingdom
29 October 1888



As so many people are specially interested just now in the East end in consequence of the recent tragedies, will you kindly allow me to state that we have arranged to give a big feed on the 9th of November in the Great Assembly Hall, so that while the great dinner is in progress at the Guildhall, a good meat tea will be given to the poor at the East end, with the accompaniment of a little music and singing? Our large hall is so arranged that over three thousand persons can be seated at one time for meal, and we have all the necessary appliances on the premises. I feel sure that numbers of people would like to help us in carrying out this suggestion, which will make a happy evening for these thousands of the needy poor, at any rate for one night in the year, and that on the day when the hungry and destitute might be apt to draw a comparison between their condition and that of their more fortunate brethren. We have plenty of willing and able voluntary workers who will see that the tickets are given in the right quarter, and assist in the distribution of food when the guests are assembled. We shall be glad if friends who give will also come and help in the distribution of their bounty. All we need now is the money to put this "happy thought" into execution. Contributions for this purpose will be thankfully received by your faithfully.

Fredk. N. Charrington.
Great Assembly Hall, Mile end road, E.

(Before the Recorder)

Mr. W.E. Buchan, Sen., surrendered to take his trial for conspiring to defraud and thereby obtaining various sums of money. Mr. Cock, Q.C., and Mr. Mead prosecuted, and Mr. Lockwood, Q.C., Mr. Grain, and Mr. Renshaw appeared for the defendant. At the conclusion of the evidence, the Recorder, upon an objection taken by Mr. Lockwood, ruled that there was no evidence to support the charge of conspiracy, and the jury, under his direction, returned a verdict of "Not Guilty."