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Maps of Whitechapel, 1888-1894
Courtesy of Casebook Productions

Below you will find three different maps of Whitechapel. The first two are ordinance maps - the first from 1888, the second from 1894. The third map is Charles Booth's 1889 map of London poverty. Booth color-coded various sections of London according to the level of poverty of each particular section. It is telling that many of the Whitechapel murders occurred in the areas marked in darker (i.e. poorer) colours.

These maps are of very high quality and may take a while to load on slower connections. Please be patient.

1888 Ordinance Survey Map of Whitechapel Area

1894 Ordinance Survey Map of Whitechapel Area

Charles Booth’s Map of London Poverty, 1889

Related pages:
       Official Documents: 1894 Ordinance Map of Whitechapel Division 
       Ripper Media: Jack the Ripper: Whitechapel Map 1888 
       Victorian London: Map of the Modern East End 
       Victorian London: Whitechapel: Then and Now