Middletown, New York, U.S.A.
30 April 1891
New York, April 30.
From significant remarks made by Acting Superintendent Byrnes and Captain O'Connor late last night there is little doubt that the murderer of Old Shakespeare is in custody. Both of these officers actually smiled for the first time in a week. They went so far as to day that the developments at the coroner's inquest today on the body of Carrie Brown would not only startle the public, but would practically unravel the mystery of the Cherry Hill tragedy.
Inspector Byrnes Declares They Have the Guilty Man in Custody
Special to the Daily Times
New York, April 30.
Inspector Byrnes declares this morning that Frenchy No. 1, who was arrested soon after the discovery of the Water street murder that has caused such a sensation, is Jack the Ripper.
He is still in custody. This man is known to have occupied the next room to the death chamber where the murdered woman was found.