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Casebook Message Boards: Ripper Media: Specific Titles: Non-Fiction: An Eye to the Future : The Whitechapel Murders (Cory)
Author: David Knott Saturday, 23 February 2002 - 02:59 am | |
Does anyone out there have any details of the plot of this book? The only information that I have been able to find is the casebook review which talks of a 'Freemason conspiracy that boggles belief', and the brief mention in Ross Strachan's book of an 'Affidavit of James Avery'. Would be grateful if anyone could help.
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Author: Stewart P Evans Saturday, 23 February 2002 - 04:14 am | |
David, This is not a book as such. It is a collection of printed A4 size pages, punched and inserted in a card folder the whole being secured with a red ribbon through the punched holes. The title page claims it to be:- "A true account of events surrounding and following the crimes committed in 1888 in Whitechapel and laid at the door of 'Jack the Ripper' By Patricia Cory Privately Printed 1994" It was printed and published by David and Patricia Cory 12 Church Terrace, Aylsham, Norwich, Norfolk, NR11 6EU, ISBN 0 9524586 1 6 There then follows 80 pages, printed on one side only, recounting Russian events of the revolution, freemasonry, and the Royal involvement with lurid details of Prince Eddy. It details how 'false trails' for other suspects were deliberately set, mentioning Maybrick, and lists sources which include Le Quex, Jones & Lloyd, Fido, Sharkey, Shirley Harrison, Knight and Begg. The victims are listed with details and questions posed to the reader. (pp 16-31) Then suspects are listed, Prince Albert Victor, J. K. Stephen, Gull, Anderson, Druitt, Miles, Mansfield, Maybrick, Cream, Stanley, Merchant, Pedachenko, Chapman, Aaron Kosminski, Martin Kosminski, Nathan Kaminsky, John Pizer, Cohen, Onion, Deeming, D'Onston, Lees, and 'The Masonic Movement' (ten pages) (pp 17-80) with questions and spaces for answers and conclusions. There then follows a separate section with a red title page "The 'Lost' Affidavit of James Avery". This comprises six pages with 10 paragraphs on the Masonic nonsense and the Duke of Clarence. It includes the following gem "That one of the oldest of all Masonic practices should be put into operation from the very beginning, this practice being known as 'An Eye to the Future', which necessitates the following..." The following pages include reproductions of a map showing the location of the five murders, three front pages from the Illustrated Police News, a couple of press cuttings 'The Writing on the Wall' and 'Revelations to Spritualists', a colour print of the Prince of Wales, Mansfield as Jekyll and Hyde with cast list, and three illustrations of Masonic ritual. The whole is on good quality heavy cream paper. This publication is pure hokum drawing on popular published sources and should be of real interest only to collectors and die-hard Masonic conspiracy theorists. Stewart
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Author: Stewart P Evans Saturday, 23 February 2002 - 05:16 am | |
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Author: David Knott Saturday, 23 February 2002 - 05:23 am | |
Stewart, Thanks for your post. You are a star! David