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A CLoser Look at the Victims' Wounds
Courtesy of Casebook Productions and Jill de Schrijver.

To help visualize the extent of the mutilations, modern sketches are provided, showing the nature and locations of the injuries, along with contemporary written descriptions.

Written descriptions are taken from discovery of body in situ and/or post-mortem accounts.

aka Emma

Martha Tabram´s Wounds
Body in situ
She was plump and lay on her back; hands at her sides - tightly clenched; there was an absence of blood from her mouth; her legs were spread open; her clothes were disarranged - torn open at the front, and turned up, leaving the lower part of body exposed; there was no blood on the stairs leading to the landing.

Martha Tabram
An effusion of blood between the scalp and bone; the brain was pale but healthy; at least 22 stab wounds to the trunk; 17 in the breast, including 5 stabs wounds to the left lung, 2 stabs to the right lung - albeit healthy, and the heart was stabbed once, which was rather fatty; except for stab wound nothing about the heart to cause death; some blood in the pericardium; the liver was healthy and stabbed 5 times; the spleen was healthy and stabbed twice; both kidneys were healthy; the stomach was healthy and stabbed 6 times; the intestines were healthy; the other organs were healthy; the lower portion of the body had one stab wound - 3" long and 1" deep, but was not mutilated; there was a lot of blood between her legs; nine stab wounds to the throat, yet it was not cut, and there was no evidence that the carotid arteries had been severed; the breasts, stomach, abdomen, and vagina seemed to have been the main areas; death was due to hemorrhage and loss of blood; sexual intercourse had not recently taken place; no evidence of a struggle; except for the wound on the chest bone, all injuries seem to have been inflicted by a right-handed person, using a penknife; the stab wound to the heart might have been made by a dagger or bayonet by a left-handed person.

aka Polly

Mary Ann Nichols´s Wounds
Body in situ
Polly was lying lengthwise with her head turned towards the East; her left hand touched the gate; her bonnet was lying near her right hand; her skirts were rumpled just above her knees; her throat was severely cut; her eyes were wide open and glassy; blood had oozed from her throat wounds; her arms felt warm from the elbows up; her hands were open. The gateway was 9'-10' in height and led to some stables - they were closed.

Mary Ann Nichols
Throat cut from left to right with 2 distinct cuts being on the left side and with the windpipe, gullet, and spinal cord being cut through; a bruise, possibly from a thumb, on the lower right jaw with another on the left cheek; the abdomen had been cut open from center of the bottom ribs along the right side; under the pelvis, left of the stomach, was another wound - jagged; the omentum (stomach coating) was cut in several places; 2 small stabs on the privy parts; the knife used seemed to have been strong-bladed; possibly a left-handed killer; death almost instantaneous. 5 teeth missing; slight laceration on tongue; bruise on lower part of right jaw (possibly from a punch or thumb pressure); circular bruise on left side of face (possibly also from finger pressure); left side of neck, 1" below jaw, 4" incision starting immediately below the left ear; a 2nd throat incision starting 1" below and 1" in front of the 1st, running 8" in a circular direction around the throat and stopping 3" below the right ear, completely severing all tissues down to the spine, including the large vessels of the neck on both sides; no blood found on breast of clothes or of body; on the lower part of abdomen, 2"-3" from the left side ran a very deep, jagged wound, cutting the tissues through; several incisions ran across the abdomen; 3 or 4 similar cuts ran down the right side of the abdomen.

aka Dark Annie

Annie Chapman´s Wounds
Body in situ
Annie was lying on her back, Her legs were bent at the knees; Her feet were flat on the ground; Her dress was pushed above her knees; Her left arm lay across her left breast; Her right arm at her side; The small intestines, still attached by a cord, and part of the abdomen lay above her right shoulder; 2 flaps of skin from the lower abdomen lay in a large quantity of blood above the left shoulder; Her throat was deeply cut in a jagged manner; A neckerchief was around her neck. Her face was swollen and turned to her right side; The tounge was very swollen, protruding between the front teeth but not the lips; The limbs were not very stiff but rigor mortis was commencing; The throat was deeply severed by a jagged incisions which reached right around the neck; The body was cold, but heat remained in the body under the intestines.

Annie Chapman
Bruise over the right temple - old; 2 man's thumb-sized bruises on top forepart of chest - old; 3 scratches below the lower left jaw, 1 1/2"-2" below left ear lobe, going in opposite direction of throat wounds - recent; Bruise on right cheek - recent; Bruise corresponding with the scratches - recent; Abrasion on head of proximal phalanx of ring finger; Marks of rings on same finger; Upper eyelid bruised; Limbs very stiff, but left side more stiff than right side; Bruise on middle part of bone of right hand; Scar on left of frontal bone - old; Fingers of left hand partly closed; Little food in stomach; No sign of fluid; No sign of alcohol consumption; Lungs diseased; Brain membranes diseased; Signs of deprivation; Front teeth perfect on top and bottom as far as the first molar; The shortest throat incision ran from the front of the throat and terminated on the right side between the lower jaw and the breast bone; The longest throat incision completely encircled the throat, running along the line of the jaw; The incisions ran from victim's left to right; 2 clean and distinct cuts on the left side of the spine which were parallel to each other and were 1/2" apart; Missing were the womb, upper part of vagina, greater part of bladder, and part of the belly wall that included the navel.

aka Long Liz

Elizabeth Stride´s Wounds
Body in situ
Elizabeth Stride
The body was all warm except the hands, which were quite cold; the legs were quite warm; the neck and chest were quite warm, and the face was slightly warm. Blood had stopped flowing from the throat wound; further up the yard, a stream of blood had clotted, having run down the gutter into the drain in the opposite direction of the feet; here was very little blood left by the neck; there was about 1 lb. of clotted blood close by the body. She was lying on her left side obliquely across the passage; her face looking towards the right wall, (head towards the yard), and appeared quite placid; her head was resting beyond the carriage-wheel rut; the neck lying over the rut; the mouth was slightly open; her legs were drawn up, her feet close against the wall of the right side of the passage - her feet were three yards from the gateway toward the street; left arm extended from elbow; the left hand, lying on the ground, was partially closed, and contained a small packet of cachous; the right arm was lying over the body; the right hand was open and on the chest, and was smeared with blood on the back of the hand and on the wrist.

An abrasion of the skin about an inch and a quarter diameter, apparently slightly stained with blood, was under the right clavicle. The throat was deeply gashed: in the neck was a long incision which exactly corresponded with the lower border of her scarf; the incision commenced on the left side, 2 1/2" below the angle of the jaw, and almost in a direct line with it, nearly severing the vessels on that side, cutting the windpipe completely in two, and terminating on the opposite side 1 1/2" below the angle of the right jaw, but without severing the vessels on that side.

aka Kate

Catherine Eddowes´s Wounds
Body in situ
She lay on her back; head turned toward her left shoulder; arms at her side, as if fallen there; both palms up with fingers slightly bent; clothes were pushed above her abdomen; thighs were naked; left leg straight out; right leg bent at knee and thigh; abdomen exposed; face disfigured; throat was cut; intestines were drawn out and placed over right shoulder and were smeared over with some feculent matter; another section of intestines were placed between left arm and body; near left side of neck, shoulder, and upper part of arm there was clotted blood on pavement which sloped, accounting for the blood flow under the right shoulder - fluid blood under neck and right shoulder; the body was quite warm; rigor mortis had not started; no blood on the skin of the abdomen; no secretion on the thighs; no spurting of blood; no marks of blood below the body's middle.

Catherine Eddowes
Rigor mortis well marked; green discoloration over abdomen; body not quite cold; no traces of recent connection; recent bruise, size of a sixpence, on left hand between thumb and first finger; left eyelid cut; deep cut on bridge of nose; cut on right cheek; tip of nose detached; 2 abrasions on left cheek under left ear; throat cut nearly ear-to-ear, dividing all tissues down to the bone; frontal abdominal walls cut open from the pubic area to the breast bone; liver was stabbed; left of the groin, a stab wound; cuts made between the thighs and labium on both sides; stomach contained very little food or fluid; intestines had been detached; right kidney bloodless and pale; gall bladder had bile; pancreas was cut; left kidney removed; uterus lining was cut; womb was cut through leaving 3/4" of a stump; womb was removed; bladder was healthy.

aka Marie Jeanette

Mary Kelly´s Wounds
Body in situ
Mary Kelly
The thighs were stripped; the abdomen was removed, abdominal cavity was empty; the breasts were cut off; arms were mutilated; Facial features were removed; the neck was severed down to the spine; left femur split from the hips donward, exposing the marrow cavity. The uterus, kidneys, and one breast were placed under the head; The other breast was by the right foot; The liver was placed between the feet; Intestines lay by the right side of the body; Flesh removed from the abdomen and thighs were placed on the table; The heart was absent from the room. Bed clothing and the right corner of the bed were saturated with blood; About two square feet of blood was below the bed; The wall by the right bedstead had several splashings of blood. The face was cut in all directions; Numerous cuts across all features; The neck was cut down to the vertebrae; The cuts showed distinct ecchymosis; The breasts were removed by quasi-circular incisions; Associated muscles attached to the breasts; Thorax visible through the cuts; Abdomen and costal arch to pubes removed; Front right thigh skinned down to the bone; Left thigh stripped of skin and muscle as far as the knee; The left calf had a long incision running from the knee to 5" above the ankle; Both arms and forearms had extensive jagged wounds; The right thumb had a 1" superficial cut, extravasation of the blood in the skin and several abrasions on the back of the hand; Lower part of the right lung was broken and torn away; Left lung intact; Pericardium was open and the heart absent; Partly digested food found in the abdominal cavity and in the stomach remains.