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Bismarck Daily Tribune
North Dakota, U.S.A. 29 April 1896


A Sing Sing Murderer Admitted He Had a Mania for Carving Women

New York, April 29.

"I believe that Carl Feigenbaum, whom you have just put to death in the electric chair, can easily be connected with the Jack the Ripper murders in Whitechapel, London."

Feigenbaum was electrocuted yesterday in Sing Sing prison, and this statement was made by his counsel, William S. Lawton. Before speaking, the lawyer explained that he revealed the secret because he felt it to be his duty to science and the law. Mr. Lawton then began the recital of a story on which, he said, he based his belief that Feigenbaum had been guilty of perhaps a dozen butcheries. "One night I stayed with him for over two hours," he said," and he told me that for years he had been the victim of a malady that periodically preyed upon him and which forced him in spite of himself to murder and mutilate women. I was so startled that for the moment I did not know what to do. Then the jack the Ripper butcheries occurred to me and I began to search Feiegenbaum's record. I learned that he was in Wisconsin at the time the country was startled by the news of the murder and mutilation of several women there. Then I communicated with London and discovered that Fiegenbaum was also there when so many women fell victims to the knife of some mysterious assassin. I questioned Fiegenbaum closely and found that he could converse with intelligence on surgery and dissection. When asked if he knew anything about these subjects he would feign an ignorance that was unnatural."

Related pages:
  Carl Feigenbaum
       Press Reports: New York Times - 29 April 1896 
       Press Reports: Olean Democrat - 1 May 1896 
       Press Reports: Olean Democrat - 28 April 1896 
       Press Reports: Stevens Point Daily Journal - 28 April 1896 
       Ripper Media: Jack the Ripper: A Suspect Guide - Carl Feigenbaum 
       Suspects: Carl Feigenbaum