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Atlanta Constitution
Georgia, U.S.A.
4 December 1910


Man Thought To Be the London Fiend Is Under Arrest

Los Angeles, December 3

Having admitted during lucid moments to the police that he fled from England fifteen years ago in fear of being arrested as "jack the Ripper", who committed the notorious Whitechapel crimes of the late eighties, Jack Shaw is being detained in the insane ward of the county hospital.

Shaw was arrested through the efforts of the Legal Aid Society, the complaint being that he attempted to murder Edith Tyson, his half sister, last Wednesday. The man's mental condition was found to be such that he was locked up in the insane ward.

His past life will be investigated, and the local authorities will notify the London police of their suspicions. Shaw has not admitted he is the notorious "Jack the Ripper" but his constant references to the subject indicates that it is deeply impressed on his mind. He is 50 years of age.

Related pages:
  Jack Shaw
       Press Reports: Sheboygan Press - 1 December 1910