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The Bush Advocate
New Zealand

4 October 1888


London, Oct. 1.
The panic excited by the recent murders continues. The police are apparently paralysed, and their helplessness is denounced on all sides. Her Majesty has been petitioned to offer a reward for the apprehension of the assassin.

The Council of the City of London has offered a reward of £500 for the apprehension of the Aldgate murderer. Public subscruptions for the same purpose amoun to £700. The press accuses Mr. Matthews, Home Secretary, of apathy.


In consequence of the recent murders women in the city are in a state of terror. Several indignation (sic) meeting have been held at which resolutions demanding the immediate resignation of Mr. Matthews, Home Secretary, and of Sir Chas. Warren, Commissioner of Police, were passed.

The Times urges that bloodhounds should be set on the track of the Aldgate murderer.