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Most Recent Posts:
Maybrick, James: When Did "One Off" Take Off? - by John Wheat 41 minutes ago.
General Discussion: The blind man - by The Rookie Detective 48 minutes ago.
Maybrick, James: When Did "One Off" Take Off? - by Lombro2 3 hours ago.
Maybrick, James: When Did "One Off" Take Off? - by Lombro2 4 hours ago.
General Discussion: The blind man - by Tom_Wescott 4 hours ago.
Maybrick, James: The Diary — Old Hoax or New or Not a Hoax at All?​ - by C. F. Leon 6 hours ago.
Victims: How Many Victims? - by Lewis C 6 hours ago.
Rose Mylett: Dr. Anderson Knows Best? - by Lewis C 6 hours ago.

Most Popular Threads:
Maybrick, James: The Diary — Old Hoax or New or Not a Hoax at All?​ - (39 posts)
Doctors and Coroners: The kidney removal of Catherine Eddowes. - (31 posts)
Maybrick, James: When Did "One Off" Take Off? - (19 posts)
Other Mysteries: Bible John (General Discussion) - (9 posts)
Victims: How Many Victims? - (7 posts)
Maybrick, James: google ngrams - (5 posts)

Ripperologist No. 77: March 2007


The Trials of James Maybrick
Christopher T George weighs up entertainment and ‘Ripper events’.

A Parade before the Lord Mayor’s?
Don Souden counts the visitors to Millers Court on the night of Mary Kelly’s murder

A Coroner for All Seasons
Christopher T George reports on the life of the coroner at James Maybrick’s inquestt

Obituary: David Radka
Don Souden remembers the life of a Ripper theorist and prominent Casebook member, while Chris George outlines Mr Radka’s A?R theory.


The Victorian Larder
Jane Coram invites you to sample the East End delicacy that is apple fritters.

Press Trawl
Chris Scott returns with a bumper report from the North Eastern Daily Gazette of 1 October 1888.

News and Views

I Beg to Report
From a French video of the Ripper’s trial on YouTube to Paul the Ripper, if it happened, you’ll find it here.

Shawl for Sale
The auction of a shawl allegedly belonging to Catherine Eddowes makes national headlines.

A Headstone for Inspector Abberline’s Grave
The latest news on a proper marker for Fred’s final resting place.


Ripping Yarns
Dave Yost reviews Ripperology: The Best of Ripperologist

On the Crimebeat
Wilf Gregg reviews the latest additions to the True Crime bookshelf.

We would like to acknowledge the valuable assistance given by the following people in the production of this issue of Ripperologist: Andy Aliffe, Stewart P Evans, Peter Montana, Reinhard Radka, Helen Robson, Keith Skinner, Michael Stead, and Dave Yost. Thank you!

The views, conclusions and opinions expressed in signed articles, essays, letters and other items published in Ripperologist are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views, conclusions and opinions of Ripperologist or its editors. The views, conclusions and opinions expressed in unsigned articles, essays, news reports, reviews and other items published in Ripperologist are the responsibility of Ripperologist and its editorial team.

We occasionally use material we believe has been placed in the public domain. It is not always possible to identify and contact the copyright holder; if you claim ownership of something we have published we will be pleased to make a proper acknowledgement. The contents of Ripperologist No. 77 (March 2007), including the compilation of all materials and the unsigned articles, essays, news reports, reviews and other items are copyright © 2007 Ripperologist. The authors of signed articles, essays, letters, news reports, reviews and other items retain the copyright of their respective contributions. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted or otherwise circulated in any form or by any means, including digital, electronic, printed, mechanical, photocopying, recording or any other, without the prior permission in writing of Ripperologist. The unauthorised reproduction or circulation of this publication or any part thereof, whether for monetary gain or not, is strictly prohibited and may constitute copyright infringement as defined in domestic laws and international agreements and give rise to civil liability and criminal prosecution.