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Daily Kennebec Journal
Augusta, Maine, U.S.A.
8 April 1905

Body of a Young Woman Found in Hotel
A Jack the Ripper Crime in New York City
Young Man Companion Is Arrested - Denies Crime

New York, April 7.

Elements of mystery, recalling the stories of Jack the Ripper, who terrorised the Whitechapel district of London years ago, lend sensation to the stabbing today, in a 13th street hotel of a young woman. She died in a hospital a few hours after the stabbing. A patron of the hotel whom the police arrested, although admitting that he was in the woman's company a short time before she was injured, declared he did not know how she received the fatal wound.

The woman, whose name was Mamie Wilson, was stabbed in the abdomen. The wound was made with a long knife, for which the police are unable to account, and which the man under arrest protests did not belong to him. The cut was similar to that made on the victims of the London Jack the Ripper. The man under arrest is James Boyne, a club steward. He told the police he was with the woman last night, but said that she had left him and he did not know how she was stabbed. When he was arrested it was found that seven of Boyne's teeth had been knocked out and that one of his eyes had been blackened by a blow.

According to the detectives, who took the man arrested to the bedside of the dying woman, Miss Wilson identified Boyne as her assailant.

"He crept up behind me," she told the police, "put his arm around my neck, and stabbed me."