| SUBTOPIC | MSGS | Last Updated |
 | Alias Jack the Ripper: Beyond the Usual Whitechapel Suspects (Gordon, 2000) | 7 | 12/17/2000 09:35pm |
 | An Eye to the Future : The Whitechapel Murders (Cory) | 4 | 02/23/2002 05:23am |
 | Annie Chapman, Jack the Ripper Victim: A Short Biography (Shelden, 2001) | 52 | 02/23/2002 11:06am |
 | Cases That Haunt Us, The (Douglas and Olshaker, 2000) | 182 | 12/15/2000 11:15am |
 | Complete History of Jack the Ripper, The (Sugden) | 11 | 11/15/2002 09:00am |
 | Complete Jack the Ripper, The (Rumbelow) | 10 | 01/23/2002 07:23pm |
 | Crimes, Detection and Death of Jack the Ripper (Fido) | 2 | 02/15/2002 03:25am |
 | Diary of Jack the Ripper, The (Harrison) | 5 | 11/18/1998 11:55pm |
 | DOCTOR FORBES WINSLOW Defender of the Insane | 1 | 10/03/2000 08:37am |
 | Dorsenne: 'Jack L'Eventreur' | 4 | 06/17/2001 05:02am |
 | East End 1888 - William Fishman | 4 | 12/20/2002 03:12pm |
 | Enigma of Jack the Ripper, The (Locksley) | 9 | 04/27/1999 06:28pm |
 | Fiend of East London: Jack the Ripper, The | 10 | 01/24/2000 12:18pm |
 | Fils de Jack l'Eventreur, Les (Spehner) | 1 | 11/18/1998 11:56pm |
 | From Hell... The Jack the Ripper Mystery (Hinton) | 73 | 03/26/2001 02:41pm |
 | Highways and Byways of Jack the Ripper, The (Riley, 2001) | 3 | 09/05/2001 09:51am |
 | HOW THEY CAUGHT JACK THE RIPPER...A 1929 pamphlet from Australia. | 1 | 01/08/2000 09:44pm |
 | Hvem var Jack the Ripper? (Muusmann) | 7 | 07/02/1999 11:34pm |
 | Hwem är Jack uppskäraren? (1889) | 8 | 05/08/2000 11:59am |
 | Illustrated Guide to Jack the Ripper, An (Fisher) | 2 | 11/18/1998 11:58pm |
 | In the footsteps of the WHITECHAPEL MURDERS by John F Plimmer | 11 | 01/11/2000 05:25am |
 | Jack the Myth (AP Wolf, 1993) | 81 | 02/11/2003 05:24pm |
 | Jack the Ripper A to Z, The (Begg et al.) | 23 | 03/11/2002 04:24am |
 | Jack the Ripper and His Victims (Shelden, 2000) | 4 | 09/21/2001 02:14pm |
 | Jack the Ripper and the London Press (Curtis, 2002) | 5 | 08/01/2001 11:09am |
 | Jack the Ripper and Victorian London (Gregory, 1995) | 3 | 11/15/2000 04:31pm |
 | Jack the Ripper Handbook: A Reader's Companion, The (Strachan) | 2 | 12/14/1999 02:37am |
 | Jack the Ripper Revealed (Wilding) | 4 | 12/22/2002 01:18pm |
 | Jack the Ripper Whitechapel Murders, The (O'Donnell) | 11 | 09/21/2001 05:57am |
 | Jack the Ripper- Letters From Hell | 10 | 01/28/2002 04:32am |
 | Jack the Ripper... Person or Persons Unknown (Wroe, 2002) | 1 | 05/06/2002 04:08pm |
 | Jack the Ripper: 100 Years of Investigation (Sharkey) | 3 | 11/19/1998 12:02am |
 | Jack the Ripper: A Collector's Guide (Strachan) | 1 | 11/19/1998 12:06am |
 | Jack the Ripper: A Psychic Investigation (Ball, 1998) | 19 | 03/13/2002 10:38pm |
 | Jack the Ripper: A Reference Guide (Palmer) | 1 | 11/19/1998 12:46am |
 | Jack the Ripper: A Treasury of Victorian Murder (Geary) | 2 | 11/19/1998 12:51am |
 | Jack the Ripper: An American View | 23 | 01/28/1999 01:07pm |
 | Jack the Ripper: An Encyclopedia (Eddleston, 2001) | 3 | 10/25/2001 01:47pm |
 | Jack the Ripper: Anatomy of a Myth (Beadle) | 1 | 07/21/1999 07:46am |
 | Jack the Ripper: First American Serial Killer (Evans and Gainey) | 7 | 04/10/1999 12:07pm |
 | Jack the Ripper: His Life and Times in Popular Entertainment (Coville 1999) | 1 | 08/01/1999 03:04am |
 | Jack the Ripper: Light-Hearted Friend (Wallace) | 7 | 11/19/1998 12:44am |
 | Jack the Ripper: One Hundred Years of Mystery (Underwood) | 9 | 09/22/2001 01:02pm |
 | Jack the Ripper: Or, When London Walked in Terror (Woodhall) | 1 | 11/19/1998 12:54am |
 | Jack the Ripper: Summing Up and Verdict (Wilson & Odell) | 1 | 11/19/1998 12:50am |
 | Jack the Ripper: The Bloody Truth (Harris) | 8 | 04/17/2002 03:30am |
 | JACK THE RIPPER: THE DEFINITIVE HISTORY--Paul Begg | 39 | 01/15/2003 09:30pm |
 | Jack the Ripper: The Final Chapter (Feldman) | 48 | 11/18/1999 12:32am |
 | Jack the Ripper: The Final Solution | 27 | 02/07/2003 12:59am |
 | Jack the Ripper: The Inquest of the Final Victim, Mary Kelly (Smithkey) | 19 | 09/27/1999 02:46am |
 | Jack the Ripper: The Mystery Solved (Harrison) | 4 | 08/27/1999 06:24am |
 | Jack the Ripper: The Simple Truth (Paley) | 1 | 11/19/1998 12:48am |
 | Jack the Ripper: The Uncensored Facts (Begg) | 18 | 06/27/1999 04:51am |
 | Jack the Ripper: the Whitechapel Horrors | 8 | 05/04/2000 08:28am |
 | Jack the Ripper: Through the Mists of Time (Hodgson, 2002) | 2 | 03/11/2002 10:39am |
 | Jack the Rippers tredje offer (1994) | 12 | 12/04/2002 02:31pm |
 | Killer Who Never Was, The (Turnbull) | 5 | 04/19/2001 09:04pm |
 | Last Victim, The (Graham / Emmas) | 1 | 07/23/1999 05:34am |
 | Life and Times of Jack the Ripper, The (Sugden) | 1 | 11/19/1998 12:59am |
 | Mammoth Book of Jack the Ripper, The (Jakubowski/Braund) | 6 | 02/21/2002 01:04am |
 | Mammoth Book of Unsolved Crimes, The (Wilkes, 1999) | 2 | 05/03/2000 05:34pm |
 | Man Who Hunted Jack the Ripper, The (Connell & Evans, 2000) | 25 | 04/02/2000 11:13am |
 | Many Faces of Jack the Ripper, The (Trow) | 7 | 02/15/2002 03:06pm |
 | Mr. Sheldon's Booklet | 5 | 03/16/2002 09:49am |
 | Murder and Madness: The Secret Life of Jack the Ripper (Abrahamsen) | 4 | 03/30/1999 03:52pm |
 | Mystery of Jack the Ripper, The (Matters 1929) | 15 | 11/11/2002 04:45pm |
 | Portrait of a Killer: Jack the Ripper--Case Closed (2002) by Patricia Cornwell | 56 | 02/04/2003 12:05am |
 | Prince Jack: The True Story of Jack the Ripper (Spiering) | 6 | 10/08/2001 10:15pm |
 | Reference Work - "Death, Dissection, and the Destitute" | 9 | 04/24/2001 01:25pm |
 | Ripper File, The (Harris, 1989) | 1 | 06/13/2000 01:26am |
 | Ripper Legacy: The Life and Death of Jack the Ripper, The (Howells & Skinner) | 2 | 01/09/2000 07:22pm |
 | Secret of Prisoner 1167: Was This Jack the Ripper? (Tully) | 4 | 02/01/2001 06:57pm |
 | Sickert & The Ripper Crimes - Fuller | 12 | 10/12/2001 06:45pm |
 | The Identity of Jack the Ripper (McCormick) | 2 | 11/30/2002 09:02pm |
 | True Face of Jack the Ripper (Harris, 1995) | 1 | 08/01/2001 11:22pm |
 | Ultimate Jack the Ripper Sourcebook, The (Evans and Skinner, 2000) | 63 | 12/18/2002 11:44pm |
 | When London Walked in Terror (Cullen) | 2 | 03/09/1999 06:06am |
 | Whitechapel Murders: or, the Mysteries of the East End (Purkess) | 1 | 11/19/1998 01:15am |
 | Who Was Jack the Ripper? (Wolff) | 4 | 06/04/1999 11:48am |
 | Will the Real Jack the Ripper (Douglas) | 1 | 11/19/1998 01:16am |