Two’s Company
Editorial by Adam Wood
The Butcher’s Row Suspect – Was He Jack the Ripper?
By Scott Nelson
The UK 2007 Conference at Wolverhampton
Catherine Eddowes – Wolverhampton to Whitechapel
Sherlock Holmes and Jack the Ripper
An exciting tale of the World’s Favourite Detective as he faces his greatest
challenge . . . tracking down the Whitechapel Murderer – Part Two
Press Trawl
Chris Scott returns with more from the news from the 19th century.
News and Views
I Beg to Report
From Dr Crippen's possible innocence to Atomic Age 'Ripper' Rock – you’ll
find it here
On the Crimebeat
Wilf Gregg reviews the latest additions to
the True Crime bookshelf.
This month’s new titles, including Catch Me When You Can, by Leanne Perry,
and The Prince, His Tutor and the Ripper by Deborah McDonald
We would like to acknowledge the valuable assistance given
by the following people in the production of this issue of
Ripperologist: Peter Blau, Peggy Perdue and the Arthur Conan
Doyle Collection, Toronto, Ontario, Canada....Thank you!
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The contents of Ripperologist No. 84 October 2007, including
the compilation of all materials and the unsigned articles,
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